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How To Join A Raiding Guild Part 3: Fitting In

So you've found a guild and you think you've got the chops to run with the big boys now. You know your class well, you're all geared up, and ready to go. Though you may very well find acceptance in a top-tier raiding guild at this point, there is still one more hurdle to cross: they have to like you.

If it isn't evident by now, World of Warcraft is a social game and that covers everything from trade chat to the end-game experience. If you're not comfortable or friendly with the other 24 people running alongside you towards that next boss, you're not going to get anywhere. And if you're outright rude and abrasive, you'll find yourself tossed out the front door faster than Jazzy Jeff by Uncle Phil. My guild once had to let one of the best Warlocks on our server go not two weeks after he joined because he wouldn't shut up on Ventrilo and acted like a know-it-all.

If you're the silent type, don't fret. A lot of them will probably still accept you as long as you communicate to them in one way or another that you understand what's going on. In fact, the players that are going to find themselves in trouble are the loudmouths. That doesn't mean you can't socialize or talk with your fellow guildmates, but do know what your limits are and when to zip those lips.

Let me be clear that tolerance levels are going to be different for every guild, and the best way to figure that out is to simply look up their rules, which may be on their webpage or in their forums. Since you don't always know what people are going to be like before you join or become accepted, message boards are also a good way to get to know the "personality" of a guild beforehand. Who knows? You might decide that you don't really like them!

Learn how to fit in and you could be the next Sarah Jessica Parker! Don't and, well, you're doomed to be Amy Linker. Learn how to fit in and you could be the next Sarah Jessica Parker! Don't and, well, you're doomed to be Amy Linker.

But, as an officer of a progression raiding guild, I've encountered my fair share of malcontents and I do believe that there are some fairly common ground rules that should be followed no matter who you apply for:

  1. Be Social, Not Rude - I briefly touched on this already, but it's a good idea to get to know your fellow raiders in a friendly manner. If you're invited to join, talk them up in guild chat for awhile. Don't make cute jokes or sarcastic statements, and don't attempt to discuss topics that you don't know anything about. In general, make strides to get to know people, not insult them. Like any social group, people will eventually relax while they're around you, and once you've earned their trust, you'll be free to open up a little bit more. If you don't like making small talk, think of the conversation as an investment in your raid spot. There have been people who joined our guild in groups and some of them never once spoke up. You know what happened to them? We didn't invite them to raids because we had no idea who they were and, soon enough, they left or were kicked out of the guild.

  2. Don't Talk Over Officers - I cannot stress this enough! In a raid situation, let the raid leaders do the talking! Different guilds may have different policies concerning guild or raid chat, but Ventrilo is a whole different beast. If you've used voice chat before, then you know how confusing it can be when too many people try to talk at once. It sounds like an echo chamber and it's impossible to figure out what anybody is saying. Deal with that in the middle of an encounter and you can chalk up yet another wipe. If communication is essential (and it is), then knowing when to keep your mouth shut is just as important as knowing when to open it. And, on occasion, you should do that too! Certain fights can be dependent on players calling out when they're under the effect of a certain condition (often spells or debuffs cast by the boss), but generally only do this when the officers ask for it before the fight begins.

  3. Participate - Like knowing when to speak up in rule number one, participating can also raise your position in a guild. Being known as the kind of player who is willing to help fellow guildies can go a very long way. This doesn't mean you necessarily have to lend a hand at every given opportunity, but try your best to run instances with all your new friends and show up on time for raids, even if you're not guaranteed a spot to go. Merely being available is a good thing. Coupling availability with a well-geared character and knowing how to play can be a great thing! We've had numerous people come and go from our guild over the years. Some have been around nearly as long as the officers have and yet show no signs of increased activity or the desire to ascend in the ranks. Others have earned premiere raid spots mere weeks after joining. How do they do that? They act cordially, demonstrate that they know how to play, and participate as much as possible. The officers will notice those who are making an effort (and, subsequently, delivering during raids), rewarding them accordingly.

  4. Deal With It - Develop a thick skin and do it quick. No matter how friendly your guildmates are, there will inevitably be some aspects of the experience that you find undesirable. Another member's personality bothering you? Unless it's obvious harassment, learn to tolerate it, especially if you're the only one with a problem. If you're not the only one with a problem, then it will soon become evident as even the officers tip-toe around conversations with said person. Chances are, their days with the guild will shortly be over. Not satisfied with the gear situation? Tough. There are several ways for a guild to determine how loot is distributed, and often you'll know what it is before you join. If you don't like it, then respectfully decline membership. Common systems amongst raiding guilds include DKP (an officer-administered point system that tends to reward participation) and loot council (which utilizes the wisdom of the officers to give drops to those who need it most -- easily corruptible when done wrong, but one of the best methods if done right). Both types are intended to eventually spread gear drops evenly amongst those who consistently show up to raids. And what about those asshole raid leaders yelling at people over Ventrilo? Well, the fact of the matter is that some people don't do what they're supposed to be doing, and that can quickly lead to frustration. A good leader will develop tolerance of their own, but everybody has their breaking point. Listen well? Know how to play? Then you're in good shape. Constantly messing up and potentially wiping the raid? Take the criticism on the chin and improve your performance for next time. Nothing is more frustrating that consistently bad performers who refuse to better themselves.

If these conditions seem too harsh, remember that I'm trying to help you join a good progression raiding guild. Those without such strict policies are doomed to failure, and casual guilds, in general, are going to be more lenient with disruptive behavior.

To some, everything I've communicated in these articles is going to seem like common sense, but my experience as an officer time and time again has proven to me that a lot of people out there playing the game still have no clue what is expected of them in a serious raiding environment. To everyone else, I hope I've equipped you with the tools and knowledge to find a future home. Look at it this way: we want you in our guild! From a recruiter's perspective, it's extremely hard to find good, quality raiders. Some have gear, but not skill. Others have skill, but a bad attitude. Yet more have the gear and the skills, but never actually attend raids when we need them to. Be the whole package, and we'd be happy to have you along for the ride.

Of course, if you're still having a hard time or have any further questions, post them below and I'll be happy to provide you with some good advice in due time!

Reader Comments (4)

First block?

September 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEuphony

Nice post amatera, and you're really right about having to know when to be quiet. There's nothing more obnoxious that someone who tries to do the raid leaders job or won't shut up xD

September 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEuphony

i used to be in a guild with my lvl 80 death knight, and there was this one person who annoyed everyone, we lost several or our best raiders and many off my mates to his atitude, eventually i got sick of the guild leader doing nothing about it because in his words, "we need the geared raiders". 2 weeks down the line and im in a more cassual guild that i orriginaly left for more hard core raiding, and as im going about brewfest i notice that the old guild leader is guildless, so i asked him what happened and he replied " the guild is dead, to many expirienced raiders left" and i just thought about how ironic it was.

September 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercommenter

first off I'm not going to say Guilds are bad or anything. If you find 1 you like in all aspects of it. then so be it. IMO guilds can be fun but to be in a hardcore raiding guild isn't for me since I'm not able to partisipate in much since I work nights and sleep most of the day which leaves me the weekend to play which is done non stop till the day i have to go back to work hence the 48 hour slugfest on WoW , lol. It's my experience to find good friends who know your skill and raid with them when you have the time to do so. It's what i do and i get along ok with it. If I had the time I'd play alot more but you got to make money to keep a roof over your head and food in the stomach and hopefully have enough left over to pay the usage fees to play the game you love so much. Alot of good gilds will in a pinch throw in a PUGer or 2 to fill slots an specifiic roles. so if you're a well know player in the game and get along with people and help out when you can and (get to know players in serious raiding guilds) you may like me get the opertunity to get into some raids with them. you never know till you try.

Good Luck to all.

September 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteralex

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