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Brewfest 2009: We Need A Lie Detector!

Does His Belt Have Hearts On It? Does His Belt Have Hearts On It?

We are progressing into day four of our celebration of all things beer (hic!) and I've already come across a few scoundrels.  Not once, but twice - 66% of the time for those keeping score at home - I've been in a group where some horrible human being lied to the group.  That's right, I am complaining about people criminals lying about their ability to Insult Coren Direbrew, the Brewfest boss.

The main issue isn't that a group can't figure out if someone is lying, it's that we find out too late.  Thanks to the quest starting inside BRD, we don't have any idea who's telling the truth until we are already there.  At that point we don't have an easy way to figure out who is lying, just that someone is!  You can deduce the culprit - kicking people from the group to watch the number on the quest log change, or not - but one of my groups folded to the liar because he was the tank.  Turns out that wasting additional time is of higher consequence than losing the Ram to a liar.

If Direbrew was the only summonable boss, then it really wouldn't be an issue.  But he's not.  Coren is only one of three quest-based summonable bosses that I can think of off the top of my head.  Ahune of Midsummer Fire Festival fame, and the Headless Horsemen of Hallow' End being the other two bosses that we truthful people routinely get screwed on.

Blizzard, if you are listening we citizens of Azeroth would love for this archaic form of treachery to be a thing of the past.  Please allow us to see who is eligible for the quest before we travel all over the lands.  Or at the very least, make deducing the liar a quick and painless process when we do arrive.

In the interest of screwing these bastards out of their ninjaing opportunities please make sure to see that everyone has the quest before the first summon!  No mount drops for me yet, how about you?  Anyone lucky enough to score anything fun/useful?  Solidsamm finally managed to drop his Pocketwatch for a nice beer coaster.  Rolled a 4 on the remote, and a 22 on the barmaid trinket.  Hope you've had better luck.

Reader Comments (30)

Got my Ram today :)

And the tanks trinkets last week :)

September 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDiego Camargo

no remote no ram no kodo, just the boe mace and a trinket i can summon a useless female dwarf lol. but i enjoy it and not gonna bitch about mounts or gear cuz its a game not life

September 26, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpoz18

new lvl 8o warrior tank looking for a good gear come-up>>>
who doesnt love beer and good drops - so i'm really hoping to get the mace to actually tank with - its a hard hitting one/hand perfect for a guy hoping to get into heroics soon - just my second day doing the daily the mace drops and but sure enough i lose the roll - what happens next is insane --- the kodo and the ram drop and i win BOTH OF THEM!!
- the player that won the mace begs me to trade for the ram but i'll take my chance that i might still get it before the holiday ends

September 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenteralmostNOVA

I refuse to fight the mob till I see [4] in the quest log next to "insult coren direbrew"

Sure might take a little time to replace the person who doesn't have the quest. But it's worth it to shut out someone that's trying to screw you over.

I actually had a mage put together a group, lie to me and say that everyone had the quest, then when we all got there, it turned out he didn't have it.

His rationale was "well i put the group together, and I can port everyone afterwards."

I told him to go to hell, reformed the group, and we found a 5th dps with a summon in about 10 seconds in LFG chat. Since there was a warlock in the group we were rolling in no time.

(BTW I got both ram and kodo on Rhev this year, yay)

September 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRhev (Koopa's ex-GM)

Brewfest is a fun holiday. Now with the achievement system in place, it is even more fun. Seriously, I get to chuck mugs at dwarves.

Last year it was hard because I farmed my summons diligently (in a full group of summons) and never saw either mount nor the remote drop. This year, I was much more relaxed about it. And what do you know - I won the ram for my main and the remote on an alt. :) Preferably, I would have the kodo because it looks much cooler in my eyes.

I haven't had much problems with ninja or lying about the ability to summon, though mayhaps that is because I ran with either my brothers guild (Rounders) or my own most of the time. Our realm is also very good about informing other players of the bad behavior and excluding said players. Only a couple times this year has someone not had a summon available, but in both instances they were upfront about it. One was because we needed a tank and he was also a fellow member of the guild, and the other a friend.

Like others have said, it is just a game. I refuse to make myself feel miserable about it because players like that are not worth dwelling upon. Report their epic fail in trade channel (without spamming it, please), then let it go.

October 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAliok (Malfurion-Horde)

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