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Brewfest 2009: We Need A Lie Detector!

Does His Belt Have Hearts On It? Does His Belt Have Hearts On It?

We are progressing into day four of our celebration of all things beer (hic!) and I've already come across a few scoundrels.  Not once, but twice - 66% of the time for those keeping score at home - I've been in a group where some horrible human being lied to the group.  That's right, I am complaining about people criminals lying about their ability to Insult Coren Direbrew, the Brewfest boss.

The main issue isn't that a group can't figure out if someone is lying, it's that we find out too late.  Thanks to the quest starting inside BRD, we don't have any idea who's telling the truth until we are already there.  At that point we don't have an easy way to figure out who is lying, just that someone is!  You can deduce the culprit - kicking people from the group to watch the number on the quest log change, or not - but one of my groups folded to the liar because he was the tank.  Turns out that wasting additional time is of higher consequence than losing the Ram to a liar.

If Direbrew was the only summonable boss, then it really wouldn't be an issue.  But he's not.  Coren is only one of three quest-based summonable bosses that I can think of off the top of my head.  Ahune of Midsummer Fire Festival fame, and the Headless Horsemen of Hallow' End being the other two bosses that we truthful people routinely get screwed on.

Blizzard, if you are listening we citizens of Azeroth would love for this archaic form of treachery to be a thing of the past.  Please allow us to see who is eligible for the quest before we travel all over the lands.  Or at the very least, make deducing the liar a quick and painless process when we do arrive.

In the interest of screwing these bastards out of their ninjaing opportunities please make sure to see that everyone has the quest before the first summon!  No mount drops for me yet, how about you?  Anyone lucky enough to score anything fun/useful?  Solidsamm finally managed to drop his Pocketwatch for a nice beer coaster.  Rolled a 4 on the remote, and a 22 on the barmaid trinket.  Hope you've had better luck.

Reader Comments (30)

Today was the first Kodo mount drop I saw and I lost it with a bang, the winner really wanted it as much as me so couldnt even buy it off him... And I've killed coren about 60-70 times and only seen 1 mount drop it just makes me feel blue... Speaking of blue I saw a "noob" in full blues with the Kodo and I wanted to cry almost... even though I can get my Violet Proto tomorrow at the latest it will still suck if I dont get the kodo, for the entire duration of the event, even seen the iLvl226 BoE drop twice ( and lost both times...), used the Hops that turn your current mount to Kodo with my alt (since I have to save those tokens on my achievement whore main for achis) and it was so awesome feeling mount. If all else fails I'm gonna try get as much gold collected as I can and try to buy my way to more Coren kills and hopefully to even buy the mount from a winner of the roll ( since I'm always unlucky with those)

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlyfanitor

ive gotten both of the brew maiden trinkets and the boe mace so far...not really anything else i really car about from that guy...sure the kodo maybe or the remote but imo the remote loses its usefulness after brewfest ends unless you are gonna run someone through BRD but imo there no point in even starting in the middle of that place

as far as the liars go...i havent been unfortunate enough to be screwed over yet simply because i have yet to pug that guy but blizzard should do something to help fix the problem

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLittleraven

After running Direbrew AT LEAST 5x (I'd go more if asked (I'm a tank) and I ALWAYS told the groups I had already burned my sumon) per day last year and losing the roll the ONE TIME the kodo dropped (Ram never dropped for me), this year I have lost the roll on the Kodo twice in three days! UGH! At least I got the trinkets I need for my toons.

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30

Got the ram and the mace and the remote, just need the kodo to complete the set :'(

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZumo

Easiest way is to see if you have carbonite it will tell you who is on the quest with you. If they are not and they play dumb. Boot them. There is always someone available to replace them and given the fact that Direbrew can be taken down by any group in ilevel 185-200 gear makes it all the easier to get replacements.

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterUrziel

just an FYI, when you pick up the repeatable quest from the spy guy, you can share it with your party. If it says "LyingMcJerkface" isn't eligible, then he's lying about having the summon and you can punt him before he has a chance to roll.
Or you can tell everyone to get the quest and check to see how many nearby party members are on it. It's not as elegant as a "LIAR" sign over someone's head before you get there, but it can help.

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGaudim

Yesterday Kodo Dropped on my summon on my hunter. Lost with an 88 roll to a 98 :(

Also the Ram dropped on my priests summon. Lost with a 26 to 4 much higher rolls.

While the drop luck was on my side, the roll luck was not. People in my guild want to group with me now in hopes of robbing me of my ram ;_;

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan

Got the Brewfest Kodo this year (and already have the remote from last year). Not sure why I bother doing the direbrew daily, but I guess having a healer is handy.

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

I got the Kodo the other night (finally).

As far as the quest thing goes, I thought that if you open your quest log to show the number of party members on the quest, you can hover your mouse over that number and it shows who else in the party is on the quest.

I seem to recall that happening... I don't have a mod or anything that gives me that information.

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVarulus

I haven't gotten burned yet since I've been mainly grouping with trusted guildies, but last night I did see the exact same Brawler's Souvenir drop 4x in a row! /cry.

It must be because you're Ally. Hordies would never lie ;)

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpixiestixy

It'd be nice if Blizzard did do something about the lying, but would be a bunch of development time for something so minute.

LOL @ one of the other bloggers trolling :)

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlinkz

when ever someone lie i just go to the nearest city and spam thier name saying, whomever is a ninja they are a liar. do not take them into the group to summon anything. i also add the so called truthfull person to my friends list with a little note something to the effect brewfest ninja. wait till i see they are in a city and repeat my little banter. and most of the time i am not the only one who does this. people should know their are consequences for lies.

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKERTH

Got both the mounts, the boe mace, and the remote.

Just need the title.

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterElliria

Who cares if they are liying?

This is a group effort so all people can roll for the loot.
It´s their right...

I seeing here too much jealousy...

Ye i´m in full blue equipment and i have a ram. So what???

The stupidest post ever in here

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKeltoroq

"Who cares if they are liying?"

That's the stupidest post ever in here (even aside from the spelling mistake).

Take it to the extreme... you make a group, and four people lie about having the quest available. You want the dps trinket and the Kodo. Both drop and you lose out on both and then everyone goes "I don't have q... gg cya kkthxbai".

And then there's the ultimate when you were lying as well... you get there and no one has the quest. Rofl.

Fortunately, there is a solution... take a warlock (preferably trustworthy) and have a wide selection of guildmates or friends to pick replacements from.

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPegraath

You even remotely believe someone is lying i make them summon first if not i kick and replace. I pretty much always go last in the groups i create so that i know everyone else has a summon

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkyle Massin

I was in Brewfest yesterday, and both Ram and Kodo dropped :)
I got the Ram <3

September 23, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDr. Jones

Yes, Pegraath there are spelling mistakes.
Not my native language so bear with me.

It´s still just a matter of being jealous.

You win some and you loose some.
People lie to you to get something.
As in life, in the game people are people.

And yes, it´s a stupid post. The same opinion stays.

And a long time ago i decided that will not make me angry...

Ps: Is the spelling better now?

September 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKeltoroq

Have PUG'ed Direbrew every day now, haven't had 1 liar in group at all.

Though unfortunately it seemed my server (and according to the forums, lots more) had "made" liars, due to a bug in the Daily Quest counter, which would jump to 25/25 when entering an instance. Though it seems this was fixed the next day, it must have been hell for some people, lots have been called liars and ninjas.
My brother was fortunate to be in a group of rather social players who decided to stay nice, though ofcourse we lost his attempt (he was 4th to "Insult Corin")

September 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDan-EU

I got the ram, on the 3rd/4th attempt one week, I then on my attempt (I went last) tried to turn in the quest, but a bug wouldn't let me (According to BRD I had 25 dailies completed so couldnt turn in more, but anywhere else I had done 14). The group were annoyed, but luckily believed me since they were all guildies. I also was very lucky that I won with a 28 roll, I just hope I can get the kodo!
17 mounts off of my Blue Dragonhawk! =P

September 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPhanttas

Happened to me just on Tuesday, Sept.22. We had a fairly good group together.

Me (Hunter)
Tank (Druid)
DK x2

So we go in, gather at the boss, and start the encounter with the Rogue's summon. 15 seconds later, Coren is dead.

Tank summons next and, again, 15 seconds later Coren is dead.

I summon and we kill Coren in 15 seconds.

And then we just stand there.

Me: *poke DK #1* Um... your turn to summon.
DK #1: Oh, I already did this earlier.
DK #2: Me too.

I dismiss both DKs before I start screaming at them. Luckily, neither won any loot. Both of them started bitching at us afterwards for booting them and getting a Dwarf Warrior (my guild boss) and a Pally to replace them.

Those two actually helped us shave 6 seconds off our kill times ^_^

Both DKs kept whispering insults at me the rest of the night thinking this would somehow make me see their poitn of view in all this and beg their forgiveness. Please, I undercut people in AH almost daily, the insults I get from sellers is 100X worse than anything they could dream up.

September 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

No ram or Kodo for me yet :(

I discovered a new problem on my first run (because i saw stupid enough to do it).

There was a slight amount of confusion as to who made the first summon and both me and another turned in the quest at the same time, leading them all to believe i never had the quest.

When i realised i had totally f****d up i passed on all the loot, just cos it would have been unfair if i had won something someone else needed.

Luckily for me and the group nothing valuable dropped so no one missed out.

Was that Chivalry or Idiocy to pass??

September 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSaeth

Liars haven't been my problem (thankfully, as of yet) with regards to Direbrew. My bane has come in the form of lazy people, unwilling to make an effort to travel to BRD to aid in summoning other party members. This, in effect, says that they want a chance at great loot without having to put in the least of all efforts into the equation, and that they are selfish enough to sit on their asses in Orgrimmar or Dalaran while someone else calls a taxi cab for them.

I'm a tank, not a taxi. I can DPS - I don't drive a limo. If people want in on a shot at loot, they should make the damn effort to get their asses over there - rather than sitting around and waiting for Yellow Cab to show up at their homestead and honk the horn.

September 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterVic

Like Vic, I have not had a problem with liars but rather lazy people who only believe in "speed levelling" and "no flight paths." The example I give comes from last night when someone in our party showed how LAZY they are by not having a single flight path in Eastern Kingdoms. Yes, NONE in the whole continent. They felt it was not worth being over there for levelling other than arathi and stv, yet I wonder how they get to arathi without a flight point. Even a mage gets paid for portals and warlocks get thanked tons (at least on my server) for their services. PLEASE think about the other people you might group with and at least do them the courtesy of having a nearby flight path if you want to do something like Direbrew or Ahune or such.

Did get to see the tankard in a run last night but did not win the roll. No mount has come up in my trips yet but don't be silly and ask over trade if anyone has even gotten it to drop yet. Heard a rumor that it was even harder to get this year. Have had every person around have to rub it in by stopping at me ever since and prance on their fresh new mount. Makes me want to get the Ony mount and make it do /mountspecial at them in return.

September 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLadyWolf

i got the ram and the kodo on the same run ....LAST YEAR .=)

September 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRayl

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