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Brewfest 2009: Festivities Extended for 2 Extra Days

This Brewfest Kodo is not mine.

I know, I know. I gave Brewfest a hard time when it first started up. On top of my frustrations with blurry screens and fatigued rams, Blizzard was working through some bugs that prevented players from properly using their mugs to bonk dwarves attempting to steal beer kegs. Then, as if that wasn't enough, serious server stability issues set in after the unexpected release of Patch 3.2.2.

But I suppose I ruled out this merry holiday a bit too soon, and have since grown to enjoy even those aspects that previously were driving me insane. Which is why I'm happy to report that Bornakk announced today the event has been extended for an additional two days:
"Brewfest is a time of year where the focus is placed squarely on the celebration of fun and food. In order to give everyone enough time to truly experience this event (and after some fine tuning on the part of the event organizers), we will be extending the event two additional days. The festivities will end on October 5th at 11:59PM, so don’t miss it."

Yes, it seems Blizzard has taken notice of our frustrations with bugged-out quests and lagged-out ram racing, and in compensation has decided to give us extra days to earn those all-important Brewfest tokens. Now that we've memorized the perfect routes for the Bark For.. quests, perfected the timing of whipping our mighty rams to go faster and learned (the hard way) that not all pugs are trustworthy when it comes to winning loot, we have the opportunity to get a little more out of the event.

Personally, I got the Brewmaster title a couple of days ago by selling back my Brewfest garb before purchasing the Brew of the Month membership. But as a starting-out collector of vanity gear, I'm looking forward to getting a couple of pieces back. Plus, more chances at the ram or kodo mounts, and that mighty (and highly auction-able) BoE Tankard O' Terror. I'll drink to that!

Reader Comments (9)

Yeah! Now that i have Brewmaster, i can get mroe tokens to renew my BotM membership ( Had it from last year)

First also.

September 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLar

eleventeenth wat now beat that

September 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSlayer

I've seen the kodo drop twice out of a week and a half of doing about 10 direbrew runs a day. /frustration. I recently faction swapped and dearly miss my black war kodo. it'd be nice to have a brewfest one just for old time's sake.

September 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTheUberDork

I got the ram the other day, and should be gettin Brewmaster tomorrow if I can get enough tokens from ram racing. All I got left is to get the tankard if for no other reason to to sell it. Love me some Brewfest!!

September 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

I got Brewfest in under a week...because I had actually bought (and SAVED) the brewfest garb way back in 2007 on multiple characters. (I have the yellow mug too and also got the keg back then.) That gave me plenty of time to get the Brew of the Month and pet this year.

(I skipped Brewfest in 2008. Not sure why. I think I was busy with "stuff". Now I wish I got that blue mug.)

September 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

the brewfest is great way for me to improve my weapons, but as i looked at myself, i saw that i was wearing broken bottle and a mug for weapons, i know i should be happy that i improved my weapons, but its kinda sad walking around with this weapons.

give more weapons please.

October 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterwolverin

I ended up doing some quick preplanning last year.
You see in 2007 (when I first started playing) I was saving all my tickets (thats what it was first) for the mount (as you could purchase it that year) 600 tickets and the Ram was yours. Sadly I was sick the last 2 days and missed out. So I tossed the tickets in the back of my bank for the next year.
Then when it came around in 2008 I figured I would do a days worth of Brewfest dailies and have the mount. Sadly 2008 was the year it had to be farmed from Coren, so now I had all these tickets (I exchanged them for tokens of course) to spend and not much was of interest. Well, around that time is when achievements were about to be implemented. So, I went ahead and purchased a full brewfest set (which look supurb with both yellow & blue mugs) Did the dailies and picked up the membership.
Once this years came around, I did the dailies, waited for the boss to spawn and had my title the very first night.
I have seen the tankard 5 times (no wins yet) and each mount once. All I really want is the mount, either one is fine, but one will do.
Thanks for the extra days Blizz!! Now fix my random roll so I can will the durn thin!!

October 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRogue4Life

Which is why I’m happy to report that Bornakk announced today the event has been extended for an additional >>>THREE<<< days:

Might wanna fix that =)

October 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZreena

i FINALLY get the BoE mace, just to find out its only 600g on my server. i'm prolly gonna save it up until like december, then sell it. otherwise i'ma keep it for my DK

October 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJessiness

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