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New Icecrown Details Emerge

The Forge of Souls

With patch 3.2.2 now live, the next major patch on the radar is patch 3.3. It introduces three new 5-man dungeons with both normal and heroic modes, as well as Icecrown Citadel, the flagship raid of Wrath of the Lich King where players will face off against Arthas.

The 5 man instances will be three wings of "the Frozen Halls." Players will be assisting one of their faction's heroes, either Sylvanas Windrunner or Jaina Proudmoore, as they infiltrate Icecrown Citadel through an alternative entrance while the Argent Crusade and Knights of the Ebon Blade attack the main gates. An epic questline will lead players through the three instances, and players must participate in the questline in order to get attuned to the second and third dungeons.


The first wing, The Forge of Souls, tasks players with assisting their faction's hero to destroy machines known as "soul grinders." The instance has two bosses who operate the machines: Bronjahm, the Godfather of Souls, and The Devourer of Souls.

The second wing, Pit of Saron, is home to Scourgelord Tyrannus. Players will free soldiers of their faction to assist them in combating Tyrannus. It is not clear who or what this "Saron" is. Players will apparently get clues as to where Arthas' private chambers outside of the Frozen Throne are. Three bosses inhabit this instance: Forgemaster Garfrost, Krick and Ick, and
Scourgelord Tyrannus.

The final hall, the Halls of Refection, seems to house Frostmourne, the legendary weapon that the Lich King wields. Players, accompanied by their faction's hero, will ultimately confront Arthas. It is unknown how this encounter will progress. Two encounters exist in this instance: Falric and Marwyn, and The Lich King.

More information can be dug up at the official World of Warcraft website.

KT, EoE213Naxx
IC 5 mans219
Ulduar hard226Ulduar, KT/EoE
232Ulduar weapons
IC heroics
239Ulduar hard
CC hard245CC
258CC hard
IC Raid??
??IC raid

This information is flooring. Not only is it a lore-gasm, but the loot here is astoundingly good. Players can grab iLevel 219 loot in the normal version of the instances, and iLevel 232 gear in the heroic version. That puts the normal mode on par with Ulduar 10-man, and the heroic version gear on par with 10 man Crusader's Coliseum loot. The full, updated iLevel chart is on the left.

The first two wings seem to introduce new characters as bosses, but the final wing, Halls of Reflection, bring back Arthas' two old commanders, Falric and Marwyn as bosses. It was unconfirmed prior to this announcement if they were truly undead. They were last seen accompanying Arthas into King Terenas II's chamber to slaughter him and signal the downfall of the human kingdom of Lordaeron. And who knows of what nature the encounter with Arthas will have? He will not be defeated here, as he is the final boss of the 10/25 man raid instance. Jaina is seeking any humanity left of him, so perhaps this will be some shade of Arthas' soul.

I, for one, look forward to accompanying Sylvanas to hunt Arthas to the death.

Reader Comments (11)

first, lol. i actually dont think releasing so much content before cataclysm is a good idea. but no one listens to warlocks anyway...i do have one question though, WHEN DO THEY PUT THIS ON THE PTR?!?! :D:D:D

September 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDestellin

First! sorry i had too...
anyway very good read, i cant believe that we can get 232 gear from heroics now! ticks me off a bit after multiply raping toc and ulduar for those 10 percent drops...
hopefully itll be the hardest 5 man instance or something.

September 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjrakthorn

damn it dest... xD

September 30, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjrakthorn


September 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDestellin


I guess we will see 3.3 Patch Notes Monday, and PTR the following Friday.

But damn. With all of the hubabaloo about Cataclysm, hearing this brings me back to what Wrath is about.

Were doing it. The Lich King will fall!

For the Alliance!

September 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterOctaviax

Well think about it, Destillin. They brought along ToC 5 for 3.2, so you really shouldn't be surprised that they'll be giving i232 stuff for the new heroics. I do understand where you're coming from, but on the plus side you just might get that elusive trinket upgrade you've been looking for. The ICC 5 heroics still won't compare to doing ToC 25/ ToC 10 heroic.

September 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlayea

thats what dks armor should be :) skulls on thier shoulders

September 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDr.Awesome

DK's do have skulls on their shoulders, don't they? :o

As for the dwarf's armor, i think it's warlock tier 5 :o

September 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAequor

Sounds Preety Awesome :D
Wonder what if Arthas' fight will be has hard Illidan at 70, or even harder, would be a tough challenge to see who would down him first, the achievement should be worth 175 points (25 man)

October 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTh3Mac

Holy crap! This looks amazing! Cant wait to fight Arthas. Cant wait for the new lore info as well. Have a lot to look forward to! Thanks for the sweet stuff Heart!

October 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNaberian

Am I the ONLY one who noticed that the aforementioned mystery character "Saron" has a VERY similar name to "Sauron", the famous LotR character? :-)

Other then that, yes this is very Lore-gasm. I am quite excited to see how Blizzard will handle the whole confrontation of Arthas, and by the looks of it they are taking it nice and slowly with lots of epic lore-related parts. And this makes me very happy :-)

October 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkhazzhar

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