
Jewelcrafting was introduced with the Burning Crusade and allows a player to create jewelry such as rings, necklaces, and trinkets. At later levels, it also allows a player to cut raw gems into gems which can be placed into sockets of high end equipment. These gems can give many different bonuses to damage, haste, base stats, and more. This allows a piece of equipment to be tailored to a specific character's desires. Gems cannot be removed, but sockets can be re-gemmed. This destroys the gem that was first inserted. [tab:Shopping List]

Approximate Materials Required

(through 350 skill)

Copper Bar x 40
Rough Stone x 80
Tigerseye x 20
Bronze Bar x 80
Silver Bar x 60
Heavy Stone x 80
Moss Agate x 30
Mithril Bar x 80
Truesilver Bar x 60
Citrine x 15
Elemental Water x 20
Aquamarine x 45
Flask of Mojo x 60
Thorium Bar x 190
Star Ruby x 5
Heart of the Wild x 40
Large Opal x 20
Blue Sapphire x 40
Azerothian Diamond x 10
Huge Emerald x 20
Uncommon Level Gems* x 75
Adamantite Powder x 80
Primal Earth x 20
Adamantite Bar x 15
Rare Level Gems ** x 45
*Blood Garnet, Flame Spessarite, Deep Peridot, Shadow Draenite, Golden Draenite, or Azure Moonstone **Dawnstone, Living Ruby, Nightseye, Noble Topaz, Star of Elune, or Talasite [tab:Leveling] 1-20 | 20-30 | 30-50 | 50-75 | 75-80 |80-110 |110-120 | 120-150 | 150-180 | 180-200 | 200-210 |210-225 |225-250 | 250-255 | 255-265 | 265-275 | 275-285 | 285-290 |290-300 |300-335 | 300-320 | 305-325 | 315-335 | 325-335 | 335-350 |350-365 |365-375 | 365-370 | 370-375 [tab:Complementary professions]


The most useful skill to have when leveling up Jewelcrafting is Mining. This allows a jewelcrafter not only to make the bars needed for many pieces of jewelry, but more importantly to mine ore for prospecting, which produces gems to make both jewelry and cut gems from. Any ore or bars that are not needed can also be sold to make money to buy new recipes.


Expensive if you choose to level both at the same time, having the ability to both transmute and cut meta gems can give alchemists a good source of income on the auction house or in trade channels. [tab:Money] Prospecting and cutting gems are where a jewelcrafter will make most of his money. The highest cost for a jewelcrafter is purchasing recipes for cut gems. There are many desirable gems for each color, and checking the Auction House will allow a jewelcrafter to decide which gems to cut, or whether it might be more profitable to simply sell raw gems. A common practice is tipping jewelcrafters for cutting a raw gem. The most profitable time for a jewelcrafter is when new gear is available, such as new seasons of arena or new badge loot becoming available. [tab:END]

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Why Can't I Get...

ScopeTo quote a famous song, "You can't always get what you want. But if you try sometimes you might find you get what you need."

Just because you farm for hours, does not mean you will get all those mats that you 'need'. Just like life, WoW is random. I've gotten blue and purple drops back to back in a one hour session, a Recipe for Savory Deviate Delight before I knew what it was for and even three drops on my second run in Gruul's.

Then again I've spent days and days trying to farm Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth and finally bought it off the AH.

So when you're bitchin' about not get those motes of fire or the elusive Schematic: Stabilized Eternium Scope , just remember, life, and WoW life, is random.

And that you get what you need.

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Leatherworkers craft items from leather skinned from beasts. Some of the most powerful leather and mail armor is available from leatherworking. Three specializations are available at skill level 225 - Dragonscale, Elemental, and Tribal Leatherworking. Each allows crafting of armor with stats geared toward a different leather or mail wearing class. Leatherworkers can also make armor kits to enhance pieces of armor for Chest, Leg, Hand, and Feet slots with extra armor, defense, stats, or resistances. A common trend is for raiders to take leatherworking since it enables the crafting and use of drums such as the Drums of Battle, which are powerful buffs when used correctly. [tab:Shopping List]

Approximate Leather Required

Light Leather x 335
Medium Hide x 25
Heavy Leather x 300
Cured Heavy Hide x 20
Thick Leather x 380
Rugged Leather x 410
Knothide Leather Scraps x 100
Knothide Leather x 365
Heavy Knothide Leather x 170
Fel Scales x 30
Thick Clefthoof Leather x 30

Vendor Purchasable Materials

Coarse thread x 190
Salt x 25
Fine Thread x 140
Gray Dye x 25
Silken Thread x 99
Black Dye x 40
Rune Thread x 85
[tab:Leveling] 1-35 | 35-55 | 55-85 | 85-110 | 110-125 |125-165 |165-180 | 180-190 | 190-200 | 200-220 | 220-239 |239-250 |250-260 | 260-275 | 265-290 | 290-300 | 300-310 | 310-325 |325-335 |335-350 | 350-365 | 365-375 [tab:Complementary professions]


This is the only real useful skill to couple while leveling leatherworking, skinning allows a player to collect all of the materials needed for skilling up and crafting most items. Any other profession is viable as long as materials are not a concern, such as when leatherworking is taken after leveling up with a good inflow of money in order to make drums. [tab:Money] Leatherworkers can sell a few different items for profit. Reinforced Mining Bags are useful for miners farming ore, and hunters will want Quivers and Ammo Bags. Another item that many players purchase is the Riding Crop, which increases mounted speed by 10%. The recipe is from a vendor inside the Old Hillsbrad instance. [tab:END]

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Miners can harvest ore from mining veins and smelt it into bars at a forge. These bars are used by a few different crafting professions, including Blacksmithing, Engineering, and Jewelcrafting. Jewelcrafters also use raw ore for prospecting, which produces gems from 5 pieces of ore. Motes of Earth are also found while mining high level nodes. [tab:Leveling] 1-65 | 65-125 | 125-175 | 175-245 | 245-300 | 300-325 | 325-375

[tab:Complementary professions]


Useful to a wide range of classes, Jewelcrafters can make rings, trinkets, necklaces, and gems for sockets from mining products. Prospecting ore from mining can create extra gems to sell to others, as well.


Metal bars are used in many schematics for engineering, as are raw stones found while mining. Combined with mining, a character can have a steady supply of primals, other than life and fire.


Characters looking to create some useful crafted mail armor, plate armor, or melee weapons can pick up Blacksmithing. The primary component of these items will be bars of metal smelted from ore.


Mining and skinning is a classic pair of professions used to make money. Find Minerals can be kept active at all times to track mining nodes while killing and skinning beasts for leather.


Not quite as effective as skinning, since only one tracking skill can be active at once, mining and herbalism can produce a good amount of money. This pair can also supply another character with materials and money for plenty of crafting. [tab:Money] Miners are able to sell both raw ore and smelted bars to other players, not to mention the gems found when mining. Nearly every type of ore and bar will sell, and make sure to check prices for ore vs bars. Fel Iron and Adamantite are the most desired type of ores for high-end Jewelcrafters, as they can yield rare gems from prospecting. Stones that are mined are also used by a good number of recipes for Engineering and Blacksmithing. Primal Earth, while not as valuable as other Primals, can also be sold for a good amount of money. A great way to finding mining nodes is to use an addon such as Gatherer or Cartographer, which keeps track of all possible spawn locations for ore. [tab:END]

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Hellfire Ramparts

Hellfire Ramparts is the first part of Hellfire Citadel, and is the first instance encountered by players entering the Outlands. The main type of enemy found in Ramparts is the Fel Orc (humanoid), sometimes accompanied by wolves (beasts). There are three boss encounters in the instance. First is Watchkeeper Gargolmar, next is Omor the Unscarred, followed by Vazruden and his mount Nazan. Enemies in Ramparts will earn you Honor Hold or Thrallmar reputation depending on your faction. Heroic Mode requires Honored reputation or above along with the [Flamewrought Key] which can be purchased from the appropriate Quartermaster.

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Alts Are Like Candy


You ever get to the point on your main WoW toon that the game seems to loose it's luster? Days in AV for honor points or hours Raiding Hyjal for the chance at a drop that 20 other people want? Well, I have a solution for you: Make an alt!

Not some simpleton bank mule or AH stand-in - make a real alt that you will play.

Why you ask? Several reasons:

1. To know another class as well as your main. This helps you understand the dynamics of working in a party or raid better.
2. To have two additional potential money making professions. Gathering professions on an alt can sometimes be key to making huge money in WoW
3. To re-experience the wonder of playing the easy, fun low level content.
4. To challenge yourself to level faster and more efficiently
5. To see the interactions people have with your new class that may be different from your main's class. There's nothing like playing a huge DPS toon then becoming a holy healer. People openly seem to love DPS and tend to forget the healers. Come on people - let's show some love here.

And those are just a few reasons.

So go make an alt.

And play another 85 days... lol

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Dorkins Is Cheating On Me

(So, obvioiusly, I love Dorkins. He’s the best. He feeds me good meat, strokes my fur, and lets me kill horde. We are best friends. But lately he’s been leaving me in the stables in favor of that stupid wind serpent “Steve”. I hate Steve, he thinks he’s so cool with that lightning breath and his dumb flapping wings. I think Dorkins was persuaded by the rumor that wind serpents are the best dps pet in the entire world...of warcraft. I think that's bull****!!! I rip F***ing faces off!!! I'm getting so mad waiting here in this ridiculously small excuse for a pet boarding house, what the f*** is this thing anyways?!?!?! I'm going to poison Steve's food, then Dorkins will have not choice but to take me out. Oh no, what if Dorkins never comes back? What if he leaves me in here forever?!! Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! F*** Steve!

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Skinners can take leather, hides, and scales from beasts, dragonkin, and even some humanoids. That leather is used mostly in leatherworking to create leather and mail armor, but other crafting professions use it occasionally, as well.


A skinning knife is required to skin. The corpse must also be empty of loot. Remember that it is possible to skin other players' kills as long as they have looted everything from the corpse.

1-50 | 50-100 | 100-130 | 130-150 | 150-170 | 170-180 | 180-220 | 220-250 | 250-275 | 275-300 | 300-330 | 330-350 | 350-375

[tab:Complementary professions]


As a leather or mail wearing class, Leatherworking allows a player to make armor for himself. With skinning, most of the cost of leveling up Leatherworking can be avoided, since it is possible to farm nearly all of the required materials. Leatherworkers can also take lower level leathers and turn them into higher level ones.


Mining and skinning is a great combination of skills if a player's goal is to make money. Find Minerals can be left on at all times, which means that it is possible to find ore while farming for leather and vice versa. All of the products can then be sold for maximum profit.


Similar to mining, herbalism and skinning will make a player a good deal of money using essentially the same tactics.


Since tailoring needs no gathering skill for most of the materials, skinning can be taken to harvest the small amount of leather needed. The excess can then be sold to pay for more cloth, or simply for profit.


Skinners can sell nearly all of the base leather types for gold on the AH. Many times it is quite lucrative to sell even basic Light Leather. Other leathers are also desired, especially Knothide Leather, Thick Clefthoof Leather, Wind Scales, and Cobra Scales.


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Tailors can take pieces of cloth dropped from enemies and turn them into extremely useful items. Some items, like bags, are useful to every character to expand their inventory. Others are some of the most powerful cloth caster pieces available. However, they are Bind on Pickup and require the tailoring skill to wear which means tailoring is one of the most common skills for cloth casters to take.

[tab:Shopping List]

Approximate Materials Required

[Linen Cloth] x 160
[Wool Cloth] x 200
[Silk Cloth] x 760
[Mageweave Cloth] x 520
[Runecloth] x 750
[Rugged Leather] x 120
[Netherweave Cloth] x 2460
[Arcane Dust] x 180
[Netherweb Spider silk] x 35
[Knothide Leather] x 20

Vendor Purchasable Items Required

[Coarse Thread] x 75
[Fine Thread] x 135
[Gray Dye] x 5
[Blue Dye] x 30
[Bleach] x 10
[Red Dye] x 60
[Silken Thread] x 45
[Heavy Silken Thread] x 60
[Rune Thread] x 85


1-50 | 50-70 | 70-75 | 75-105 | 105-110 |110-125 |125-145 | 145-160 | 160-170 | 170-175 | 175-185 |185-200 |200-215 | 215-220 | 220-230 | 230-250 | 250-260 |260-275 |275-280 | 280-300 | 300-325 | 325-340 | 340-350 |350-360 |360-375

[tab:Complementary Professions]


One of the most common pairings for Tailoring, Enchanting will allow the tailor to disenchant any uncommon or better items created while leveling to make more money than selling the actual item. It is also useful to be able to collect the enchanting materials needed to craft some of the higher level items.


While not a major component of most tailoring recipes, some will take leather. Since there is no primary gathering profession associated with tailoring, taking skinning will allow a tailor to collect nearly all of the materials needed for crafting most items. Additionally, selling leather on the Auction House will help a tailor make some money.


While these have nearly nothing useful for a tailor, any gathering profession can go pair well if a tailor is looking for a good source of money.


Tailors may have difficulty making money as many cloth casters already have the skill. Some money may be made on the Auction House with bags and profession bags, especially the largest ones. Also, depending on the server economy, specialty cloths (Primal Mooncloth, Spellcoth, and Shadowcloth) can make tidy profits. Another great way to make some gold is selling Golden Spellthread or Runic Spellthread, which require exalted with Aldor and Scryers, respectively. Both have a decent level of profit, but are expensive to make.


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Rogue Icon The rogue is a melee class with great up close and personal action. A rogue can either deal awesome damage in their face with swords & maces or with a dagger in hand be a quite deadly backstabber. The rogue uses stealth to his advantage to either sneak past enemies or right up to them and inflict a good deal of damage before the victim can even react. Crowd control abilities and the ability to keep certain mobs stun-locked makes encounters with multiple mobs much more manageable. Lockpicking and trap disarming abilities makes the rogue an asset to many group configurations. Learning effective combo execution is key when in combat and threat management is essential when grouping.

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