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Invinsible: The Mount, the Music, the Legacy

There's been one specific horse trampling his mark all over WoW news this week, and his name is Invincible. On the official World of Warcraft website Wednesday, Blizzard unveiled a page devoted to Arthas' horse along with the news that the Invincible Charger mount will drop upon defeat of the Lich King in Icecrown Citadel, on heroic difficulty. The site also goes into considerable depth on the history of Invincible -- in both life and undeath -- and just why he is so epic and frightening:

The mare Brightmane gave birth to Invincible as a young Prince Arthas watched with rapt attention. In the years following Invincible's birth, the horse and Arthas formed a bond that carried them across the warring nations of Azeroth, through the icy grip of death, and into the throes of battle. The stallion's coiled muscles were made for speed, and Arthas often felt that his mount flew rather than galloped across the countryside.

With the slightest touch of his heel, Arthas was able to convey his directions, and Invincible obeyed without question or hesitation. It was Invincible's unfaltering faith in his master that inevitably led to the stallion's death and unholy rebirth. On a cold winter afternoon as snow was blanketing the ground, Arthas was desperate to get away from the city even if it meant riding through harsh and unforgiving weather. Once outside, Arthas guided Invincible over a familiar jump, but the stallion slipped on slick ice, and the fall shattered his forelegs.With no way to save his companion, Arthas was forced to give Invincible a merciful death, and the prince carried that guilt with him for a very long time.

Years later, after the Lich King granted Arthas necromantic powers, Arthas returned to the grave where he had buried Invincible and raised his loyal servant into undeath. It was in this dark act that Arthas felt a sense of purpose. He believed that Invincible's death was not an accident; rather, it was essential to Arthas's destiny. Invincible was not bred to be a warhorse, but after he was brought back from the dead and made immune to hunger, pain, and exhaustion, he became the perfect steed for Arthas.

Now the skeletal charger stalks Icecrown Citadel, ever at the ready to serve his beloved master. Arthas and Invincible were as one until parted by the stallion's untimely death. Now, they are rejoined in death through the power of the Lich King and pose a fearsome sight for all who gaze upon them. Only the power of the heroes of Azeroth can part them once more. In order to attain such a steed, one must conquer Icecrown Citadel and face the Lich King on Heroic difficulty. Perhaps you will be the lucky individual to obtain the most coveted of mounts -- the Invincible Charger. This reward awaits those who are brave enough to tempt fate and face the full wrath of the Lich King!

If the lore alone isn't enough to make you drool over the added mount, how about the fact that he's apparently sprouted wings! Fantastic. Of course, with the limited number of entries into ICC and the added difficulty of completing the instance on heroic mode, it may be a while before we see any of these winged chargers flying the skies of Azeroth. To some of us, this may not come as too terribly unexpected. Previously, we've heard rumors of the Invincible mount, supported by data mining. Boubouille of MMO-Champion even uploaded a video of the mount, seen below:

And if all of this still isn't enough to make you want to go beat down Arthas and steal his horse as your own, Blizzard also is teasing us with the most recent addition to it's 5-year anniversary Battlecry Mosaic. Monday, Blizzard released an epic, sorrowful at parts, moving musical piece named after Invincible. We don't yet know the details of when we'll hear this beautiful sound in-game, but I'd wager it's upon defeat of the Lich King. Perhaps Arthas and Invincible will share a moment at their death, or maybe Invincible will somehow help in the turning of Arthas' soul. I'm probably way off, but regardless, it's sure to be an unforgettable moment. Listen to the music, and you'll agree:

With all this hype surrounding the Arthas' ultimate companion, what do you think will be Invincible's role in the final encounter?

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