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Patch 3.3.3: Class Changes Not Over Yet

Totally pulling a Heartbourne and putting this on the left side of the page.But, really, when are they ever? Balance, as always, is a bit of a chameleon, constantly shifting to meet the demands of a new environment (in this case, the ways in which a player and the game interact).

News of forthcoming class changes comes from a bit of an odd source this time, though -- Blizzard's own World of Warcraft Facebook fan page:

Death knights, druids, hunters, mages, rogues, warlocks, warriors, oh my! For those participating in our public testing of the upcoming minor content patch 3.3.3, look out this week for a host of fascinating new adjustments to these classes. Chains of Ice innately does what? Nature's Grasp has how many charges? Vitality boosts stamina by how much? Stay tuned to find out the answer to these and more questions!

Now, if you've already read the current patch notes for 3.3.3, you would've noticed a number of surprisingly extensive tweaks to certain skills and talents, but Ghostcrawler said that even those may not be set in stone. 

The text above specifically mentions several spells, none of which were touched upon in the original list, aside from the way Chains of Ice interacts with Endless Winter:

Endless Winter: No longer causes Frost Fever to be applied by Chains of Ice, but instead grants 2/4% strength. The previous functionality of this talent can now be attained via the Glyph of Chains of Ice.

So we have no idea precisely how these modifications will be implemented (in addition to, or replacing, others), but it's safe to say that players on the PTR can expect a new build to play around with in the next few days.

Project Lore will keep you posted on any further news that comes our way!

Reader Comments (4)

Can you feel it?

There coming, aren't they?

There close........


February 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNextgener

I myself have already glanced at the patch notes. What I found interesting is that abilities like Rampage (5% Melee/Ranged Crit increase), Improved Icy Talons (20%Melee Haste increase), and Arcane Emporment (3% increase to all damage caused) are being converted from procs into auras. That's cool, because it'll help balance it out with other classes that already overwrite said procs with their auras (Such as Balance Druid's Moonkin Aura and Marksmanship Hunter's Trueshot Aura). I always did find it silly how some classes have permanent versions of some of these procs.

February 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSpifftastic


Although nerfs are *never* out of the question, Blizzard sounds awfully enthusiastic in the Facebook posting I linked to in the article.

February 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAmatera

Now I'm not one to complain about all the class changes that come along (though granted I've definitly had my moments!) but I say nerf schmerf! To apply one of the unofficial mottos of my beloved Corps (SEMPER FI!): Adapt, Improvise, and Overcome!

I haven't yet read the 3.3.3 ptr patch notes since I don't play on the PTR and prefer to know concrete information v. possibliites, however I do like the idea that some of these procs are becoming auras (possibly) as well.

Either way, it'll certainly be entertaining to see what happens.

February 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHighwayman

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