Project Lore is Shutting Down
It is with heavy hearts that we have come to the decision to close Project Lore.
Looking back at when Project Lore first started, we knew it was an ambitious plan. Creating the site, the videos, the blog, and everything Project Lore was an amazing adventure. When we launched the site, we received great feedback. The passion you all showed as fans kept us going and helped grow Project Lore to be a place for World of Warcraft players to enjoy the camaraderie of each other outside of the game.
We've gone through a lot of changes in our time working on Project Lore. From the first crazy run through Hellfire Ramparts to our adventure through Naxxramas, from iZ3D to Squarespace, we've had a blast on this journey together.
All of us want to thank every fan out there for your support over the years. We'll see you in game!
Some of our bloggers wanted to let you know where you could find them in the future
iTZKooPA: or
Reader Comments (70)
Aww! v.v But I've always come here for the best WoW news, updates, and to talk about and explore the awesome lore of Warcraft's worlds! I'll miss you guys, and I hope to see more of you out there.
I am really sad to see you all go. I've watched you guys since I started playing WoW, and it's been a fun adventure every video and Blog along the way! I wish you all the best Project Lore and your Bloggers, Thanks for all the great adventures and laughs :)
goodbye guys i hope you all the best and will continue to read your bloggs till the day i die (or at least the next blizzard mmo comes out)
On another note: Is the contest for the Naming of the Podcast still goin on? I was hoping for a shot at the books =|
I am in denial, I can only hope the faithful few that kept the site going will continue somewhere and I can still get my WoW fix.. /wales in agony!!!
Very sad to see you all go, this site helped me out a bunch in my early days in WotLK :(. The blogs were nice too, I also thought the site would make a come back w/ the Protips and the other blogs. Wishing you all the best in the future! /hugs
Sunjewel-US Antonidas
man... does anyone know any other sites that cover as much stuff as this one did? if so please tell me! I was here from the begginging and I come here every day for the WoW scoop, I'll miss you guys, wish me luck finding a new site to follow.
No more Sweeting the Deeps!!!! =...( DORKINS MAKE YOUR OWN SITE FFS
This saddens me to no end. I have been here since the beginning, and I came back every single day hoping and praying that eventually the boys would come back, and we would get back into the swing of things. I LOVED the weeks gone by where we would have an instance on Monday Wednesday and Friday and then a dorkins video on Tuesday and Thursday. Toss in a wrap up on Saturday and BigRedKitty on Sunday. Those were the days man, those were the days. Project Lore will be truly and sorely missed. I always referred people to this place for awesome videos.
I will never EVER forget "Tigers Cant Use Bridges" and the entirety of Karazhan. The BEST things to ever happen around here. Alex, Jeff, Brandon, Josh, Zand, Jerry, Pixie, Amatera, Heartbourne, Koopa. I very much appreciate everything you have done here, and thank you so much for the fun times and the memories. I'm going to miss it.
This is Convertabull, creator of the "Tigers Cant Use Bridges" demotivational poster featured in the wrap up for Deadmines week, signing off.
Please, hit me up on twitter via @fuzzmasterflex or find me on facebook. My name is Chris Andrews and I am friends with Jeff Cannata on there, so I'm easy to find if you want.
Peace Out Project Lore!
worst decision ever..
are the videos by any chance going to be available anywhere else? i dont care what format or where I hafta go to see them, those runs (especially after you started showing the trash part) were by far the most helpful guides I've ever found for myself as & upcoming tank.
I think everyone kinda knew in the back of their minds that this was coming... after I saw the site change I thought "maybe" but then after I realized the videos weren't coming back online & the posts started to slow down..... I think everyone could have guessed which is a damn shame & a terrible waste imo. Thank you though for all that you've helped me learn about WoW. You will honestly be missed...
/sigh well it was nice while it lasted. hate to see the end of what has been such an epic show. i was a PvP dedicated player before you guys started this but now im a constant raider. thax for the memories guys. i hope you have fun in everything that you guys do. l8r all
One last game before you quit?
WTF?! What happened to all the plans you said having coming up with those interview, and what happened to that podcast you was doing!?!
Why are you shutting down after you said all that and promise more blogs etc.
Cunting Bollock Bum Arse Cum BACK!!!!!
I have been watching PL since it began and I will truly miss it. I want to thank you guys for putting it up; you helped me run my first Naxx and with ur video I fealt like a pro going in there. I hope you keep up the videos and blogs because i love to re watch the videos when I have nothing to do or if I need to re boot my gaming spirit with all your hilarious videos. In closing ty Alex,Joshua,Zand,Jerry,Jeff, Brandon aka Juggy and all of the bloggers you guys helped me stay in the game =).
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