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PTR 3.3: Deathbringer Raid Encounter [Video]

Deathbringer is one of the few remaining fights not previously tested on the PTR, and perhaps for good reason! The lore surrounding this fight connects right back to one of Wrath of the Lich King's most iconic events. If you've experienced it yourself, then you probably already know which one I'm referring to. If not, please be aware that there are spoilers ahead. Not only will I mention them in passing, but the recording captures the cinematic event that leads up to the encounter, as well. [caption id="attachment_8447" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Elder Saurfang, straight after an intense Gunship Battle."]Elder Saurfang, straight after an intense Gunship Battle.[/caption] If there's something to be said, it is that Saurfang is one tough mother. The attempt you'll find in video form below was only one of four that our meager group managed to squeeze in during the testing period (woeful disconnects and people randomly leaving because they don't seem to understand what a test is) was our best, and even then we could barely make a dent in his health. You see, the main mechanic of this fight is Deathbringer's ability to both dish out a lot of damage and heal himself in the process. It's like fighting a super-charged Blood-spec Death Knight, and considering what Saurfang has been turned into, that's not such a far-fetched comparison. In addition to this, you'll have to put up with some Blood Beast adds, whose attacks are both painful, and funnel some of their own damage back to their master in the process. After they start spawning, they will continue to do so throughout the fight ever 15 seconds or so. Dealing with them, as well as keeping DPS on the boss, will no doubt be the key to winning this fight. Check out what I managed to capture below:

Whether it was due to a bug or just over-tuning, I'm not entirely sure, but Saurfang also had an insane dodge chance, certainly above and beyond that of the average boss. Though we failed to kill him, I feel that we were in good company. It seems that few, if any, groups managed to down the Deathbringer in this round of testing. If he goes up again, I fully anticipate Blizzard changing a few things.

Nonetheless, he could end up being one of the toughest fights in Icecrown Citadel, and a good gateway encounter that leads into the second part of the dungeon.

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