Entries in arena season 6 (1)
The All PvP Episode - Gear Included

Did you hear that Season 5 of the Arena would be ending soon? Well, thanks to Ulduar and its new tier set, Blizzard is forced to close up the Arena season that Wrath brought us and begin anew. The heads-up was announced early last week, but it lacked any concrete information. If Blizzard is to stick with their usual two weeks notice, then that means Season 5's demise may come with the launch of Ulduar or very shortly after. Content Patch v3.1 and all of its goodies are expected to drop sometime in early to mid-April.
The end of an era brings the beginning of another though. The original news posting did not specify end of season rewards, but we have them now. According to WoW Insider via the PTR, the best of the best Arena players will be soaring through the skies on a Frost Wyrm under the terrifying title of a "Gladiator." I couldn't care less about the title, but I have wanted to plop my Gnome butt on that Frost Wyrm since MMO-Champion posted the screenshot after Wrath's launch. Sadly, it'll never happen for me. What about you guys? Anyone have a shot at what I consider to be the most badass mount in the game? Sorry Chopper.
The flip side of the closing is that Arena Season 6 will begin soon, and . You will notice in the picture that the Druid set is far from finished, but really, nothing could be worse than their has the goods on that tooTier 8 Raid Set. The rest of the gear looks nice, but I would much rather drape myself in a raid set for almost every class. That being said, I should have expected something bad to happen after raving about the incoming rogue set before it was completed. Look how ridiculously out of proportion the Gnome Rogue is in his Ulduar set. His collar is eating the burning shoulderpads...and his head. Undead design for the win.
Just to keep the PvP information flowing, those of you interested in the Arena Tournament that was announced a few weeks back, may want to take a peak at a thread from Aratil and one from Vaneras. The two blues posted the very early standings for Blizzard's 2009 Arena Tournament, with the Rogue, Mage, Priest combo still holding on to the top standing in the European bracket. However, Death Knights, who expert players expect to take over the brackets, have definitley done so, with 13 of the 20 top teams rolling DK, Paladin, Hunter/Warlock.
Admittedly, I am no PvP expert, so I will allow you pro PvPers to draw your own conclusions. Excited for the end of season festivities, or are you realizing that all your hard work will still leave you short of a Frost Wyrm?