Entries in tier 8 (10)
Too Soon for a New Tier?

As more and more information comes out of the PTR, its pretty hard to not pay attention to it. I am personally getting pumped for all the great new content Blizzard is getting ready for us.
As I'm pretty sure most of you have noticed, the new loot we will be able to earn is amazing. Tons of great drops, crafted gear, and most importantly the new tier pieces. While it all exciting, with 3.2 seeming near it makes me wonder if it all is coming a bit soon.
I know this may sound a bit odd coming from the guy who complained about how long we were stuck in Naxx, but I don't think we have had enough time in Ulduar. Most of my shiny new T8 epics still have that new car smell, and there is plenty of hard-mode loot I haven't even had a chance to farm.
Perhaps I am just concerned that the new loot showing up on the PTR is a bit too good. With all of this new stuff available I will see little reason to go back to Ulduar. This would be a shame because I think Ulduar is an amazing instance! Blizzard managed to create a challenging instance that is full of story and has tons of replayability with the hard modes. I am not ready to leave!
While I'm sure people will still be running it, finding motivated groups will be difficult with all of the best stuff somewhere else. At the very least it would be nice to still make the hard mode loot relevant. Yes, I know there will still be best-in-slot items sprinkled around in old content, but by and large we are progressing past it.
While I feel most people have had a fair shot at Ulduar itself, I know many people want time to go deeper and try those hard modes.
Of course you can never make everyone happy, people progress at different paces, so while some are farming Algalon, many are still in Naxx. None the less for me, this seems fast.
How do you guys feel about it? Want more time, or are you ready for something new already?
Gear and Style Don't Mix In World of Warcraft

Can't I Be A Snappy AND Functional Dresser?
If there is one buzzword I noticed at this year's E3 it was "style." Motion controllers aside, I heard everyone from EA to Disney Interactive Studios drop the word as a descriptor for at least one of the company's titles. Style is nice and all, but I never thought it would become the word of E3. The idea of digital fashion was littered throughout the trio of "new" racing games, Blur, Need for Speed: Shift and Split/Second, but it came up in unsuspecting places like Muramasa, The Invincible Tiger, Sin + Punishment 2, Batman: Arkham Asylum and even My Baby 2 (seriously! I think Southpeak caught onto the word's new-found popularity and just tossed it in there). The five letter word was spoken in every fashion possible, adjective, noun, verb. You name it, it was applied, by someone, somewhere, at the show.
Although the PR people lead us to believe the term was coined this year, style has been around far longer than any of us. Believe it or not, it has even been applied to games before aught-9! Case in point, our favorite MMORPG World of Warcraft. With each new tier or raid dungeon release the issue rears its ugly head again and with good reason. Once you begin collecting items from a particular dungeon, that being Ulduar in the present day, the gear differences become incredibly small. Sure, the min-maxers out there have a point, the percentage increases do matter, but I follow my old rogue officers opinion on that matter; "Whatever looks the coolest is the best."
I'm not one to fret over my outfit too much, but I am a bit dumbfounded at our lack of a customizing (dieing, painting, etc) system in World of Warcraft. I entirely support the artist's overall design of gear, except the druid shoulders, with each class having its own distinct style, but why can't we make small modifications to color schemes? Heck, I am not hard to please in this respect. Give me the ability to change the color accents of non-Tiered gear to match our in-the-works sets and I'd be happy as a disease-free non-Egyptian pig in slop.
If E3 taught me anything this year, it is that all we gamers care about is style, whether it be our own, the game we are playing or some combination thereof. I can't possibly be the only one who despises running around with three shades of red, a mix of blue and some colors I can't distinguish. Doing so in a single-player RPG is one thing, but when I am spending 10+ hours a week on a single character for years, I expect some ongoing customization outside of simply obtaining new threads. The change can easily be placed inside the various armor crafting professions, or added as some sort of secondary profession. Perhaps one with repairing abilities?!
How much does a piece's look matter to you? Will you take it over something with more functionality due to its visual prowess, or are stats the numbers the main one aspect for your decision? It's no secret that I am a big critic of daggers in WoW, but to date, I have never raided with anything but them. I've also never broken a set bonus purely for the looks of a non-set piece, but I have used non-set items between the reward zones for that reason.
Everyone loves a spoonful of QQ to start off the week, right?
PvP and PvE Armor in 3.1 - Rogue, Death Knight, Mage

I always wondered about how Blizzard would handle armor designs as new content as released. As players are able to get more and more powerful and fight progressively nefarious enemies, how could armor sets get progressively more epic to reflect the power of the wielders? Thrall is beginning to look less and less cool comparatively. I thought tier 2's Bloodfang was far cooler than anything until tier 5 for rogues. The Burning Crusade armor sets had quite a few very bizarre armor sets as Blizzard designer's were reaching to try to make things as epic as possible. They definitely had the theme of Burning Crusade, drawing on the ideas of "lasers! pew pew" used in the nether-themed places and Draenei. The mighty morphing pally rangers will never be forgotten! The Wrath sets definitely have a distinctive look as well. The tier 7 sets are nigh direct copies of tier 3 since tier 3 was obtained in Naxxramas, which was revamped and moved to Northrend, but the non-tier pieces have had a very satisfying Nordic look that was a little shocking coming from the highly colored and crazy Burning Crusade world. Tier 8 continues this trend, with the items being highly influenced by the Titan architecture and carrying a very "new" look. Some players complained that the new PvP sets were too bland. Blue poster Zarhym told players:
The look of the sets will improve as the seasons continue. If we started the first sets of PvP gear with asteroids orbiting the shoulders, in a couple seasons you'd be wearing Thrall on your head... Under the current design philosophy, the idea is that in PvE you're killing very rare and challenging creatures of Azeroth, while in PvP you're receiving gear from the crafters (so to speak) of your faction to get you battle-ready. Chances are you're going to be given the gear that'll get the job done rather than the gear that has to be constructed entirely out of the nipples of a 7,000 year-old dragon.I personally like this idea. It used to be that my PvP sets would be a mish-mash of pieces from various sets and didn't look very cool. Now, it blends together much more nicely. You can check out all the new armor sets for both PvP and PvE gear on MMO champion. Additionally, you can read more about the Frost Wyrm mount reward in season 5 and more discussion on PvP rewards. Check out the first part of our gallery comparing the tier 8 and tier 7 sets along with all the Wrath Gladiator sets. Today, we feature the classes of the "Lost Vanquisher": Rogue, Death Knight, and Mage. Druid's sets are not done yet, so they will be featured later. Thanks to MMO Champion for the renderings of the sets from the PTR. Note that the unreleased armor sets are still subject to change. Rogue

The All PvP Episode - Gear Included

Did you hear that Season 5 of the Arena would be ending soon? Well, thanks to Ulduar and its new tier set, Blizzard is forced to close up the Arena season that Wrath brought us and begin anew. The heads-up was announced early last week, but it lacked any concrete information. If Blizzard is to stick with their usual two weeks notice, then that means Season 5's demise may come with the launch of Ulduar or very shortly after. Content Patch v3.1 and all of its goodies are expected to drop sometime in early to mid-April.
The end of an era brings the beginning of another though. The original news posting did not specify end of season rewards, but we have them now. According to WoW Insider via the PTR, the best of the best Arena players will be soaring through the skies on a Frost Wyrm under the terrifying title of a "Gladiator." I couldn't care less about the title, but I have wanted to plop my Gnome butt on that Frost Wyrm since MMO-Champion posted the screenshot after Wrath's launch. Sadly, it'll never happen for me. What about you guys? Anyone have a shot at what I consider to be the most badass mount in the game? Sorry Chopper.
The flip side of the closing is that Arena Season 6 will begin soon, and . You will notice in the picture that the Druid set is far from finished, but really, nothing could be worse than their has the goods on that tooTier 8 Raid Set. The rest of the gear looks nice, but I would much rather drape myself in a raid set for almost every class. That being said, I should have expected something bad to happen after raving about the incoming rogue set before it was completed. Look how ridiculously out of proportion the Gnome Rogue is in his Ulduar set. His collar is eating the burning shoulderpads...and his head. Undead design for the win.
Just to keep the PvP information flowing, those of you interested in the Arena Tournament that was announced a few weeks back, may want to take a peak at a thread from Aratil and one from Vaneras. The two blues posted the very early standings for Blizzard's 2009 Arena Tournament, with the Rogue, Mage, Priest combo still holding on to the top standing in the European bracket. However, Death Knights, who expert players expect to take over the brackets, have definitley done so, with 13 of the 20 top teams rolling DK, Paladin, Hunter/Warlock.
Admittedly, I am no PvP expert, so I will allow you pro PvPers to draw your own conclusions. Excited for the end of season festivities, or are you realizing that all your hard work will still leave you short of a Frost Wyrm?
BigRedKitty: Stretching Our Mind From Karazhan to Ulduar

A long, long time ago, in Stranglethorn Vale, our guild started Zul'Gurub. At the same time, the elite guilds had finished ZG, Molten Core, Black Wing Lair, and were doing AQ20, AQ40 and Naxxramas. We had Dungeon Set 0 and epic PvP gear, they were decked out in Tier 3. There was a huge chasm of raiding experience and gear-level between us and them.
A long time ago, in the Caverns of Time, our guild finished Mount Hyjal. At the same time, the elite guilds had completed Black Temple and Sunwell. We had 4/5 Tier 5 and they were decked out in Tier 6. There was a significant difference in gear-level and raiding experience between us and them.
As of this week, our guild has completed all 10- and 25-man raiding content in WotLK. The only challenges left in front of us are Sartharion with two and three drakes up, and some raiding achievements. The elite guilds have finished the "hard modes," but there is no raid-boss they've seen that we haven't. We are 13/15ths of the way to being totally decked-out in Tier 7.5 gear - they have a better necklace and trinket than we do. They also have the gun from Kel'Thuzad, those rotten {expletive (plural) deleted}. There is no real difference in gear-level, and while they have many more years of end-game content raiding experience than we do, we’ve walked where they've walked in the new expansion, and not years after they have.
So what’s the deal? We've heard over and over that the content is easier.
Bullpucky. We remember our first kills in Karazhan. We remember going to Maiden and being sure it was going to take many hours to kill her. We remember warning the guild that wipes were the price of success. Then, we one-shot her. /kapow!
"Don't move when Flame Wreath is cast!" And if you didn't move, and you had the DPS, you'd beat Shade of Aran. Learning the skill took time, as did getting a high enough raid-DPS, but once the skill was learned, never again did a movement fight cause as much fear. Thaddius in Naxxramas is a movement fight, and people don't freak out about that guy nearly as much as they did about Shade of Aran.
The problem with Karazhan was two-fold:
First, an entirely new population of WoW-players suddenly had access to raiding content, and they weren't used to it.
Second, in a 40-person raid, you can have a screw-up. In a 10-person raid, a single person could easily wipe everything.
So in old-school raiding, the old-school raiders learned to raid as they were "carried" through Molten Core. They made mistakes, they were mostly hidden, and the raid kept on trucking. By the time they got to Karazhan, they knew how to raid and thus breezed through it.
In contrast, a new generation of players learned to raid in 10-man Karazhan, and they learned to raid as they wiped. Karazhan was hard, not because of the difficulty of the content, but because individual mistakes were magnified and the results were much more severe.
Was Gruul or Magtheridon much harder than Karazhan? No, because these 25-person raids required Karazhan-geared people to attempt them. And once you've gotten gear from Karazhan, you probably knew how to behave in a raid. The difference between 10- and 25-person raiding isn't much, the only difference is in specific people learning their specific roles. Once the trick of the boss is mastered, the basic raid skills needed are already known. (i.e. don't stand in the fire or the black circle, don't take aggro from the tank, etc.)
Then we get to WotLK and the new Naxxramas. Is 10-person Naxx easier than Kara was? Yes. Is it because the content is easier? We say No. We say that people crushed Naxx with such relative ease because there were no new skills needed to defeat the place. If you raided Kara, you could raid Naxx. There is no skill needed for Naxx that was not taught in Kara.
And who didn't raid Kara? What percentage of people who are raiding Naxx do you think didn't step foot in Kara? Five percent?
That means ninety-five percent of the people with their eyes set on Naxxramas just had to level to 80, then they'd have the gear and the Kara-learned raiding knowledge to defeat the place. And they did, foshizzle.
So now we have the promise of Ulduar. What's the big scary thing there? Vehicle-mounts for combat. /shudder
What fight do we have right now with something like vehicle-mounts? Malygos.
What raid boss do people dislike the most? Malygos. Why? Phase three - The drakes.
People dislike the drakes because they don't get to play their own class, and because it's a new mechanic. We love Naxx because it's just an extension of Kara. We've mastered Kara, so Naxx is easy. We have never had a vehicle-mount boss before, so people hate learning Malygos.
Defeating one, two, and three drakes-up Sartharion is a matter of gear, positioning, and DPS. All three of these things are easily comprehended by Kara-experienced raiders, and thus three drakes-up Sartharion, while technically a much greater challenge than Malygos, does not inspire the same dread and hostility as Malygos does.
Ulduar is bringing vehicle-mount boss fights to an entire new level, like it or not. What are you going to do about it? Are you going to farm Naxx for fun and profit? Are you going to go for the hard-mode achievements and beat 10-person Sartharion with three drakes up? Or are you going to practice your vehicle-mount combat skills in Malygos?
Just as the Aces High! daily is practice for Malygos, so is Malygos himself practice for Ulduar. If you have the choice, we recommend you get your happy little tuckus out to Borean Tundrea every week, do both 10- and 25-person Malygos, not so much for the gear, but to get used to the dynamic. The skills you learn in Malygos are going to prepare you Ulduar, just like Kara prepared you for Naxx.
Patch 3.1 Gear Extravaganza

Project Lore has been hitting Patch 3.1 pretty hard this week. It all started on Tuesday when the servers went down for general maintenance. This allowed Blizzard to pop v3.1 onto the PTR and post the official patch notes. As the week has rolled past, various bloggers have plugged their thoughts on the big picture, small but exciting details and incremental changes. Today we will give you hard information on the ninja implementation of the Argent Tournament and a first look at some of the upcoming gear.
We didn't get many details when the Argent Tournament was announced on Tuesday. Basically, all we knew was that it would be organized by the Argent Crusade, and would open up new daily quests with a collection of rewards from gear to mounts. After much poking and prodding by the community, Blizzard Poster Zarhym laid the groundwork for the tourney .
- The Argent Tournament is a permanent event . It will not disappear like the Naxxramas/Wrath Invasion or end upon completion like the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj.
- Players will begin working with the Crusade to construct a massive, instanced, none PvP-based, coliseum. It'll be added in a later patch indefinitely - think Isle of Quel'Danas mechanic.
- The event is currently in Icecrown, but Blizzard is still working on the content. So it may not be relegated to a single zone.
- The tournament itself will launch with Patch v3.1. Additional content will be forthcoming in subsequent patches.
- Blizzard has given a reason for such a tournament when a war against the scourge is progressing. The Crusade believes that their competition will breed the best warriors and filter out those who can lead. Coupled with that, it unites all contenders behind a single banner and purpose.
Blizzard Previews Ulduar: Exciting!

For those of you that haven’t seen it yet, Blizzard has posted a very nice description and screenshots of the new Ulduar raid on their EU web site. For the last while I have been rather impatiently waiting for this raid, viewing it more as something necessary to keep my interest, rather than something to look forward to. Well, after reading what Blizzard posted I must say I have changed my tune. I am excited! This raid sounds freaking awesome.
The thing I grabbed onto right away was the size of the content. I have been telling people for a while that I hoped Ulduar would be a substantial raid. Well it sounds like I got my wish. The post says there will be 14 bosses. This makes it larger than all of Tier 5 in Burning Crusade which had 10 bosses (6 in SSC and 4 in TK). Furthermore it claims that 11 of those fights will have hard modes (think Obsidian Sanctum with drakes up). This should provide tons of new challenges, achievements, and most importantly replayability. If I am going to be grinding this instance night after night I’m glad to hear we will be able to change it up and keep it interesting.
The post also mentions an interesting "preinstance" that players must fight through in order to reach the instance proper. It sounds as if this will involve the raid taking out an army on vehicles before a final showdown with a boss that must be taken down on the vehicles as well. While I have never been a big fan of the “vehicle fights” I am going to keep my mind open on this one. While not a big fan of phase 3 Malygos and the Oculus, I love Wintergrasp and this seems to be going more in that direction.
I couldn’t be happier that Blizzard has throw this carrot out there. I will be feverishly checking out the Blizzard site, forums, and news sites looking for more details. But for right now, I feel this one will be worth the wait. Be sure to read the preview for yourself here, and tell me, are you as geeked as I am about this one?
Sneak Peak of an Emtpy Ulduar

Edit: Looks like Blizzard didn't want this video out there. If you didn't manage to catch the video, you'll just have to wait until Ulduar is public! Earlier this week we saw MMO-Champion's preview of Tier 8 Gear. Now, via the wonders of private servers and YouTube, we are given a glimpse of what Ulduar may look like on the inside. Sure, many people have checked out the Halls of Stone and Halls of Lightning which are all a part of the same overall instance group, but the Ulduar raid is still somewhat of a mystery. None of the bosses are present in this ten minute run through but we're able to see how huge the instance is on the inside, which is one of the things I was worried about. I can't wait to experience this for reals.
Tier 8 Gear Preview From MMO-Champion

One of my favorite things about picking up a new piece of loot, or even just seeing a piece linked, is trying it on in the dressing room by Ctrl+clicking it and seeing how cool it looks. While we've heard a few details about the next major content patch and the raid that will be included in it, Ulduar, we haven't seen any phat lewtz that are going to be added. Well, the folks over at one of my favorite WoW sites, MMO-Champion.com, have put together a six minute video that shows off models that are wearing what is presumably Tier 8 pieces for Death Knights , Hunters (starts at 0:53), Rogues (1:35), Mages (2:40), Warlocks (3:45), and Priests (4:50). Unfortunately, there is no set implemented for any of the other classes (including the best class, Shaman), but I have to say the priest set looks pretty sweet and that rogue set is very creepy. Check out the video below!
Wrath of the Lich King Artbook Hints At Incoming Armor Sets?

Most players who care already know what the Tier 7 loot is going to look like. The loot from the retuned Naxxramas - which, by the way, has already been beaten - will be styled after the look from the old Tier 3 of vanilla WoW's Naxxramas 40. Styled doesn't mean copied however, with Blizzard confirming that their will be some model upgrades and modifications, as evidenced by the difference in 10-man and 25-man varieties, which can be as little as a color palette swap.
But what about beyond Tier 7 you ask? Well, if you purchased the Collector's Edition of Wrath of the Lich King, you might get a sneak peek at upcoming tier sets. Included in the Phat Lewtz section of the art book is four images of gear sets, presented in the common modeling fashion, but sans any kind of label.
Two of the pictures are pretty easy to figure out, with this one almost certainly being a Warlock set. Notice the demonic energies flowing around the armor. This set obviously looks holy in nature, leading one to label it as a Priest set, but possibly a Paladin set as well. However, the robe's look has me to leaning in the direction of the priestly arts.
It appears the Blizzard may have also included a Death Knight set in the bonus section. The DK set is complete with their iconic skulls at the belt buckle and knees. We also have their trademark blue aura disseminating from the gear. Last but not least, is the piece that took a friend and I some time to make a guess at. While the other three pieces were relatively easy, I had to mull this one over before agreeing with him. The gear obviously wasn't of the Rogue or Hunter variety, with a robe kind of ruling out Warriors. It doesn't appear as earthy as most Druid stuff, so we finally settled on a Shaman set.
The book also has presentation of Rogue and Hunter sets, but they are not in full frame and do not appear to be part of the other series. The scans we have aren't high-resolution (don't want to infringe on any copyrights here), so if you are interested in the details then take the book out of the shrink-wrap or head over to a friend's house.
Any differing opinions on which sets the images belong to? Think we will see these bad boys with patch 3.1 and Ulduar? Perhaps later, or maybe they are truly just concepts and will never be implemented. That would suck because, as usual, I think the Warlock set looks awesome.