Entries in mmo champion (12)
The Dance Studio: It's (Probably) Still Coming!

I'm constantly amazed at the sorts of things that can be found by digging through patches. The disparate elements that come together to form what we all know as Azeroth are split into thousands of files and even more lines of code. It's not entirely surprising that bits of the game not yet (or ever to be) implemented are contained deep within them, like unmarked graves never meant to be dug up. Of course, it's also a standard industry practice to leave things just laying around. In the process of coding or testing certain aspects of a program, it can become inconvenient to completely remove them upon release, even if they haven't been green-lit for player consumption. One of the most notorious incidents involving left-over code you might know as "Hot Coffee." Scenes depicting hot polygon-on-polygon action could be hacked into the PC version of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas because they were still on the disc, even if in the normal course of play, you'd only hear the action off-screen.
If you've spent any significant amount of time in the this community, then you've no doubt heard of Boubouille and his site, MMO-Champion, which often features the results of his adventures deep into the data files of World of Warcraft. Apparently, one of the most frequent questions people ask him is: "What the heck is up with that Dance Studio Blizzard promised us?" Back before Wrath of the Lich King was released, the developers told us that we'd soon be able to visit the fabled disco, where they could create and share their own dances apart from those normally assigned to their given race/gender combination. After all, nothing says "stay at home and play WoW on a Friday night" like knowing how to bust a groove!
An exclusive preview of the dance studio in Lord of the Rings Online.
With another dungeon, an upcoming expansion, and various other content to attend to first, I can't imagine that the Dance Studio is at the top of anybody's list, but nonetheless, Boubouille did find several hints that Blizzard might still be working on it. According to him, several dance moves were added to the game (though you can't activate them, so don't try) and they demonstrate the level of customization that might be found in the eventual release of this feature.
In addition to basic component parts (slices cut out of existing dances and the like), there are also modifiers which can extend, shorten, or hold given moves. To add a little bit of extra flair, you can even include special effects normally reserved for spells (like the cold blast of Frost Nova, here called "Icy Finale"). Though we may have no idea what the front-end will look like, it's assumed that all of these things can be stringed together and then saved into separate dances, like different gear profiles in the Equipment Manager. Better yet, you can then send your creations to your friends to use (that's one way to start a new dance craze!).
Sadly, there's still no indication when (or if) the Dance Studio may come to fruition. If I were to make an educated guess, I'd say that it will be released somewhere down the line, but streamlined to be part of the UI instead of there being a real, physical "discotheque" somewhere in Azeroth. At this point it seems like prime "minor content patch" material. Nonetheless, I hope it shows up as soon as it's convenient. I could really use a new victory dance for they day I can use it on top of Arthas' corpse!
Are you still anticipating the Dance Studio, readers, or has it fallen to the bottom list of your most desired features?
The Next Expansion: A Skeptical Look At The Leaked Information

The Next Expansion is an ever growing series of articles that focuses on WoW’s upcoming third expansion. The column covers news, speculation and even gameplay mechanics that PL’s writers would like to see implemented.
- Level 85 Cap: There's really no justification to not do 10 additional levels like we are used to. If the developers want leveling to take longer then Blizzard can simply make the XP pools far larger. We've also no reason to believe that WoW has to end at level 100. No matter what this isn't a big concern; just the first point that caught my eye.
- Class Combinations: This is certainly plausible. Orc Mage, Tauren Priest, Blood Elf Warrior, all highly likely, lore-fitting modifications to our current race/class structure. It's the Troll Druid that I can't see being a reality. On the one hand, It'd be a perfect way to get more Horde playing the most underplayed race in the game. However, two druids for the Horde and only one for the Alliance (Night Elf) just doesn't seem like a move Blizzard would make.
- Flying In Azeroth: There's a reason that Blizzard never allowed flying in Azeroth, the game's basic design. If you look really closely at the old landscapes you can see that Blizzard employed a lot of tricks to get objects, foliage specifically, to look 3D without it actually being 3D (allows the client to have a crappier computer). These Doom-esque tactics would need to be completely redone across all of Azeroth to enable flying. Even using the superb tools created by Blizzard, it would be a daunting, and boring, task.
- Unfinished Original Content: Areas like Mount Hyjal only compound the flying issue. The zone was never made accessible because Blizzard never finished the content. It was there however. If we are allowed to fly in Azeroth then Blizzard has to spend more time completing, or at least overhauling, the formerly neglected areas of Azeroth.
That Was Fast - Patch 3.2.2 On PTR, Notes Up

MMO-Champion Previews Season 7 Arena Sets

The PTR datafiles have once again been mined in order to give us a preview of what the newest Arena season has to offer. MMO-Champion has posted screenshots of the latest armor sets available to the top Arena competitors next season, and I have to say, most of it is pretty good looking. In fact, I have no issues with any of the sets except one. The Shaman set has to be one of the ugliest sets I've ever seen. My only hope is that there are some changes coming up for the colors, at the very least.
It could be that I am just overly critical of Blizzard's decisions that affect my class, but in my opinion every other class has a nice evolution from the Season 5 and 6 sets with decent looking gear that generally fits the overall feel of the class. I can't say the same about the Shaman set. Blizzard's design philosophy behind arena gear in Wrath of the Lich has been less flashy gear that has been made by the top crafters that gets better as the seasons progress. While the shaman set certainly didn't start out pretty, it seems to be getting worse.
Take a look at all of the sets over on MMO-Champion, I'd love to hear if other players (shaman and non-shaman alike) think I'm just being too particular about gear that I probably will never get - especially the helmet and shoulders.
New Changes in the Latest 3.2 Patch Notes

Blizzard just updated the PTR patch notes to include some changes made in the lastest build of their latest patch, 3.2. Included are some minor but extremely welcomed changes to my class of choice along with a few of the lesser classes. Following are the changes from the previous version of the notes from MMO-Champion:
ArenasAs I said, the changes to the way Wind Shock (now Wind Shear) behaves is welcomed in the Shaman community - this change will at the very least allow me to do a full DPS rotation while still concentrating on interrupts, as most other melee classes with interrupts (Rogues, Death Knights, Warriors) are able to do. I can't wait to try it out on Vezax. Additionally, Maelstrom Weapon + Hex should be extremely useful in PvP. The other changes that caught my eye were the Druid Flight Form increasing to 310% if the character has a 310% mount and the Val'anyr upgrade. I can only hope they upgrade with my Headless Horseman's Mount the same as the Swift Flight Form. It would be great to be able to keep flying on it once I get my Violet Proto Drake. The Val'anyr change will at the very least make healers still want to run Ulduar once the patch drops (as if they wouldn't anyway). What do you guys gather from the lastest patch notes?Items: General
- Beginning with season 7, players will no longer have access to the newest season's weapons or shoulder armor and will not qualify for the Gladiator title/rewards with ratings from the 2v2 bracket alone. Ratings obtained through 3v3 and 5v5 game play will be required for these rewards, while the rest of the newest season's items will remain available to players in all brackets (standard rating restrictions still apply).
Death Knight
- Resilience: No longer reduces the amount of damage done by damage-over-time spells, but instead reduces the amount of all damage done by players by the same proportion. In addition, the amount of resilience needed to reduce critical strike chance, critical strike damage and overall damage has been increased by 15%.
- Blood of the North: Reduced to a 3-point talent. Increases Blood Strike and Frost Strike damage by 3/6/10%. There is now a 33/66/100% chance whenever you hit with Blood Strike or Pestilence that the Blood Rune will become a Death Rune when it activates.
- Swift Flight Form: Druids who have acquired a mount able to go 310% flight speed will now also go that speed while in this form.
- Snake Trap: The Mind-numbing Poison effect has been reduced to a 30% increase in casting time, down from 50% to match similar effects.
- Mirror Image: Images will no longer trigger the death sound when their time expires.
- Shield of Righteousness: Now deals 100% of shield block value as damage instead of 130%. In addition, the benefit from additional block value this ability gains is now subject to diminishing returns. Diminishing returns occur once block value exceeds 30 times the player's level and caps the maximum damage benefit from shield block value at 34.5 times the player's level.
- Earth Shock: Redesigned. This spell no longer interrupts spell casting, but rather reduces melee attack speed by 10% for 8 seconds (exclusive with similar effects such as Thunder Clap).
- Wind Shock: Has been renamed Wind Shear and no longer shares a cooldown with Flame, Frost or Earth Shock.
- Maelstrom Weapon: Now also has a chance to reduce the cast time of Hex.
- Shield Slam: The benefit from additional block value this ability gains is now subject to diminishing returns. Diminishing returns occur once block value exceeds 30 times the player's level and caps the maximum damage benefit from shield block value at 34.5 times the player's level.
- Flying Machine: The level requirement needed to learn how to build and use this machine has been reduced to level 60, down from level 70, and the engineering skill level reduced to 300, down from 350. Material costs reduced.
- Tome of Cold Weather Flying: New heirloom item. Players who have reached level 80 can now purchase this book for 1,000 gold from Hira Snowdawn, the Cold Weather Flying Trainer in Dalaran. Similar to other heirloom items, this item can be mailed to other characters of the same realm, account and faction. The book is consumed when read training the character in Cold Weather Flying. Requires level 68.
- Val'anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings: This item's stats and level have been increased to match the power level of healer weapons coming from the Coliseum 25-person normal difficulty instance. In addition, each time Val'anyr is equipped, Blessing of Ancient Kings will be placed on a 45-second cooldown before it can occur.
Patch 3.2 Achievements Reveal New Holiday, More

Patch 3.2 is finally available on the PTR, which means that players will be able to find out all sorts of fun information about what changes lay ahead for us. Most of the changes are covered in the patch notes, but MMO-Champion found a bunch of new achievements to go along with the new patch. I, as an achievement whore, am very excited about these new (pointless) goals.
Browsing through the list of achievements, they come out in a few different categories, covering the 10- and 25-player versions of the Crusader's Colloseum along with their heroic modes, Isle of Conquest (the brand new battleground), Koralon (the new Vault boss), and Pilgrim's Bounty and Pirate Day/Day of the dead.
Wait, Pilgrim's Bounty? Pirate Day? Day of the Dead? New world events! Since Pirate Day and Day of the Dead only have one achievement listed for each of them, I'd assume they'll occur for only one day and have minimal impact on the world for their duration. But Pilgrim's Bounty raises my excitement level! There are a number of fun looking achievements to go along with the new holiday that I'll assume will take place over Thanksgiving week. For those of you unaware, Thanksgiving takes place on the fourth Thursday of every November in the United States. Of course, Blizzard could always adopt the Canadian version, which takes place on the second Monday of October each year.
The only question I have is whether or not we'll have to participate in this new world event to get our Violet Proto Drakes from the Long Strange Trip achievement. If it's anything like the new and improved Noblegarden, then we will. I'm OK with that, but I'm sure some of the other players hoping to get that 310% mount might get upset.
In addition to those new holiday achievements, there are a few new Feats of Strength, which hint at some more free pets for logging in. A Jade Tiger sounds like fun! What are your thoughts on these new achievements? Anything in particular draw your interest? What about the new world event? Can't wait or sick of holidays?
New TCG Loot Cards Including El Pollo Grande

It looks like we'll have to stop calling the Swift White Hawkstrider the Chicken Mount, because Blizzard is adding an actual chicken mount into the game. MMO-Champion once again revealed some of the newest items in the game before anyone even knew they existed. One of the loot cards included in Upper Deck's newest Trading Card Game expansion - "Field of Heroes" - will be the Magical Rooster Egg. This teaches El Pollo Grande, which as you can see, is a very large chicken that players can ride around on. How amazing does that sound? It may be a little too out there for me, but I'll decide what I think when I actually see one in game.
There are also two other new loot cards incoming, one being the Ogre Piñata, which will presumably output candy when you break it. This is cute, but I think it may have been a better item if Blizzard used a different model such as, say Void Reaver, Archavon, or some other boss called a "Loot Piñata" by the players. Oh well, breaking open an ogre to find candy should be fun.
Lastly, we'll be seeing the Path of Cenarius, which will leave flowers in your wake as you run around the world. Lifeblood already does this for me, but I may be dropping herbalism soon for something a little more min-max (aka Jewelcrafting), but I don't really need this for the time being.
I've still yet to see a lot of the loot card items that are still available, such as the Foam Sword Rack, which looks like so much fun. Although, thanks to a nice warlock, I was able to get a Sandbox Tiger, which is fun to pull out next to a real Spectral Tiger. Anybody looking forward to picking up a gigantic chicken?
Wraith Observes Algalon the Raid Destroyer

With Yogg Saron having already been downed many times all over the world, there remain a few challenges from Patch 3.1 that have yet to be overcome. Wraith, an EU guild has managed to unlock the 10-man version of Algalon the Observer, the "True" final boss encounter of Ulduar by defeating the Assembly of Iron, Hodir, Thorim, Freya, and Mimiron, all on their hard modes. MMO-Champion has a multitude of screen shots courtesy of Wraith, along very few details about the fight, but it is being speculated that each raid has only one hour per day to attempt to defeat the boss.
I've heard rumors that failing to defeat Algalon results in the destruction of Azeroth, though I can't help but feel that might be a bad move on Blizzard's part. I guess we could all escape to the Outland, though.
Check out MMO-Champion's post for all of the crazy screen-shots, and leave your predictions on how long it might be until we see a world first Algalon kill.
Ulduar Achievements, New Turtle Mount, More on PTR

Whether or not you find it productive to spend time on the Public Test Realm, it is usually pretty interesting to at least hear about what Blizzard has in store for the future of World of Warcraft. MMO-Champion once again delivers on that front by looking at the latest build of Patch 3.1 on the PTR. With their all-seeing eyes, they've discovered some significant (and not so significant) class and profession changes, new mounts including a turtle, and a plethora of Ulduar Achievements.
While the list of class changes is somewhat short, there are some very interesting ones. Paladins have had a few talents rearranged, Death Knights have a slew of changes, and other classes get some minor tweaks, but the the most interesting to me are for Shamans, especially elemental ones which are mostly aimed at PvP. Check them all out on MMO-Champion.
The new mounts mentioned sound fun, but I mostly just want the turtle:
- Blue Skeletal Warhorse - Summons and dismisses a rideable Blue Skeletal Warhorse. This is a very fast mount.
- White Kodo - Summons and dismisses a rideable White Kodo.
- Venomhide Ravasaur - Summons and dismisses a rideable Venomhide Ravasaur. This is a very fast mount.
- Coralshell Turtle - Summons and dismisses a rideable Coralshell Turtle. This is a very fast mount, both on land and in water.
- The Siege of Ulduar (Defeat the bosses of The Siege area of Ulduar on Normal Difficulty.)
- The Antechamber of Ulduar (Defeat the bosses of The Antechamber area of Ulduar on Normal Difficulty.)
- The Keepers of Ulduar (Defeat the Keeper bosses of Ulduar on Normal Difficulty.)
- The Descent into Madness (Defeat the bosses of The Descent into Madness area of Ulduar on Normal Difficulty.)
- The Secrets of Ulduar (Defeat every boss in Ulduar on Normal Difficulty.)
- Unbroken (Defeat Flame Leviathan on the first try without anyone repairing their vehicle on Normal Difficulty.)
- Three Car Garage (Defeat Flame Leviathan while in each of the following vehicles on Normal Difficulty.)
- Take Out Those Turrets (Destroy a Flame Leviathan Defense Turret on Normal Difficulty.)
- Shutout (Defeat Flame Leviathan without causing a System Shutdown on Normal Difficulty.)
- Orbital Bombardment (Defeat Flame Leviathan with 1 Orbital Defense System active on Normal Difficulty.)
- Orbital Devastation (Defeat Flame Leviathan with 2 Orbital Defense Systems active on Normal Difficulty.)
- Nuked from Orbit (Defeat Flame Leviathan with 3 Orbital Defense Systems active on Normal Difficulty.)
- Orbit-uary (Defeat Flame Leviathan with 4 Orbital Defense Systems active on Normal Difficulty.)
- A Quick Shave (Defeat Razorscale without allowing her to fly into the air more than once on Normal Difficulty.)
- Minimal Casualties (Defeat Razorscale without any friendly NPCs dying during the fight on Normal Difficulty.)
- Iron Dwarf, Medium Rare (Defeat 1000 Iron Dwarves with Razorscale's Flame Breath within 2 seconds on Normal Difficulty.)
- Shattered (Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master while shattering 77 Iron Constructs within 5 seconds on Normal Difficulty.)
- Hot Pocket (Survive being thrown into Ignis the Furnace Master's crucible on Normal Difficulty.)
- Stokin' the Furnace (Defeat Ignis the Furnace Master in 2 seconds on Normal Difficulty.)
- Nerf Engineering (Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor without him recovering any health from XS-013 Scrapbots on Normal Difficulty.)
- Nerf Scrapbots (Defeat 1000 XS-013 Scrapbots within 12 seconds using XE-321 Boombots on Normal Difficulty.)
- Nerf Dark Bombs (Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor without any raid member dying from a Dark Bomb on Normal Difficulty.)
- Must Deconstruct Faster (Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor in 20.5 seconds on Normal Difficulty.)
- Heartbreaker (Defeat XT-002 Deconstructor after destroying his heart on Normal Difficulty.)
- I Choose You, Runemaster Molgeim (Defeat the Iron Council with Runemaster Molgeim as the last member alive on Normal Difficulty.)
- I Choose You, Stormcaller Brundir (Defeat the Iron Council with Stormcaller Brundir as the last member alive on Normal Difficulty.)
- I Choose You, Steelbreaker (Defeat the Iron Council with Steelbreaker as the last member alive on Normal Difficulty.)
- But I'm on Your Side (Defeat the Iron Council while under the effect of a Steel Boot Flask on Normal Difficulty.)
- Can't Do That While Stunned (Defeat the Iron Council without allowing Stormcaller Brundir to cast Chain Lightning or Lightning Whirl on Normal Difficulty.)
- Overload Overlord (Defeat the Iron Council without any raid member being struck by Overload on Normal Difficulty.)
- With Open Arms (Defeat Kologarn without destroying either of his arms on Normal Difficulty.)
- Disarmed (Destroy both of Kologarn's arms within 12 seconds and then defeat Kologarn on Normal Difficulty.)
- If Looks Could Kill (Defeat Kologarn without any raid member being hit by Focused Eye Beams on Normal Difficulty.)
- Rubble and Roll (Defeat Kologarn with 6000 Rubble creatures alive on Normal Difficulty.)
- Cheese the Freeze (Defeat Hodir without any raid member being hit by Flash Freeze on Normal Difficulty.)
- I Have the Coolest Friends (Defeat Hodir without any friendly NPC dying on Normal Difficulty.)
- Getting Cold in Here (Defeat Hodir without any raid member having more than 3 stacks of Biting Cold on Normal Difficulty.)
- Staying Buffed All Winter (Possess the effects of Toasty Fire, Storm Power and Starlight at the same time on Normal Difficulty.)
- Don't Stand in the Lightning (Defeat Thorim without being affected by Lightning Charge on Normal Difficulty.)
- I'll Take You All On (Defeat Thorim, the Ancient Rune Giant and the Rune Colossus on Normal Difficulty.)
- Who Needs Bloodlust? (Defeat Thorim while under the effect of Aura of Celerity on Normal Difficulty.)
- Siffed (Force Thorim to enter the arena and defeat him while Sif is present on Normal Difficulty.)
- Lumberjacked (Defeat Elder Brightleaf, Elder Ironbranch and Elder Stonebark within 2 seconds of each other on Normal Difficulty.)
- Con-speed-atory (Defeat Freya within 2 minutes of engaging a creature in the Conservatory of Life on Normal Difficulty.)
- Deforestation (Defeat 2 Ancient Water Spirits, 2 Storm Lashers and 2 Snaplashers within 120 seconds on Normal Difficulty.)
- Getting Back to Nature (Defeat Freya while she is affected by Attuned to Nature on Normal Difficulty.)
- Mind the Mines (Defeat Mimiron without anyone in the raid triggering a Proximity Mine on Normal Difficulty.)
- Strike Out (Defeat Mimiron without anyone in the raid being hit by a Rocket Strike on Normal Difficulty.)
- A-bomb-inable (Defeat Mimiron without anyone in the raid being hit by a Bomb Bot on Normal Difficulty.)
- Set Up Us the Bomb (Complete the following Mimiron achievements on Normal Difficulty.)
- I'll Form the Head! (Force Mimiron to combine the parts of his greatest creation within 20 minutes on Normal Difficulty.)
- Shadowdodger (Defeat General Vezax without any raid member being hit by Shadow Crash on Normal Difficulty.)
- I Love the Smell of Saronite in the Morning (Defeat General Vezax without being affected by Saronite Vapors on Normal Difficulty.)
- Never Stand Near the Faceless Dude (Defeat General Vezax without allowing him to regain health from Mark of the Faceless on Normal Difficulty.)
- Crazy Cat Lady (Defeat Auriaya while doing something cool on Normal Difficulty.)
- Supermassive (Defeat Algalon the Observer while destroying 4 Black Holes within 10 seconds on Normal Difficulty.)
- Observed (Defeat Algalon the Observer on Normal Difficulty.)
- He Feeds On Your Tears (Defeat Algalon the Observer without any raid member dying on Normal Difficulty.)
- She's Not Bad for an Old God (/Kiss Sara in Ulduar on Normal Difficulty.)
- Drive Me Crazy (Defeat Yogg-Saron without any raid member going insane on Normal Difficulty.)
- He's Not Getting Any Older (Defeat Yogg-Saron within 22 minutes on Normal Difficulty.)
- They're Coming Out of the Walls (Defeat 200 Guardians of Yogg-Saron within 12 seconds on Normal Difficulty.)
- In His House He Waits Dreaming (Experience all 5 visions of Yogg-Saron's mind on Normal Difficulty.)
- The Undying, Part Two (Within one raid lockout period, defeat every boss in Ulduar on Normal Difficulty without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters.)
No Black or Plagued Proto-Drake Rewards in 3.1

Bornakk, blue poster on the official forums, broke the news today that the Glory of the Raider and Heroic Glory of the Raider meta-achievements are going to have their mount rewards removed upon the implementation of Patch 3.1. While the achievements themselves will still be... achieveable, there is no longer a 310% mount rewarded for completing all of the requirements. Of course, players who have already obtained the mounts will keep them.
This change will keep the extremely fast mounts limited to those who are either extremely lucky or have the dedication to complete the most difficult challenges that Blizzard sets forth to players at their intended difficulty level. The proto-drakes will be proof that a player was able to complete the achievements without having to get gear from higher tiered raids.
It is bad news for players who are more casual WoW players, but makes a lot of sense. It also falls in line with the removal of the Amani War Bear reward from the timed event in Zul'Aman when patch 3.0 went live. Patch 3.0 made many changes to player abilities and lowered the health and damage of level 70 raid bosses, making completion of the event much easier.
The silver lining is that MMO-Champion has uncovered a couple of new Proto-Drakes, Ironbound and Rusted that will be added in 3.1 and in my opinion look even cooler than the Black and Plagued ones. They will probably serve the same purpose, only for Ulduar Achievements.
What are your thoughts? I for one am in favor of this change. Now I just need to finish off those 10 man achievements!