New TCG Loot Cards Including El Pollo Grande
Posted by
Juggynaut on
Thursday, May 7, 2009 -
21 Comments Tags:
card game,
el pollo grande,
field of heroes,
foam sword rack,
magical rooster egg,
mmo champion,
ogre pinata,
path of cenarius,
sandbox tiger,
spectral tiger,
void reaver

It looks like we'll have to stop calling the Swift White Hawkstrider the Chicken Mount, because Blizzard is adding an actual chicken mount into the game. MMO-Champion once again revealed some of the newest items in the game before anyone even knew they existed. One of the loot cards included in Upper Deck's newest Trading Card Game expansion - "Field of Heroes" - will be the Magical Rooster Egg. This teaches El Pollo Grande, which as you can see, is a very large chicken that players can ride around on. How amazing does that sound? It may be a little too out there for me, but I'll decide what I think when I actually see one in game.

Lastly, we'll be seeing the Path of Cenarius, which will leave flowers in your wake as you run around the world. Lifeblood already does this for me, but I may be dropping herbalism soon for something a little more min-max (aka Jewelcrafting), but I don't really need this for the time being.
I've still yet to see a lot of the loot card items that are still available, such as the Foam Sword Rack, which looks like so much fun. Although, thanks to a nice warlock, I was able to get a Sandbox Tiger, which is fun to pull out next to a real Spectral Tiger. Anybody looking forward to picking up a gigantic chicken?
Reader Comments (21)
This looks very lol
I want to see el pollo grande and hogger fight to the death.
I still haven't scored any kind of loot card. :(
I wonder if theres going to be some sort of law-suit between blizz and and that restraunt elle pollo loco
It will be mine.....oh yes, it will be mine.
EL Poli Grande he most evil chicken in all of azeroth! I must have It :0
The only ones who will get this mount and the piñata, will be the US and maybe some of Europe gamers, because I haven't seen, here in México, the TCG on sale.
BTW I think it looks ugly >,<
"El pollo grande" literally means "The big chicken", and "El pollo loco" literally means "The crazy chicken" so, I don't think a sue will proceed against blizzard, because it's only a way to call a chicken xD
not as badass as El Pollo de la Muerte
A skeletal chicken would be sick...
I hear the new KFC grilled chicken is good. That's what the mount reminds me of.
I wonder what the odds of finding one of those loot cards is. For most of the TCG ones, the loot cards are impossible to find.
to see the skeletal chicken all you have to do is buy the skeletal gryphon mount the icon is a chicken skull
dude fix ur forums xD
ive never cared to collect the cards. with my luck i'd collect thousands without seeing one loot card. haha.
But that's interesting. Lol. I play a Blood Elf and i've never really cared to rep grind so i can get a different ground mount so i've been using the same chicken since 60.
But that's funny, i usually call my 'Swift Pink Hawkstrider' my turkey mount. Always looked more like a turkey than a chicken to me for some reason.
Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo. Chocobo.
Someone needs to come up with an addon, that when you mount this thing, the Chocobo song from Final Fantasy plays! DO IT!
What about a zombie chicken mount with a pirate eye patch and mad nunchuck skills?
Ok ... This gives Leroy's "At least i got Chicken" a NEW meaning ...
OMG.... Can it fly? cause that would be sooooo sweet. Seriously, i hate trading cards but i would start buying them just to be able to ride/fly a gigantic chicken.
Lol, that would be hilarious to see. Very random too. Just on your way to The Argent Tournament and you see this giant chicken fly by you leaving feather flying everywhere. lol