I Need How Many Champion's Seals?!
Posted by
iTZKooPA on
Thursday, May 7, 2009 -
28 Comments Tags:
Vanity pets,
argent tournament,
argent tournament guide,
argent tournament rewards,
champion's seals,
daily routine,
non-combat pets

The Argent Tournament has become a big part of my daily routine. Thanks to the clusters of quests and little downtime between them, it's a perfect place to begin my day collecting coin. Then there's the added bonus of the "new hotness" content, helping me finish up my Exodar reputation, new Achievements (yes, I said Achievements), and most important, non-combat pets! It's these little useless critters that have kept me returning to the Argent Tournament grounds day after day.
It didn't hit me until recently that I would be a staple at the tent for the foreseeable future. Originally, I was striving for the pets and the Argent Hippogryph, but that all changed when I calculated the amount of badges, therefore days, I would need to hand over to the quartermasters. 450 Champion's Seals for everything. At a maximum of 5 seals per day, Solidsamm would become less of a staple and more of an Argent Tournament member! We are talking 90 days, three months for all of this stuff. Deep breath. At least we receive 50 Seals from Championing all the factions, dropping that number to 400 and only 80 days. God forbid I wanted to get some of the mounts...
The aforementioned benefits help ease the pain, but they will only last for so long. I've been picking up Champion's Writ instead of the sack of coin to move Exodar's rep along faster. Around the same time I finish Exodar's rep grind, I will be completing the last Valiant challenge for my final faction (Ironforge). At that point, I will lose the additional income of 50+ gold a day from those quests. Sure, I may have 10,000 gold already, but the easy income offsets the monotony. With the vanity pets soon to become the only driving force for my participation in the tournament, I doubt they'll all be by my side quickly. Hmm, perhaps I should just sell them to the horde for thousands of gold...
I'm lucky enough to have Naxxramas and solid crafted gear, so I did not waste Seals on other things. How has the Argent Tournament been treating you? Anyone crazy enough to try to collect all of the mounts? What's an additional 2700 gold, 225 Seals and another 45 days in the grand scheme of things, right?
Oh, and this should be the first Achievement section - outside of Northrend's exploration - that I finish in its entirety.
Reader Comments (28)
Actually you only get the 10 seals for the first faction you champion. After that you no longer get the 10 for championing another faction.
This may be a bit off topic, but is anyone else having trouble with the PL forums? Every time I click on a link it bugs out on me. T-T
I like that you can get level 200 items for just 2 days of dailies (10 seals) which is great for off spec.
I like how you can do 2 quests at the same time.
Battle Before The Citadel = At The Enemy's Gates
A Valiant's Field Training = Taking Battle To The Enemy
4 faction quests 13g each (at 80)
4 agent quests 13g each + a bag of money 10g
= 144 gold a day for only really doing 6 quests.
im on my 4th home city now (Silvermoon), & i am sooooooo freaking sick of these quest's, but i need the pets to get my "Lil Game Hunter" achievement =/
I love the quests and the gold is good and all, but the amounts of marks you need for everything is freaking ridiculous.
I don't plan on buying any weapons ever luckily, but being a major completionist, both my characters will need the Hippogryph, all five mounts, all ten pets (from both factions), all the tabards, and all the banners (for fun).
Yeah. Can you say "Lots o' effing marks"? Cause I can.
Ah well, at least the gold is good (23 per day since I already have exalted with all the factions).
Er, 23 gold per quest, my bad.
I bought the mechanopeep and now I have enough for another pet, but I just don't know if I'll be able to collect enough marks for all of the pets and mounts. Luckily Blizzard has said there will be more ways to get marks in future patches.
Blizz said that with new patches they will add more ways to get champion seals, it wont be 5 a day for long.
Luckily I already had exalted with my home factions before I started, so it's been nothing but cash for me. I started on day one, and haven't missed a day yet, so I am currently on day two of my final faction to become Champion with. Yes, while the quests are starting to get really grindy and boring, I am determined to get everything. I'm going to for the Argent Hippogryph first, then I'll work on the ground mounts. I am running the quests on another level 80 alt so I can use his seals to get the companion pets for my main since they are BoE... yup I'm a crazy person. 8)
got my first argent mount today so I can't complain. But yeah, I'm in it for the long haul. *dies*
Got my Exalted Champion of the Horde along with my Crusader title today, but still looking at better part of 200+ days to get all the items i want (mounts tabards pets etc) I hope they increase the amount at some point lol
There are much better ways to get rep for Exodar and Ironforge. Go do the starter quests first. You get a crapton of rep for very little time. I'm only level 60 and already exalted with Darnassus, Exodar, and Stormwind. Ironforge and Gnomer aren't far off...maybe a few piles of runecloth.
I'm on my final faction as well (Orgrimmar), and I can't wait until I'm done championing them to get the meta-achievement since I was already exalted with all five when 3.1 came out.
I am not a big pet collector, so I'm not worried about getting them. All I want is the gold. *lol*
im working on getting my last faction championed right now (gnomeregan which should be done by sunday) im not sure what i want to buy with my seals because i have 95 right now...im pretty sure that once the coliseum is done that there will be other ways to get them though....we are still in phase one of the tournament...i just wish we had a ballpark figure of when we were gonna get the next part of it though
I love these dailies, they are fun and I do them with my BF for added ease. I'ma huge pet collector, and I'm currently sitting at 74/75 for the achievement. New pets, new mounts, the whole idea is thrilling. But yes, too bad it cant move along faster.
kinda strange that everyone is loving the new content, then a week later, everyone's bored with it. Haha.
I for one, love these quests. I suck at the mount thing because i never remember to set up my shield and i was really slow learning that you can stack the shield 3 times. I've never been into PvP so, luckily, i don't need to be epic at this. Just mediocre is fine.
But i've been loving the quests. The dailys are nice. Certainly more interesting that the other dailys in Icecrown which basically tell you to go here and kill 20 of these, go over here and kill 15 of these and stick this flag in their bodies, then go over here and shoot down 6 of these rockets....
Just a slaughterfest. Which is fun and easy for awhile. But then the monotony of it sets in after you complete a few. I stopped doing the 'Slaves to Saronite' daily because it would take forever to get 10 free and i'd have to kill those darn flying chicks again and again. It was just painful and not worth the 13g.
These days my dailys start with Argent Tournament. Then i finish up those and fly over to Shadow Vault and then to the ship. Only thing that frustrates me is no matter how much self control i have with the AH, by just throwing the greens that drop while doing my dailys in there all my gold is vanishing into my repair bill.
If i didn't do the dailys before i do anything else in game i'd have to raid in broken gear.
I am going for the flying mount first, then after that things will fall into place. I'd be doing pretty well if I wouldn't have moved and lost internet for 2 weeks. Now I'm pretty much unmotivated to do dailies for now and I'm leveling a few of my alts.........
Just 2 point out aswell the pets aren't BoP so u can farm the other factions pets on an alt and trade them over though neutral AH many people on my server (aeris peak) have been trying 2 sell them for profit =P i hope they add in aswell a way 2 represent the argent crusade, and ebon blade as there are champions there aswell heck even other factions like the cenarion circle (fingers crossed)
Tbh, this is the most boring quests ever, and I have tried to to them, but I do already have 10.000 gold, and my "gaming schedule" is quite full, doing Arena, raiding 4-5 days a week, gold farming etc.
I don't really want to do those quests, since they are boring and won't really get you rich.
The non-combat pets and mounts are great, but don't want to use time 90 days to get those..
Sons of Hodir quests really were fun compared to these..
thankfull I already had Exalted with all the Alliance factions(mostly because I wnated to get 5 Exalted Reputationa and Exalted with The allaince in one go, i love seeing two Achieves popping up at the smnae time) so i can choose the bag of coins ands get all the Achieves without working too hard I love preemptiveness
Actually, my favorite part of 3.1 has been the Argent Tournament. I'm between guilds and on a new server now so I've been mostly soloing around and the Argent Tournament is really keeping me motivated and playing. I'm almost Exalted Champion with every Horde faction and expect to have Silvermoon under my belt by Monday.
I'm just hoping to have enough champion seals for what I want. I believe however as the Argent Tournament advances, we'll have more dailies with more ways to get champion seals. Plus I believe Blizzard has more rewards in store so I'm hanging on to as many as I can until phase 2.
any1 else get the feeling blizzard will release it on the 89th day just as we get my shiny new flying mount don't get me wrong these dailies are fun but ones like kill chillwing (think thats what it's called i just stab it and ask questions later) is gonna be a little harder 2 find groups for it 75 days in cause people are getting bored of killing him over and over again
There WILL be more ways to obtain marks in the future.
I'm not checking the forums for the official post, but I'll tell you it was Blue.
That is all.
oh lord to think i have to do this three times over just makes my head spin i just started this on my DK and oh boy am i looking forward to doing this 2 more times P:
just like allways i have my work cut out for me i been trying to to unlock the sons of hodir dailys and i was starting the oricle dailys just yesturday i found the ebon blade and i am allready honnored wwith am my DK is revered with all the alliance fractions it whould take me 1 hour at the max to be exalted the SW i have only 10 marks i am still on taht quest whear i have to get 25 marks it whould take me about 3 days to get but doing all of this the ebon dailys teh oricle dailys the sons of hodir dailys and all the lag my internet F-ing up it takes the whole day just to do that so iaam currently stuck doing nothing casue my head is spinning of waht to do first