Too Soon for a New Tier?
Posted by
Bastosa on
Tuesday, June 30, 2009 -
31 Comments Tags:
tier 8,
tier 9,
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![Tier Gear Tier Gear](
As I'm pretty sure most of you have noticed, the new loot we will be able to earn is amazing. Tons of great drops, crafted gear, and most importantly the new tier pieces. While it all exciting, with 3.2 seeming near it makes me wonder if it all is coming a bit soon.
I know this may sound a bit odd coming from the guy who complained about how long we were stuck in Naxx, but I don't think we have had enough time in Ulduar. Most of my shiny new T8 epics still have that new car smell, and there is plenty of hard-mode loot I haven't even had a chance to farm.
Perhaps I am just concerned that the new loot showing up on the PTR is a bit too good. With all of this new stuff available I will see little reason to go back to Ulduar. This would be a shame because I think Ulduar is an amazing instance! Blizzard managed to create a challenging instance that is full of story and has tons of replayability with the hard modes. I am not ready to leave!
While I'm sure people will still be running it, finding motivated groups will be difficult with all of the best stuff somewhere else. At the very least it would be nice to still make the hard mode loot relevant. Yes, I know there will still be best-in-slot items sprinkled around in old content, but by and large we are progressing past it.
While I feel most people have had a fair shot at Ulduar itself, I know many people want time to go deeper and try those hard modes.
Of course you can never make everyone happy, people progress at different paces, so while some are farming Algalon, many are still in Naxx. None the less for me, this seems fast.
How do you guys feel about it? Want more time, or are you ready for something new already?
Reader Comments (31)
I definitely feel like it's a bit fast. There are still a lot of us that are working our way to Yogg, and making good progress. I understand that there's a small faction of raiding guilds that blow through content, but the majority of us would like to get to the last boss of this "phase" before everything else gets unloaded. I hate feeling like we don't have a chance to catch up.
They should implement the T9 like at 3.3 or 3.4, Having to grind all the emblems and Ulduar runs to gear up for T8 is time consuming.
I have to agree that it does feel like it's a bit soon for another tier. I run with a small guild that concentrates on 10 man raiding and going from 219/226 to 258 on max lvl gear is a bit frightening.
With Naxx we had a hard time near the end getting people to log on to run. Now we have more people than we can use and have a hard time getting everyone in that wants in. I kind of hope that it is another month( or 2?) before 3.2.
I'm excited about the new gear and new instances, but like you I'm really enjoying Ulduar and don't want to wave goodbye to it just yet.
Definitely far too early. I've been able to barely scratch Ulduar due to my schedule, not one T8 piece and the new tier is already coming? I'm kind've irked off.
I think its wayyy to soon for the new stuff. My guild is slowly progressing it way though Uldaur but we have hit the road block at Ferya and Mirramon. We are all worried that we are going to slow and what not. So hopefully the new patch does not go live for awhile still.
It is too soon. Ulduar has only been out for, what, month-and-a-half or two? I haven't even gotten any tier 8 gear yet (not for lack of trying, believe me).
I know Blizzard wants patch 3.3 out before the year is over, but is that pushing it a bit too much?
way to early for a new tier im only done 3 boss :( the first boss thorium and freya thats all i could of done more but my guild has goten strick and it feels like its falling apart so i probly wont be raiding ulduar for awhile unless my new guild decides to raid they downed every boss in black temple besides illadan and for most of them it was there first time and we almosted downed illadin but we couldint because people have to go they could listen very well o_o better then my old guild
I just got my 2nd piece of Uld10 gear, I play a human Mage the uld10 pieces i have is Plasma Foil from XT and T8 pants...thats it....granted I need a new wand( i still have The Wand of SStarus from H Gundrak) and a new Helm( Crowl of Winged Fear from naxx10-Sapp) i do Ulduar once in a blue moon, and i love it, i learn fights fast, all u have to do is sy whats gonna happen and i watch other ppl at the same time after a phase or wipe i learnd the entire fight perfectly. In Ulduar i've learnd Flame Lav, Ignis, Razor,XT, Vol, Freya, Thorum, Hodir....the rest i still need to learn and want to learn, Blizz adding T9 already is just werid, I love raids and Naxx25/Maly25 is easy for me, in the words of J! "Guns don't kill ppl, Magic Missles do." Blizz how bout u piss off the hardcore raiders for once and hold back on T9 for now and let the rest of us get a chance to catch up...
you people do realize taht this patch is coming in the fall right? so you have july and august plus when ever in the full the patch is released to beat naxx/ulduar what ever your up to but i do agree that new tier is being released to soon its not even a year since WOTLK released probably will be by the time the patch is released and blizz is releasing tier 9 it took blizz 1 and a 1/2 year to release 3 tiers i mean the gates of icecrown arent even open yat and i have a feeling this wont be the last patch before the gates actauly open waht about next expenchion cant help to renember being gity all though the summer of 2007 about WOTLK i expected to know atleast the name of the next expenchion by now but i guass blizz has much more ideas and many more issues in WOTLK then they did in BC or maby they are keeping it on teh down low this time i wondr if their going to be anyone after arthas like kil'jaeden came after illidan but cant really think of anyone above the lich king except for yogg-saron or maybe algalon but they allready dead in the game unless they get some how resucted infect that would be a cool event in gates of ice crown the lich king brings back some of our loves like illidan kel'thas and others or some historick idols like uther and that guys that died at ice crown
Nnohhbody all blizz been doing lately is pissing harcore raiders of
I agree it is alot faster then with previous patches, but two comments on that. One they did say they did not want the time between Wrath's patches to be as far apart as BC's, and for another just because the new raid is out, does not mean you are gonna be able to do it, when 3.1 came out I had not even actually gotten into Naxx, I was walking around with an average iLvl of like 189, but in the last week I have now an average iLvl of 200 and am doing naxx 25m with my guild, and occasionally jumping into an Ulduar 10m. But when I am done with Ulduar or able to move beyond it at least, I will have new content right away to enjoy, i will not have to farm the same stuff over and over because that is all we have, but can actually progress. Now I kind of foresee that 3.3 and the Icecrown Citadel will come out later this year or early next year, but I have a sneaking suspician that 3.3 is not the end of Wrath, just like BT was not the end of BC. But anyway, yes it is fast, but also it is getting people out of the "farming" status that we tend to get in once current content is out for too long between content patches. Sorry for rambling, lol. ;)
It is definately too fast for them to be releasing a new tier considering all those boring Naxx runs to grind the emblems needed to get some of your gear, and the slightly boring but much harder Ulduar runs to get your tier 8. Im not excactly sure when the new patch is coming out but if its any time in July or August that is much too soon.
I also wonder if Blizzard is trying to have tier 10 to come out with IceCrown Citadel so that the bosses there will drop the new gear. But IDK
i predict that artahs will be killable sometime in spring but i dont know if blizz is serious about speeding the game up it might come out even before the winter break which would be perfect. i been thinking of who could follow arthas as the new top dog and i still cant think of anyone except for maby sargeras but its way to soon for him to come into play blizz should save him for the next expenchion
maby archimond will rise once again
This is way too soon, our realm first 25 Yogg-Saron kill came only a few weeks ago, i hardly ever see ANYONE with any tier 8 gear. Also too me this new raid sounds like a joke. Real raiding should be going into a huge dungeon or palace or fortress or watever and fight your way through all of the evil rulers's minions and lieutenant bosses b4 finally getting to the final bosses santuary or lair or thrown room or prison etc. and downing him, it is a feeling of triumph to storm a huge place and kill everything inside of it, to explore its different areas and see wats going on that has caused all the commotion and to stop their evil deeds b4 they can unleash thier horrible plot on the world. And from wat we have been told about this Crusaders Coliseum its not anything like that at all. basically u stand in a room and bosses that were CAPTURED? are sent in (by people that apparently have the situation under control if they were able to capture these things) and then u kill them. There is no trash mobs of evil minions or neat areas to explore, nothing bad will happen to the world if u fail in your quest, the baddies will just stay locked in their cages. And why are we supposed to do this? Wat is our motivation to kill these horrible creatures... simply to prove to the stupid argent crusade that we can.... Lame! i'm sorry maybe i'm just cheesy and immature but i like a story, some background info, and a feeling of having a purpose for killing these evil monsters. I mean if this is the next raid wat will the LK encounter be like, u stand outside Ice Crown Citadel and wait for him to walk out and meet you! Come on Blizz now your just getting lazy.
I concur.
The folks at Blizz must be sitting around wondering what the hell they gotta do to keep the players happy. "Content comes out too slow! Give us new content sooner!"
A-La-Peanut-Butter-Sandwiches! (POOF!)
New content comes out sooner. Only instead of being happy over it, the players seem to be upset. "Content comes out too fast! Give us new content slower!"
What the what?!?! Seriously folks, make up your minds. You asked for it. You're getting what you asked for and now you don't want what you said you wanted?
more time plz i got my full t8 2 day ago an i need to said to people
" o look i got full t8"
t9 plz come in 3.3 or 3.4 plz
19 th
Im pretty sure its not coming out soon, but within the next 2-3 months. For me, Ulduar was not a great instance really, the original encounters should have been made hard because hard modes IMO are just boring replays. I just don't think Ulduar is worth spending a lot of time on :\.
i'm trying to figure out why 4months isn't long enough from 3.1 to 3.2? it's only 2months shorter than 3.0 to 3.1 (six months)
4 months is plenty of time to gear up. plus, chill guys, we still don't know the full details of the new raid loot. I know patience isn't something many of you are familiar with, but pls attempt to find some, your RL will benefit as much as your wow life.
It just feels too soon. That and Naxx was just a replay of an old instance so 6months of the same old, same old was too long.
But finally being given a brand new instance of more epic proportions, with the difficultly ramped up a notch (or 3 compared to Naxx) with options of hard mode to attempt on both 10 and 25 means that this instance hasn't had a chance to get old yet. My server still hasn't downed Algalon at all and the Horde 1st 25man Yogg only occured last week with the Alliance downing him only a week before that.
When you also take into account that with school and nice weather, guilds have been struggling to put together 10 man raids, let alone the 25 mans (just look at Koopa's blog and associated comments). As a result alot of this new content is still un-attempted through lack of numbers not willingnesss.
Also, with 3.2 is coming the emblem overhaul. This makes Ulduar pretty much obsolete as you can just buy the emblem stuff just by farming heroics. Anything that's not provided for from emblems can be got by PuGing Naxx 25, instead of trying to get a guild run of Ulduar 25 together. So you'll be able to step into the Coliseum, without ever having leapt into Ulduar on 10 or 25 man. Which to me is just plain wrong.
All we're asking for is a little more time to enjoy the content we've got before it's made useless.
Blizzard sucks at releasing stuff, they gave us too much time with an easy instance (naxx) and not enough time with a harder and funner instance (ulduar). I agree with you, we need more time to see all of the ulduar content before better stuff. of course, this new stuff is rumored to come out in 1 or 2 months, so maybe then every1 will be ready for the new content
I wouldn't call the new armorsets in CC a new tier. Remember the new armorsets when AQ40 came out? They were called tier 2.5 because they weren't really a upgrade but more of a sidestep. A different choice. That's what the new armorsets CC will be.
From wat we are getting from the PTR (which i know can be exaggerated) the new gear is a completely new tier.