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Too Soon for a New Tier?

Tier GearAs more and more information comes out of the PTR, its pretty hard to not pay attention to it. I am personally getting pumped for all the great new content Blizzard is getting ready for us.

As I'm pretty sure most of you have noticed, the new loot we will be able to earn is amazing. Tons of great drops, crafted gear, and most importantly the new tier pieces. While it all exciting, with 3.2 seeming near it makes me wonder if it all is coming a bit soon.

I know this may sound a bit odd coming from the guy who complained about how long we were stuck in Naxx, but I don't think we have had enough time in Ulduar. Most of my shiny new T8 epics still have that new car smell, and there is plenty of hard-mode loot I haven't even had a chance to farm.

Perhaps I am just concerned that the new loot showing up on the PTR is a bit too good. With all of this new stuff available I will see little reason to go back to Ulduar. This would be a shame because I think Ulduar is an amazing instance! Blizzard managed to create a challenging instance that is full of story and has tons of replayability with the hard modes. I am not ready to leave!

While I'm sure people will still be running it, finding motivated groups will be difficult with all of the best stuff somewhere else. At the very least it would be nice to still make the hard mode loot relevant. Yes, I know there will still be best-in-slot items sprinkled around in old content, but by and large we are progressing past it.

While I feel most people have had a fair shot at Ulduar itself, I know many people want time to go deeper and try those hard modes.

Of course you can never make everyone happy, people progress at different paces, so while some are farming Algalon, many are still in Naxx. None the less for me, this seems fast.

How do you guys feel about it? Want more time, or are you ready for something new already?

Reader Comments (31)

i think the tier that drops in the new instance shoul dbe a new pvp armor cause my guild ahsnt even killed yogg yet im on one of the worst servers in the game it is taking our server a while only 2 guilds have downed him on my server soo ya i do think its too fast

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterxxdeathangel

but their allready tier 8.5 whats thsi one going to be tier 8.7

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered Commentercocopuff


July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterZoova


July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEric

Unless the patch takes 2-3 months more to actually be released, it's way too soon.

What's going to happen to the final raid added to this expansion? No new tier, but lot's of really pretty purples?

Nothing seems to be interesting or have any sort of major epicness going on, cept for Ulduar. Bliz better have something really amazing coming along in this new raid, and they need to hype it up like crazy. And not release it for a while.

Just my 2 copper.

July 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNebyula

@Nebylua: Ever heard of a dude named Arthas Menethil? He also goes by the name The Lich King.

July 2, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEric

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