Entries in goblin racials (1)

BlizzCon 2009: Goblin Hands-On Preview

I was lucky enough to get a round and a half of playtime with Cataclysm over the weekend, despite the lengthy lines. For both of my expeditions I chose a backstabbing goblin to ease my transition, and to allow me to experience the maximum amount of content in the short windows allotted to me.

The World of Warcraft: Cataclysm demo started off with my goblin near death, or so the debuff explained. A shock with jumper cables didn't manage to awaken my heroic avatar – he saved the people around him – but accepting a quest revived his spirits. I quickly learned that my level 5 rogue, quickly named 'Asffda', arrived in his dire circumstances thanks to an explosive payload from the local Alliance navy. I was then tasked with rescuing my comrades from their escape pods. The escape pods exploded upon interaction. Miraculously, the diminutive greenskins inside are able to survive the blasts. Blizzard forgot to announce their other racial, Immunity to explosive, I guess.

picture-38Asffda then paddled ashore to tackle other missions. Missions of pure goblin bliss. I collected a trio of quests at the first hub, only one of which was cheesy. Everyone single one of them was along the generic lines of “Kill 10 foozles”, but they possessed some unique goblin twist that made them amusing. One had me collecting tools, while the other one had me tossing explosive banana bunches at the local monkey population. An incredibly effective method of pest control.

Due to the amount of people in the starting areas (hello WoW in late November 2004), I decided to break away from the pack after bagging those quests. I spent the rest of my time taking in the sights, soaking up the rays in my new home and greeting the locals. A few things became quite apparent. First off, the Alliance is definitely put in a position as the absolute enemy from the get go. For starters, their dastardly navy nearly killed me. Compounding one's hatred would be the incessant attacks by the local SI:7 who inhabit the tiny island. The instigators even randomly attacked the local Orc Camp while I was having my gear repaired and feeding the vendors. The audacity of those cretins! Down with the Alliance!

/me clears head

Goblin culture was also expressed in the very environments that I traversed over my sessions. In true goblin form, the inventive creatures managed to train the local monkey population to help in their mining operations. Although they had just made camp, the cave looked well mined, and operations were running smoothly. I highly expect Blizzard to focus most of the early goblin experience on the race's fondness for environmental...shall we say, "enhancements?" Supporters of Al Gore they are not.

Speaking of environments, the water in Cataclysm looks pretty amazing. Considering how wet we will be (underwater dungeons!), it's a good thing that Blizzard updated the dual hydrogen compound's effects.

What, you thought I forgot about the racials? Heavens no, I am simply saving the best for last. Rocket Barrage could be cooler, but it's pretty fun either way. The ability fires a single goblin-constructed incendiary device at your target. I forgot to check the range on it, but it may be useful as a pulling ability for melee classes. I just don't see it having much utility unless it scales to have multiple explosives. The Rocket Jump is where it's at. Triggering this spell on your utility belt will vault you into the air as your arc over some 20 yards. You can easily leap over foes in the way (I kept pulling aggro), vault to higher ground, across canyons or launch yourself out of the water. No matter what your end goal is with a lift-off, the character is beautifully animated with pyrotechnics, swinging arms and all. It's easily the most enjoyable racial in the game.

I really want to roll a toon for both of the upcoming races. Who else got to take a goblin for a spin? What'd you think? What class are you gonna roll? If I didn't already have a gnomish Death Knight, I'd rock that.

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