Entries in loot cards (1)

Upcoming TCG Loot Cards Hit PTR

Have Fun Sitting There For SIX HOURS
Three hours into the fight...
Since day one, I have been trying in earnest to score myself one of the TCG loot cards.  Any of them.  Every time I hit Target or see a pack of cards laying around a random EBGames I snap it up in hopes of scoring something.  To date, I have been enticed by a few dozen packs of cards, covering all the available expansions.  Yet, I have nothing to show for it.  Not a Turtle Mount, Paper Flying Machine, nor even the swanky Fishing Chair.  I can't really complain though, I simply haven't paid my dues.  Even if I had purchased 50 packs of the Fires of Outland set I would only have over a 25% chance to score that chair.  Not what I would call gambling odds. Starting March 24, I will have a new expansion pack to fail at collecting.  Upper Deck Entertainment's Blood of the Gladiators will offer players - or collectors - a new trio of loot cards.  Unlike previous releases, I can't see any of the following cards going for hundreds on eBay, but there is some fun stuff.
  • Sandbox Tiger - Remember those old horsie things that sat on a giant spring in the playground?  They were the things you'd jump on, rear back and forth a few times, get bored and head off to the monkey bars till you fell and went crying to Mom.  Well that is what this is, only instead of a horsie, it is a miniature Spectral Tiger.
  • Center of Attention - This baby enables players to fill one more slot with a purpal - the shirt slot.  Center of Attention grants players the in-game Epic Purple Shirt they always wanted.  Finally, my character's lust for violet can be completed!
  • Foam Sword Rack - Like the Owned! card before it, this one is a gag item.  Players will be able to toss out the aforementioned rack full of s-words and bonk unsuspecting players with their Nerf quality weapons.
Upper Deck Entertainment's announcement of the loot cards did not include their respective rarities this time.  But I don't think that will matter to me.  Thanks to coincidental timing, the cards are available for beta testing on the PTR right now!  Players who wish to battle it out at 1 DPS, get nostalgic about their favorite rocker or implement the digital "Look At ME" saying, can do so via Landro Longshot and the following codes:
  • Sandbox Tiger: 1111
  • Epic Purple Shirt: 2222
  • Foam Sword Rack: 3333
Being able to play with the loot items before they are launched won't stop me from dropping more money on the booster packs though.  I have lived through another Square Root Day, so I am one step closer to my victory over the mathematical world and its bastard child known as probability.

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