Upcoming TCG Loot Cards Hit PTR
Posted by
iTZKooPA on
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 -
15 Comments Tags:
extended universe,
loot cards,
spectral tiger,
trading card game,
upper deck,
wow tcg

![]() Three hours into the fight... |
Since day one, I have been trying in earnest to score myself one of the TCG loot cards. Any of them. Every time I hit Target or see a pack of cards laying around a random EBGames I snap it up in hopes of scoring something. To date, I have been enticed by a few dozen packs of cards, covering all the available expansions. Yet, I have nothing to show for it. Not a Turtle Mount, Paper Flying Machine, nor even the swanky Fishing Chair. I can't really complain though, I simply haven't paid my dues. Even if I had purchased 50 packs of the Fires of Outland set I would only have over a 25% chance to score that chair. Not what I would call gambling odds.
Starting March 24, I will have a new expansion pack to fail at collecting. Upper Deck Entertainment's Blood of the Gladiators will offer players - or collectors - a new trio of loot cards. Unlike previous releases, I can't see any of the following cards going for hundreds on eBay, but there is some fun stuff.
- Sandbox Tiger - Remember those old horsie things that sat on a giant spring in the playground? They were the things you'd jump on, rear back and forth a few times, get bored and head off to the monkey bars till you fell and went crying to Mom. Well that is what this is, only instead of a horsie, it is a miniature Spectral Tiger.
- Center of Attention - This baby enables players to fill one more slot with a purpal - the shirt slot. Center of Attention grants players the in-game Epic Purple Shirt they always wanted. Finally, my character's lust for violet can be completed!
- Foam Sword Rack - Like the Owned! card before it, this one is a gag item. Players will be able to toss out the aforementioned rack full of s-words and bonk unsuspecting players with their Nerf quality weapons.
Upper Deck Entertainment's announcement of the loot cards did not include their respective rarities this time. But I don't think that will matter to me. Thanks to coincidental timing, the cards are available for beta testing on the PTR right now! Players who wish to battle it out at 1 DPS, get nostalgic about their favorite rocker or implement the digital "Look At ME" saying, can do so via Landro Longshot and the following codes:
- Sandbox Tiger: 1111
- Epic Purple Shirt: 2222
- Foam Sword Rack: 3333
Being able to play with the loot items before they are launched won't stop me from dropping more money on the booster packs though. I have lived through another Square Root Day, so I am one step closer to my victory over the mathematical world and its bastard child known as probability.
Reader Comments (15)
I might have to hop on the PTR later and play with it
And First!
hmm interresting an second :P an cool maybe i shuodl start
I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who picks up TCG packs randomly. I think of it as the WoW equivalent of playing the lottery. Odds are stacked against me, but I can't win if I don't play.
Speaking of, I've got plenty of the cards (and a starter deck thanks to BlizzCon), so maybe I should actually try playing the game sometime.
I actualy played the game awhile. Never got loot though. Good luck collectors.
Hey guys I have a prot pally and i just love to tank for my awsome guild but my friends are telling me to swich servers because they want me to be tank for them. I dont know what to do so if you guys could give me some advice that would be awsome . thx and keep on makeing funny and rockin videos
urs truely ,
@daniel roll a dk on your friend's realm.... start at lvl 55 and from there it is only a short time to 80 and end game raiding with friends
also foam sword rack ftw
I play the TCG myself and have collected a nice ammount of lootcards varrying from the path of illidan to those all sought after epic tabards.
i seem to find one of them weekly somehow
my friend even got the spectral tiger ( the lucky bastard)
i bought one pack to see what all the fuss whas about and i got the fishing chair ;D
oh dude blood of gladiators SUCKS!!!!i saw the loot cards on the TCG preview and they...the same.
I have been lucky in my purchases of the booster packs (maybe 20 or so total):
Papa Hummel's Pet Bicuits
Baby Hippogryph
Paper Gyrocopters
The Fishing Chair
Swift Spectral Tiger mount
The chair is awsome to have to just sit in Skettis and fish for Mr.Pinchy. Very relaxing ^_^
XD Now I gotta try for the sword rack.
ive just gotten myself the sandbox tiger today!
was so lucky i did the pre-release of blood of the gladiators and BOOM there it was
Damn you are lucky. Still I think Ombrenoire has you beat since he got the actual Spectral Tiger and has purchased less than a box of cards!
I've gotten only around 6 or 7 packs and i've gotten 3 loot cards. all of em Slashdance which give 100 Party G.R.E.N.A.D.E's, showing they're either not that rare from the Drums of War packs or i'm extremely lucky.