Entries in november 13 (1)
Confirmed: WotLK In Stores November 13
Posted by Project Lore Editor on Monday, September 15, 2008 - 44 Comments Tags: Death Knight, november 13, patch 3.0.2, release date, wotlk, wrath of the lich king
As you may or may not have noticed, our home page is looking a little cooler (get it?). Included in that look is a key piece of information. In Stores 11/13/08. That's right, Wrath of the Lich King will be available at retail stores on November 13, 2008. How close was that to your guess? That means we've got approximately two months (or less, depending on when patch 3.0.2 is released) to do what we need to do before starting on the epic quest to level 80. After that, Outland is going to be empty except for Death Knights and dual boxers. Is that enough time for you? Are you excited or dreading it?
Remember to stay tuned to Project Lore for more videos from the Wrath of the Lich King beta in Utgarde Keep!