Entries in security (2)

iPhone Battle.net Authenticator in App Store For Free 

iPhone Authenticator (via WoWInsider) Edit: Direct Link to Battle.net Mobile Authenticator on iTunes App Store WoWInsider is reporting that the rumored iPhone Authenticator App is now available for free download on the App Store. I quickly grabbed my iPhone and did a quick search for "Blizzard" on the App store and a scrolled towards the bottom, revealing that it was indeed available for no charge! iPhone users will have to convert their WoW accounts to Battle.net in order to take advantage, but the App is a great alternative for those who haven't been able to find the $6.50 Authenticators due to the constant Sold Out status on the Blizzard store. This should also help relieve some of those supply issues as most users who have the ability will likely choose to use the iPhone over an extra device to carry. The description of the Battle.net Mobile Authenticator on the iPhone App Store is:

Do you play World of Warcraft using a Battle.net account? Protect the account with the Battle.net Mobile Authenticator for you iPhone, an optional tool that offers an additional layer of security to help prevent unauthorized account access. The Battle.net Mobile Authenticator gives you the security of two-factor authentication. Each time you log in to a Battle.net account, you'll use the Battle.net Mobile Authenticator to generate a unique one-time use password to use in addition to your regular password. Log in with both and you can rest easy knowing that the account is more secure against unauthorized access.
Now, since installing the program, I haven't been able to find it again on the App Store. Also, many users seem to be having problems finding it in other regions like the UK and Canada. Anyone out there able to get the App installed on your iPhone or iPod Touch? For now, I'll hang on to my key fob, but I may soon be able to get rid of it since I'll always have my phone on me. Of course, that also means I'll have to keep the iPhone charged.

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Keeping Your WoW Secure

Look Activision-Blizzard, you can even pull in
some extra ad revenue while raising security!
If there is one thing worse than scammers in World of Warcraft, it is the hackers.  I was just recently informed that one of the rogues I have played with for years lost his account in this fashion.  Generally you have a good shot at some sort of recovery from this predicament, but not for him.  The failure to recover rest entirely on his shoulders.   His Secret Question was apparently too secret - he forgot the answer - and his serial number was lost during a move.  With the decision made for him, he said he is quitting WoW unless he can find a cheap way to get back in.  A new Battlechest with Wrath in it would likely do the trick. I have seen a lot of buddies get hacked, and sadly most of them were taken advantage of by people they thought were friends.  Those personal hackers have it made, the trusting users actually gives them full access to their account and all its contents.  Half the time looting wasn't their intent, but the temptation is just too great.  The more traditional hacker has it a bit hardier. Blizzard has been combating keylogging, viruses and other computer security based hacking attempts since their MMORPG went live.  First, it was just reminders to not share your account data with anyone, including people claiming to be employees of Blizzard.  Then it was the addition of the "Remember Account Name" check box at the login screen.  Blizzard's latest attempt, the hardware-based Blizzard Authenticator, has been marred by their inability to keep it in stock.  Not to mention the facts that it isn't a flawless system, is optional and costs a few bucks more. I can't remember which MMORPG it was, but they had another anti-hacking measure that should be very easy for Blizzard to implement.  An on-screen keyboard for the password.  Teamed with a saved account name, any keylogger would have a hard time cracking our passwords if we entered the entire (or the same section) of our passwords via an on-screen keyboard.   Even if they did have half of the password, they would simply move on to the next sucker who didn't use the keyboard and yoink all his gold, potions and enchanting goodies. It is sad that we gamers have to go to these measures to stay safe, but the fact of the matter is with people willing to pay for gold, accounts and leveling services, the black market becomes inevitable.  Unlike my buddy, keep your computer clean of spyware and viruses (AVG Free), stay off the shady sites, keep your information to yourself, and for the love of the gods, remember to save your serial digitally and make the Secret Question easy enough that you can remember the answer! Security be with you.

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