Entries in trial (1)

Live Stream Raid Tonight: 25-Man Trial of the Crusader

So far we've cleared the regular version of Trial of the Crusader on 25-man and the heroic version on 10-man. Tonight The Totally Rad Guild will be trying the 25-man version of the instance tonight starting at 7pm PDT/10pm EDT. Once we get through Anub'arak, we might be starting on hard modes of the encounters or maybe we'll do Ulduar. Who knows? After that we will likely try to continue another 10-man run of the instance, so check it out for a night full of raiding! Tomorrow at the same times (7pm PDT/10pm EDT), we'll be continuing our raids, so come back then to see what we have in store next. As usual, I'll be in the USTREAM chat and I'll try to answer any questions that come up whenever I can. The streamed video and chat are embedded below, so come in, join the chat, and check it out. You can also follow Project Lore on twitter or check out our USTREAM channel to find out more! Also, if you happen to miss the stream, there should be some archived videos embedded below!

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