Entries in tshirts (1)

Send Us Pics in Your Project Lore Shirt!

Project Lore Wings of VictoryWe've had great responses from the Project Lore fan base, and we really want to get the fans involved even more. If you've got a Project Lore shirt, take a picture with you in it doing what you do and send it to editor@projectlore.com. You can be out and about, playing WoW, waiting for WotLK to launch, or even just posing for a pic.  We'd love to see all of you in your Project Lore shirts, and who knows, you might just be featured on Project Lore! If you haven't picked up a shirt yet, you can head over to the Lore Store on J!NX, where you'll find both the Classic Logo design and the personal favorite around here, the Wings of Victory design, featuring silhouettes of all the World of Warcraft classes. Now, get out there and take some pics!

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