Entries in where's juggy (1)

Where's Juggy?

As we all know from his answer in the Episode 6 Wrap-Up, Juggy is a bit of a rolling stone. Since his answer to Rory's question was released, we've received numerous reports of sightings similar to those in the video.  Of course, Juggs don't remain in a single place for too long, and we at Project Lore don't even know where he is at any given time. If you think you've spotted him crafting in Kobe, respeccing in Rio de Janeiro, or owning in Omaha, mock it up using this photo of the Juggybox (png, gif) and your favorite image editing software, then send it in with the name of the location to editor@projectlore.com. We're sure everyone would love to see where Juggy might be found. Maybe eventually we can convince him to make a video like this one. (View in high quality for full effect). We can't wait to see what you guys come up with!

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