Entries in world map (1)

PTR 3.3: New World Map/Quest System In The Works

The PTR is abuzz with all sorts of changes right now, at least when people aren't getting disconnected! Through the 30 second gaps of up-time, though, I managed to score a few screenshots of the new quest tracking features that Blizzard's been working on. And guess what? They're integrated right into the World Map! I knew something had to be up when I read this in the patch notes:

Quest Tracking Feature
  • This system is currently under development and is not fully functional.
And apparently, this is it: wowscrnshot_100109_230729As you can see, your quest log is now integrated into the map screen when you bring it up (though if you prefer the old log, you can still use it by hitting the appropriate icon). Checking a box in the lower-right corner will allow you to actively track objectives on the map. Presumably, the numbers that correspond to quests in the panel on the right while be displayed on the world map where your goal is. Sadly, this must be the part of the system that "is not fully functional" just yet. As for that green box in the upper-right corner? The final graphic obviously hasn't been added just yet, but clicking on it allows you to window the world map, something you couldn't do previously without add-ons like Cartographer. Here's what it looks like: wowscrnshot_100109_230743Since the feature is still in development, it's not guaranteed that it will make it to live servers in the form you see it here, but I'm still rather excited by changes like this. If I can log onto the test server for more than a few minutes (I haven't even had enough time to re-allocate my talent points), I'll be sure to bring you more (and, hopefully, some details about the new 5-man dungeon that is currently open for testing). What think you of this feature, good readers?

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