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Wishful Thinking: Cross-server Pre-Made Groups

Outside of the new dungeons, the most talked about aspect of Fall of the Lich King has to be the revamped LFG system.  Combined with the new daily heroic setup, the Dungeon Finder feature has been a raving success, changing the way that millions of players participate in World of Warcraft.  By that I mean wasting far less time trying to find groups.  Saving time is simply awesome, but should it be taken a step further?  Should the realm walls come down altogether by means of cross-server pre-made functionality? Pre-mades already exist for the PvE players out there, we simply know them as guild runs.  I'm sure many players have already found capable tanks, DPS and healers from the Dungeon Finder that they'd love to continue to play with.  My raid leader has already passed an olive branch to a few players from other realms, going so far as to tempt them with phat loots to make the leap to our realm.  Okay fine, our guild.  None of them have bit - the IRL cost always being the excuse - but if a cross-realm pre-made option existed, then the players who want to play together could. [caption id="attachment_9135" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Pre-Mades would certainly taste better than Midtownlunch.com's dish"]Pre-Mades would certainly taste better than Midtownlunch.com's dish[/caption] The ever touchy issue of PvE and PvP balancing rears its ugly head here as well.  PvP pre-mades have been the bane of non pre-mades since the beginning of time.  Pre-made groups hardly ever lose in PvP, to the point that beating one is a joyous, often told occasion.  If the same scenario from PvE land, the gathering of the best and most complimenting players in one group, were to become the standard in the competitive gameplay side of WoW, then the outsiders would cry foul.  However, it'd be easily repeated by either side.  Plus, being a part of an epic cross-server pre-made vs. cross-server pre-made battle royale would be the closest thing to real war for many participants. As it stands now the walls have already crumbled.  The segregation between servers is more of a fence than a wall.  We can speak with these foreigners.  We can easily find out what's going on over there.  We can judge whether or not the grass is truly greener.  We've already been given a taste of what a closer community can accomplish.  Now we just need the ability to organize our microchasm of a Battlegroup into a far-reaching server to maximize our time spent in game. Hopefully when Blizzard finally implements the @name based friendlist (allowing us to friend a player, not a player's character) we'll see cross-server pre-mades become a reality. Sure, it'll lower one of Blizzard's lines of income, server transfers, but the company always stated that the fee is there to prevent abuse first, and cover overhead second.  And, the company will still have transfers outside of Battlegroups to nickel and dime us with.

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