WoW Cataclysm is probably still a long way off. But I know the very first thing that many of us will do upon picking up that glorious next expansion already is decided: we'll roll either a Goblin or Worgen, depending on our faction of choice and possibly also which we like better aesthetically.
But for many of us, we already have a legion of options for doing just that: Roll a new toon. Pick a new race and class combination that you've never tried before. Run all the quests and dungeons that you've skipped over in the past. Actually read through the quests so you get a feel for what you're fighting for. I'm sure there's going to be a few of us who can say they've rolled each race or each class at least once. But have you truly played through each one well enough to learn their homeland?
As iTZKooPA detailed a bit back, he's got a group together who all rolled classes they've never played and are running low-level instances together. I happen to play the warlock in that group, and let me agree with him: So far, it's been a blast.
If you're going to do something similar, you should do it now. As we've been informed, the Cataclysm is going to cause huge changes and upheavals within Azeroth. Some starting areas may get completely revamped not only in their looks, but also in their quests and the level of monsters within. What better way to really experience the full effect of all those changes than by better getting to know what Azeroth is like before those changes come?
Perhaps this little reminder of what's to come will get you motivated:
So, anyone else thinking of rolling anew before the new content comes out? I suspect we'll all be enthralled with Patch 3.3 before long. But in what likely will be a long stretch between that content and the release of Cataclysm, think of rolling something completely new. For me, I think I'll choose a gnome mage and better get to know that Alliance side that I'm always picking on!
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