WoWFlix: Unofficial Icecrown Trailer

WoWFlix is a column featuring videos from around the web related to World of Warcraft. If you find something you’d like to be featured, leave a comment or send a tweet to @Heartbourne.
The following fan-made video contains major spoilers for The Frozen Halls, the series of 5-man regular and heroic dungeons available upon the release of patch 3.3. This video was made by vodka, a famous progression Alliance guild on Alterac Mountains. I remember back when they were on Mannoroth and my old Horde guild Reformation was competing with them for the server first Kazzak kill. This trailer is quite high quality. They definitely took some time working on capturing the multiple dramatic angles. For anyone who needs to get hyped up about patch 3.3 and its probable release on Tuesday, this will do it for you.
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