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Raids Nerfed To The Ground!

The Eye - Easier than it Used to be!Now that the new patch is alive and kicking, my guild has decided to get back to raiding. Finally! This is great news, but things seem, well, different. I know Blizzard went ahead and reduced mob’s health by 30% for the new patch, and I also know that all of the classes have been buffed a bit with their new abilities. What I wasn’t quite ready for was the net result of all of this. All of the raid content is now ridiculously easy. This has been an extreme nerf, way more so than I had expected. Perhaps it was just the new class abilities are just much more powerful than it seems, or maybe 30% is just way more than I was able to visualize. Either way, wow.

In the last two days alone we have had groups go through Kara in half (literally) the time it used to take, we have earned a few guild firsts, and we have taken groups of people who have never raided before into 25-mans with ease. It’s all quite overwhelming.

Even heroics have changed significantly. About two pulls into my first heroic since the patch (Ramps), my group quickly went from strategic marking and pulling to just grabbing 14 mobs at a time and AOEing everything down. CC has been rendered completely useless.

These made many of us reconsider our activities for the next few weeks. We now have the opportunity to see content that we never thought we would be able to see. Of course we will go down those bosses that always gave us trouble (Vashj I’m looking at you), but after that I think we will be able to press on into content we have never even seen. I even heard about a trade channel PUG that cleared most of Black Temple, surely we can do the same!

As fun as this is, I can’t help but think this massively devalues these encounters. Sure we may get guild firsts, but do they count? No way. I no longer get a since of pride from downing a boss, it’s just an achievement/gear run for me now. It’s kind of sad. But then again, I don’t think anyone is really kidding themselves.

All in all I think I am just going to take it as it is. I will enjoy the easy achievements, see some new things, gear up my alt, and continue to wait for new (non-nerfed) content in Wrath!

Reader Comments (32)

Me and my buddy set up an SSC pug the other day, we ended up AoEing most of it, and we cleared everything except Vashj out (a 5 phase fight with a pug is never an easy thing). We probably would have downed her too, except our MT and a few healer simautaneously left. Also, gear checks were implemented.

On the PTR I did a geared pug that cleared BT. We had 3 healers. It is rather nice to be able to see new content. I only ever pug stuff (my time can't be scheduled), so its nice to be able to set up geared pugs to do stuff like SSC, TK, and Hyjal. BT is a bit extreme, and I think that only the oldest realms will be doing SWP pugs. Still fun though.

October 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBlickter

right after the nerf i joined up a hyjal summit pug and then a TK the eye pug, both of which we cleared and had a lot of fun getting great gear. Imo, blizz made a smart move with nerfing and the achievements if their intent was to get players to do all the game content and still run BC raids even once Wotlk is out. Anywho as long as we're occupied till wotlk comes out blizz did good, oh and Sunwell plateau here we come :)

October 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkiley

raids only or dungeon too? or maybe all mobs in the outland?

October 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSeth

anyone else notice that the money from the isle dialies has been cut a bit?
kinda annoying on PvP server get ganked by OP retri pallys and Fury warriors for less money =D love it!

loving cruising Heroics with my rogue and also lvling my alt... its more fun... i can pretty easily clear 'red' quests in my log...
fun times definately welcomed the easier leveling it was getting a little dry but i think the speed has breathed a little life into the game...
imo its cool =) ta muchly blizz i think!!

October 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLuminaa

Yep... cleared Heroic UB today with 19 minutes left on the single elixir of agility I popped at the beginning of the raid...lol...

October 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVên

ye i love the nerf.. pefore patch my guild and all PuGs stuck in ZA on jan'alain after patch..lol it was a cake with strawberrys on it. cleared whole thing with no wipes easy =p.. oh yeah..pallys do sick burst dmg..so far been either 1st or in top 5 in dps in all my raids..and still have some blues..=D ..ARCANITE REAP...'TROLLBANE 'HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! (got trollbane from 2nd chest, yes we succeded with timed also but im sad that thers no bear mount anymore =(. )

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFrOzEnFiRe

I accuacly liked it Let us finish BT ( we were progressing but not as fast as the expansion was aproching ) and Ive gotten to see most of sunwell now so Its nice to at least see the content before we all go to the expansion and at least for me never touch the old stuff again ( well besides go to everything once to get the achivements for my new DK that ill be replacing my prot pali with )

October 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZythen

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