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Don't Nerf Me, Bro!

So I’m sure many of you have heard, the Paladin heyday is over. We are getting hit with the Nerf Bat… and HARD. Being the token Project Lore Paladin, I thought I should weigh in on this.

First of all I should clarify this nerf is aimed mostly at Retribution. Ret was buffed beyond belief in 3.0.2, and I will admit, probably to a fault. The most obvious overbalance being in PVP. I have heard tales of retadins taking out 4-5 opposing players at a time, bubbling, taking out a few more, laying on hands, and going back again. They have been accused of being unkillable and dealing way too much damage.

I’m not going to argue that things are right, in fact I’ll agree that they are very wrong. I must say this whole ordeal as been hard to take as a Paladin. In WoW you grow a certain attachment to the class you play, it becomes part of your identity, and I can’t help but take a lot of the recent criticism a bit personally. There has been massive QQ over what pallies can do. It has gotten to a point that other players are getting angry over it. People are accusing us of being “cheap” or being “cheaters.” This is way out of bounds for me. We are playing our class! We didn’t hack the game to get over powered, it just happened! Sure, I know lots of us have been making the most of it, but I don’t think we are doing anything wrong.

Regardless it seems that the chaos is coming to an end.

Looking over the list that our good friend Ghostcrawler posted, there are quite a few changes coming down the pipeline. Some of which have already been hotfixed into the game, and a few more that are going to hit in upcoming patches.

While I understand this is all part of the class balancing act, I do have a concern, namely the 20% damage nerf to seals and judgments. Consider me a bit selfish, but I can't help but worry that the nerfs to ret are spilling over into the other trees. The Judgment/seal nerf will affect my threat as a tank, no doubt about it. Given, Blizzard acknowledges it, but I think they need to find a way to prevent it, not say they will look into if there is a big problem. They have stated they are very happy with the way Prot has shaped up, so why mess with the formula to teach another spec a lesson?

In the end reading over patch notes gives us a very poor idea of how the game play will actually shape up. We are just going to have to wait until we can play these changes to know if they have done too much, not enough, or got it right. All I know is that I will be paying very close attention.

Reader Comments (55)

""If you look at the actual numbers from Blizzard, a S2 geared paladin was putting out (on average)1200 DPS. That’s it. 1200. The same S2 geared warrior was putting out nearly 1600 DPS, and yet WE’RE overpowered. Don’t even ask about Frost spec mages! Just because you’ve never been killed by a pally before doesn’t mean we’re OP, it just means we’re competitive now.""

What I heard complained most about, was not the DPS they put out, but with the fact they have bubbles, heals, AND can oneshot you..it makes them overpowered. Sure, a mage can oneshot you, but how long do their spells take to cast?

I've not done much PVP in a while, since I'm a fury warrior, and PVP basically goes like this for me...*miss miss miss, dodge, parry, miss miss. ohh, 150 damage..... miss miss miss.. ect." You guys will get nerfed. Cry about it, then respec so your talents work better for you, then go on PVPing.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDeathadder

I just think people need to stop the QQ and get over the fact that a pally can do damage now. Stop crying like little girls and play a class that gives competition now. Or just gtfo.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMushy

thank you mushy, all the QQers are just wusses who cant step up, and people who cant handle a few zombies in towns

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlkaid

well, a lot of u saying palas are now competition but if they almost one hit you? thats not dueling or competition, thats just pure PWNAGE by one class ! Buff up classes but not shit to JESUSCHRISTWTFFF !

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterokei

OMG i have been a retribution pala for more than 2 years now and wtf do they want to nerf our spec? ive had months and months of battlling to be in a grp for 5mans and kara and now i finally dont have to persuade the groupleader that i can do decent dps now.

From a pvp point of view i can see they want to nerf us a bit as long as it does not effect our dps in pve im fine with it.

And those numbers of dps are pretty accurate im in full s2 gear with lionheart executioner and do about 1200-1250 dps.

For all the people out there that want rets dead, LEARN TO PLAY YOUR CLASS! rets are not unkillable!

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSmollIe

Nerfs make me sad. My poor little prot pally I've been lvling with my two friends wont be able to hold aggro at all now :<

We've been leveling together since lvl12 and three manning all the instancing on horde side, well before the 3.02 patch update.

We were all really happy with our new talents and I could finally keep up (sorta) with dps a little.

Now that my judgements are going to be clipped by 20% I feel like I wont be able to do enough damage to help down enemies as well as hold aggro.


October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJenjen

ive played a ret pala before in pvp and i owned ppl in pvp despite my gear i rhink they should be nerfed slightly so it dont affect other specs

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterhexer

nerf the bubble not dps .
retri dps (even burst) was no higher then that of a warrior, mage or rogue...

or even now give back DS as holy that would balance it back to normal

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterkiddi

to all the Prot palas complaining about loss of Threath: come on if you cant hold aggro with 20% less dmg on Sels, your a bad tank.
im a blue geared tank with very few Kara pieces, and i can stay atleast 6k Threath over all other partymembers, WITHOUT any seals or damaging judgements (that means that i have Seal of Wisdom and Judegemnt of Wisdom, but doesnt refresh the judge)

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJondare

Guys this is like way off topic compared to other things but i think i just found where jerry in a movie lol! But seriiously about half way through on "Donnie darko" there he is with short cut hair, i'm either blind as shit or that guy is extreemly similar to him. about 1hour 5mins into film THERE HE IS seriously if anyone can watch the film comment i wana find out if i'm correct cause thats serioulsy freaky lol!

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterandrew


Wow, that is way off topic. I don't own the movie but it probably is him since he was in that one.

Ret Pallies: Thanks Blizzard, and here I was starting to level up a paladin and getting excited about being able to be a viable DPS class for once. Oh well, another healer in the stables.

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMrCoffee

>to all the Prot palas complaining about loss of Threath: >come on if you cant hold aggro with 20% less dmg on >Sels, your a bad tank.
>im a blue geared tank with very few Kara pieces, and i >can stay atleast 6k Threath over all other >partymembers, WITHOUT any seals or damaging j>udgements (that means that i have Seal of Wisdom >and Judegemnt of Wisdom, but doesnt refresh the judge)

I think its perhaps more of having less alternatives to generating threat, I dont think it makes u a bad tank to be concerned about that.

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGarviel

I dont mind if we get a pvp nerf. Thats all fine and dandy. We are very op in pvp. I just hope this does not affect us in pve where we are on about equal footing with some of the other classes.

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEnteri

I play a priest so I don't have much experience with paladins. What I've put together from the comments of others is that when Blizzard raised the dps of ret pallys, they did so from a PvE perspective. And in turn, this made ret pallys apparently OP in PvP. Seems to me that if that's the case then Blizzard needs to nerf not the damage ret pallys are doing but some other aspect that, when added to the now increased damage, makes them OP. If a ret pally is supposed to be doing dps, nerf their heals, or make mana management more conservative. Again, I'm not a paladin player so I don't know how pallys are played so if I'm off on anything...eh. Have fun with the nerf!

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterClaxo

I have been ganked so much since the patch by Pallys that, after the nerfs I am going on a hunting spree. My goal,Pally genocide.

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCrazytree

I was really happy with the damage increase they gave to us prot warriors. I actually managed to beat an S3-geared shammy in my PvE gear. I was SOOO super-psyched that even though I could have killed him when he self-rezzed, I just sat looking at my screen with a dropped jaw.

However, my happines was taken away by the 4-5 second death handed to me by a retadin about 15 minutes later. I only managed to get him maybe a 10th of the way down in health. even before this patch, it was never THAT easy to kill me.

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWesley

Anyone who believes Ret isn’t overpowered at level 70 is seriously deluding themselves. I have a 70 of every class and barring the Arcane mage nothing comes close in PvP right now. I am watching level 68+ pallies in blues smoking multiple geared 70s at a time.

When citing DPS numbers, understand that those are calculated over longer fights not the burst-fest that is PvP right now. Your DPS in the first 5 seconds is 3-4K. That is OP, especially as the closest other burst can’t heal, attack from immunity (iceblock) or have the mana longevity.

That being said the incoming nerf is a little disturbing as it does hugely effect the other trees quite harshly. The issues of viability for leveling for Holy and Prot are legitimate> Prot threat I am not as worried as simply put in BC you had it way too easy, and if it does get out of hand they can retool the threat amplification talents or RF. Healers on the other hand . . .

As it currently stands, only priests have a viable ability to spec healing and DPS for leveling. The new DK class and the boring nature of healing now (no downranking, 1-2 spells used for 95% of your healing) tells me LFG is going to get ugly. So hamstringing Holy paladins DPS isn’t going to help.

The nerf stick had to come out, but this is a little over the top (similar to Hunters in early BC). Personally I think that the armor mitigation to damage and a serious nerf to HoJ would have handled it.

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGordo

even actually palas DID too much dmg on 3.0.2 :) there was this 1 horde pala (seemed to have maybe full Veng and the hammer from Gruuls) he came to me, 2 shotted. he went after wlock behind me, 3 shotted. he got atacked by full Merci/veng warr, 5 shotted... he just couldnt be stopped <.< and barely had 10k health, but throwing thoes 4-5k crits each hit make alot of dmg. good they got nerfed, thou maybeh too much

October 31, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterN00|3

I can honestly say that damage put out by Retribution Paladin's is pretty high, but so isn't every others classes. If they're going to rebalance one class, they should go through all of them again. Some classes, *hacking* Subtlety Rogues *cough*, are just receiving more than they really need, and then some.

Also, I've seen some of the changes on the talent trees on wowhead.com and the two former "increase critical strike damage" talents have been changed dramatically, the damage proc on Seal of Command has been reduced again, the same with it's judgement damage (i think). I'm not entirely sure what to think about this yet. Seems like too big of a reduction at this point, but we'll see.

November 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAbadaboo

Nerf paladins now!

November 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterManifesto

The rediculous part about Ret Pallies, is the fact that theyre a hybrid class, which means they NEVER should have the same dps output as a pure dps class.

There was a Ret pally in a sunwell run on my server who was putting out 2800 dps on Brutallus....he was doing 4k white dmg and 4k yellow........ yes, thats not OP at all, a class that can tank, heal, AND top the dps meters.

If you wanna do viable DPS in endgame, roll a DPS class to do it (as it should be)

all the pallies are just crying because theyre class got super OP Dps, and now its getting taken away.

How about you make it so that Mages/Locks/Hunters/Rogues can heal and wear plate and become invunerable to attacks while they heal themselves to full.

Also, what game are you playing that a mage can 1 shot you? the highest dmg ive done in PvP was like a 7k PoM Pyro with arcane power pre 3.0. And that was with 1100 spelldmg, now unless your grossly undergeared, you would survive this, even with the 2k burn that ignite would give you.

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

I don't understand the big deal. Do people actually even play paladins? I thought it was just a myth. I say just remove the class from the game and be done with it. Problem solved! :)

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTalonni

This is just typical blizz fashion. It has happened with almost every patch since the game came out. They try to balance and dont do it perfectly, and in retaliation to all the QQ, the overreact and completely nerf the class. I think it has happened to every class out there. Allthough I think pallys have gotten the short end of the stick for a long time.

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDemoriel

I must say, Paladins surely gotten the short end of the stick with Blizzard.

Here's something I must say is somewhat stupid and ironic at the same time. I was on the EA Support Forums and someone posted on it, and said NERF PALADINS THEY KILLED ME QQ. And more or less, this guy had 12k Health with 350 Res. (I know he was a PVPER) But he cried about Paladins on a EA FORUM ROFL. (Also I think he was also a Warrior don't really remember.)

So that means, Mages & Etc will be overpowered and laugh at the poor Paladins? Oh great... Mages is overkill as is, they out dps Hunters. lol

November 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHolydos

Just patched up, read the patch notes...myself being a 64 ret pally...just saw the nerf they gave us...way to go Blizz

November 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKratarios

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