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Don't Nerf Me, Bro!

So I’m sure many of you have heard, the Paladin heyday is over. We are getting hit with the Nerf Bat… and HARD. Being the token Project Lore Paladin, I thought I should weigh in on this.

First of all I should clarify this nerf is aimed mostly at Retribution. Ret was buffed beyond belief in 3.0.2, and I will admit, probably to a fault. The most obvious overbalance being in PVP. I have heard tales of retadins taking out 4-5 opposing players at a time, bubbling, taking out a few more, laying on hands, and going back again. They have been accused of being unkillable and dealing way too much damage.

I’m not going to argue that things are right, in fact I’ll agree that they are very wrong. I must say this whole ordeal as been hard to take as a Paladin. In WoW you grow a certain attachment to the class you play, it becomes part of your identity, and I can’t help but take a lot of the recent criticism a bit personally. There has been massive QQ over what pallies can do. It has gotten to a point that other players are getting angry over it. People are accusing us of being “cheap” or being “cheaters.” This is way out of bounds for me. We are playing our class! We didn’t hack the game to get over powered, it just happened! Sure, I know lots of us have been making the most of it, but I don’t think we are doing anything wrong.

Regardless it seems that the chaos is coming to an end.

Looking over the list that our good friend Ghostcrawler posted, there are quite a few changes coming down the pipeline. Some of which have already been hotfixed into the game, and a few more that are going to hit in upcoming patches.

While I understand this is all part of the class balancing act, I do have a concern, namely the 20% damage nerf to seals and judgments. Consider me a bit selfish, but I can't help but worry that the nerfs to ret are spilling over into the other trees. The Judgment/seal nerf will affect my threat as a tank, no doubt about it. Given, Blizzard acknowledges it, but I think they need to find a way to prevent it, not say they will look into if there is a big problem. They have stated they are very happy with the way Prot has shaped up, so why mess with the formula to teach another spec a lesson?

In the end reading over patch notes gives us a very poor idea of how the game play will actually shape up. We are just going to have to wait until we can play these changes to know if they have done too much, not enough, or got it right. All I know is that I will be paying very close attention.

Reader Comments (55)

Being as i used to be a pally I found myself kinda over powered. Never went prot just ret and holy so i can't say how the new update will affect us. All i can say is... Why!! blizzard didnt just nerf us they buffed wars and druids so no more asking a pally for that 5 pull. The new ret tree however seems kinda normal accualy with just an AoE nuke. But your right just going to have to let it play out. And first comment ^^

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFerrix

I watched a single pally take on all of booty bay and while he took them on I went after him he bubbled took me out in about 5 hits most of which I was stuned healed himself and when right back to whipping the town. Crazy stuff. Of course with the ineptitude shown durring updates I'm guessing they spend more time counting money than thinking lately.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

I my self is a Ret pally lvl 69 at the moment and I have known I have been getting craz amont of agro from tanks from doing so much damage. I do plan to go Holy or Prot right hwen Wrath comes out just because people are thinking as you said Bastosa that we are cheaters and take no skill to play the clas and so on. Im also changing because DPS on a paladin just doesnt seem right. Their description for pallys are A "Holy Warrior" not a "Holy DPSer"..I've only picked up Ret for leveling pruposes and I'm sure Ret pallys like me are at the same situation.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

I'm a little pissed not from a group or PvP perspective, but just form a soloing perspective. I don't want my seals/judgments nerfed! I don't give a damn about in groups, that makes sense, but soloing is going to be a pain if they drop my DPS. I'm Holy, I need that damage to actually get through battles with any rapidity.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWill

I think the whole Ret Pally thing is absolutely ridiculous. Granted, our mana regen was waaay OP and I'm glad they nerfed that. Pallies could go for forever without ever going OOM and that's not fair. Our DPS is tied to our mana, hence OOM = no more DPS.

I find it funny that ppl threw such a fit "OMGZORZ! A pally just killed me in 4 hits! OP!" when a frost mage can 1-shot them or a Bladestorm Warr can 2 shot them, and they don't seem to have any problem with that whatsoever.

If you look at the actual numbers from Blizzard, a S2 geared paladin was putting out (on average)1200 DPS. That's it. 1200. The same S2 geared warrior was putting out nearly 1600 DPS, and yet WE'RE overpowered. Don't even ask about Frost spec mages! Just because you've never been killed by a pally before doesn't mean we're OP, it just means we're competitive now.

I think the main problem was that we were unkillable, but that wasn't because of our DPS, that was because our mana let us heal ourselves silly because we never went OOM. Now that they've removed that I see no need to nerf our DPS output (or prot's for that matter because they're in this too) for what was essentially a mana problem.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPeter

I've been ret for a long time now, and even though I admit we became way stronger after the patch than i expected... I'm still worried about the nerfs. Hopefully they actually balance it out so pve dmg doesn't get too big a hit while still being able to balance out pvp more. If ret pallies become a laughingstock spec again after these nerfs, I just might reroll a dps death knight to replace him :-(.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEventime

Pallies could one shot me :(

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSpudnik

I don't know how big nerf this is going to be, but I must say that really enjoyed playing a pally, particulary because while soloing I could aggro 4-5 same level mobs and still be able to take them down easily.

Maybe palas really did do too much damage, as I could kill any mob with just max 4 hits.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

I play holy pala.


I think one reason people are complaining is that ret is actually descent, DESCENT!

Not OP, descent. They can no longer make fun of lolrets so they wine and then blizz nerfs them.

And i'm on the same page as Will. Quests suck as holy, even more with nerfage.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterConxcore

So now every PVE paladin respecs back to a sub-standard healer...sigh, for one brief gleaming moment we actually became a hybrid class and now are forced back to the drudgery of single target healing.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDouglas

I do feel bad about pallies nerfs, im a rogue never had a pally, for me killing a pally just made it funner cause it was like taking down a elite, its true you guys never OOM'd I found that to be a little OP, but they are plenty of things you can do to avoid getting killed off easy by a pally, but if they can nerf anything just the mana part, like make it almost equivalent to a rogues energy bar but better cause you guys kind of stun and burst like us and some of the moves are similar, but i hope you guys dont get nerfed to bad best of luck guys.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterXvRavenous

palas before the patch were kinda bad ( dpsers ), if they had very GOOD gear they were decent, but now, after the patch THEY ARE SICK, kinda best dps class in the game ! Pretty big jump for being bad to OMGWTFISTHIS !?

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterokei

i like dueling if they don't use bubble because its not like there gonna die they can just eat/drink when there done. And if they can play pally well they wont need to bubble or lay of hands.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThatguy

People are just complaining that we can actually dish out some hurt now. EVERYONE here can list alot of things from other classes that should be nerfed but we get the most attention just because we CAN dps now.

Its not fair that we get singled out, cause you can get any spellcaster, mage,warlock and they can 1 shot you and i remember once upon a time i DID get 1 shotted by a warlock and i had 11k hp!!

but it doesn't matter it just gives us paladins more chances to show everyone we can do everything just as good as they can.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlkaid

also i would like to see a rogue, or DPS warrior in WOTLK with gear like the PL team had in the hall of lightning episode. Just to see how much DPS they will do in the upcoming patch. Also in the patch i think they should make fear a any damage to the target MIGHT take the fear off, because i HATE when Locks spam fear so much that when u release the fear with ur medallion they just do it again and spam Sbolt, and u cant even attack them.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThatguy

plus if you think paladins are cheap and unbeatable then,why dont u be one? and if they do way to much DPS too.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThatguy

alright, i play a mage, also have a 70 hunter, but my little paladin is slowly leveling up and is currently sitting at 42, was 35 just after the patch and from there to here took me about 2 days.

Never once did i go oom, or get ganked by over pulling due to guys running away!! I'm holy, so i don't do the greatest amount of damage, but still, i was getting on fine from a leveling point of view. With this nerf, i'm probably going to level a hell of a lot slower, and, as you can guess, that's annoying!

Come on blizz, give us a break - you already nerfed my mage's +10% spell hit for my arcane spells, why do it to my poor nooby paladin??

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMagealitious

I think that paladins finnaly got what they needed: a good boost to thier dps spec. but now that blizz is messing around with the spec i might just go back to healz.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjhez

They really had it coming,being a paladin myself,I have to admit they were way to OP these last days.basicly every class was being slaughtered within those 5seconds of HoJ and even if they trinket out that,you could deal massive amounts of damage,not to mention bubbling and Art of War healing for crazy amounts as insta.I'm glad they tried to keep this mainly to the burstdmg and not so much the dps in raids.but protection being my mainspec,it really sucks that the nerfs went to both holy and protection too,just to be able to nerf retri.
All in all,they gave people a reason to stop saying retrinoob etc,now on with the nerf

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterReyson

just compare ret pally's to a holy priest, they can heal themselves silly aswell, but soloing 2 or more mobs the same level, that means i have to use pots, all my free heals constant shield, my mana trinkets and still have a 60% chance of failing if any of them resists my fear.

compared to that, a ret pally has more then enough power, The nerf making battles long? man as a priest even an easy battle with 1 mob takes at least 30 sec... and pallys get to tripple hit them and move on. Come on, even if you had to hit them 6 times you'd still be faster then a holy specced priest....

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSardit

Nerf em to hell and never look back blizz. Your doing the right thing

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZeb

I play a ret pally so i hate this nerf : / i dont think we are op'ed at all. Ive found that rogues, arms warriors, boomkins, locks, mages, and even preists can kill me. With the same gear or better than mine. Im in full merc gladiator epic wep, the epic veteren belt, braces, boots, and the epic pvp rings and neck peace. To put it short. We arnt op :P just the ppl we kill probably arnt as well geared or not that skilled:P

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJustin

This poast is way down the list so i doubt many people will ready it.
I'm a hybrid pally by that i mean i am a Ret , Holy and a tank pally. Though i have no deleved very deep into the Ret side of things yet. I am very experienced in the Holy and Prot side of pallys.

Pre-patch: Holy pallys - we had about two things to dps with "holy shock" and "seals / judement" these attacks would make us oom fast their cooldowns [15sec for holy shock] [10sec for judement] were stupidly long so we could never do much damage. I leveled from 1-70 holy spec the entire time and i KNOW 100% that is was shit. With the new patch out we finally can level like a normal class we drop a judement of wisdom and hit with righous seal and we can dps not oom and holy shock our way through mobs for a good 10 before we might think about neededing to drink. before patch holy pallys only way was to mass pull 5mobs at once and aoe them all down with concencration and heal through it. or you would have to constantly drink after every 1-2fights. If blizz now decide to lower judgement dps we are no longer a viable pvp class because we can't dish out any dps while keeping heals up. we have no intertupts or fears or manaburns or totems like other healing classes, we don't have unlimited mana while healing like druids so we purely now survive on being able to dps a class to regen mana whilst healing. You will see in the coming weeks a major drop in pallys ability to compete on the same level as everyone else. Why should pallys not be allowed to be a good 2v2 combo, i fight 2v2 ret teams all the time, its called spam heal they don't do that much damage if u know how to play your own class.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterandrew

I know it's been said before here but, they really should not bring the Protection and Holy trees down with Ret just because they made Ret a little to strong for peoples liking. I play a Protection Pally and the reduced damage is going to severly affect my threat output. I need that threat to be a Viable end game tank...

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGamit

This really bl*ws, especially the seals part, from reading the blizzard post, the indicate seals are affected, but only from a dmg perspective, what about ones like seal of wisdom which dont do dmg?

Since I particularly play solo at present this reduction in dmg really hurts.

October 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGarviel

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