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General Chat Discovery

As General Chat Is To Recycling

Thanks WSU.edu and Mark J. Berry

Trade Chat and General Chat are certainly odd beasts. I consider Trade Chat to be one of the most mistreated features in World of Warcraft, as it is hardly ever used for its purpose, facilitating the buying and selling of goods. More often than not I simply ignore the channel all together in an attempt to save my intelligence and sanity.

General Chat, well, that can be forgiven for its missteps into the immature comments or pointless rants. As I roam around Azeroth grinding away at one thing, or the other, I tend to watch General Chat very closely. My eyes will tune into that block of text in the lower left of my screen out of sheer boredom, hoping that a fun or exciting discussion is going on. General Chat's conversation, nine times out of ten, will be a LFG message, a looking for this or that question, or someone begging to be saved from a camper. Yet, like Pavlov's dog, I always come back for more.

While conversing in general, I try to be as helpful as possible. That can get me in trouble though. Help one newbie and you run the risk of them chatting you up for small facts or discoveries till the end of time. Worse still, other newbies bugging you. But, when you are bored, you are bored and I don't mind the distraction.

While on my Priest the other night I found that needle in the haystack gem. I was joking around in GC in Terokkar Forest when I noticed a name I recognized – although slightly modified with an accent - from my former hardcore raiding guild. After feeling each other out to see if they were who we thought they were, we each found a new addition to our 5-man instancing group for Wrath. Score! The only drawback, it seems that they decided which character I will be leveling first for me, the Priest.

What role do you play in General Chat? The helper? Wiseass? Know it all? Annoying person with tons of questions?  Player with numerous ASCII macros? Ever get anything positive out of it?

Reader Comments (28)

Let me get this comment out of the way, " I can't stand all of the fricken noobs that whine, complain, smack-talk, and especially beg in trade chat." I swear if I see another "reported" or "cn I hav sum gold, please. I ned new armer," in trade chat because someone got their feelings hurt or are too lazy to go out and farm gold, I'm going to reach through the monitor and strangle them.

On a more positive note, General Chat is a good for PUGs when you have an hour or two to burn. I have been lucky and met some decent people through General Chat and raid with them quite frequently (and, unfortunately, I've met some real A-holes). I also watch for the usuall cry for quest help and/or directions, waiting until the second call to go out to ensure their not playing around. I don't mind being the tour guide. Most noobs are appreciative and won't take up too much of your time. It is also a good way to recruit players for our guild. Help them out and they remember you when they hit 50-70 (now 80) and are looking for a guild.

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOggrillain

I personally can't stand the trade channel, I really don't undestand the appeal in posting anal [fill the blank] and dirge incessantly funny.

In general chat I always seem to the be the type of person who is first to help someone who has asked a sensible question, although I must be honest, that hasn't happened after creating my DK. The number of people who were asking, "where has the Lich King gone" or "how do I do blah blah quest" was huge. I found like to think I'm a patient person but please before you ask at least read the damn quest again!!!

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGalandria

Sorry about the typo's was on a rant

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGalandria

well im a wiseass/helper/guild advertiser... if there is such a thing

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSathas!

As of right now, Trade chat is practically dead. Everyone and their grandmothers are out in either the Borean Tundra or The Howling Fjord, so those chats have become the new "trade" until we all get to Dalaran, that is. Even still it's not quite what trade chat was, more like Barrens General Chat XTREME edition. People asking the same questions, "OMG WTF iz the LW and SKIN Trainerz @?!?! I went back to the Org today and thought maybe the lowbees would be using trade for it's actual purposes, but you could hear crickets cherping.

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermarsh

I'm none of the above. I "/left Trade Channel" a long time ago because it was pissing me off.

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFruma

im the one telling all the chuck norris jokes in the barrens

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterolly

I just recently started using the Trade channel to actually buy and sell stuff and I've had a handful of veterans tell me I should be doing that in LocalDefense or GC. Huh? When looking for a group in LookingForGroup I was told I should be doing that in Trade. Again, huh? In GC I'm the helper/wise ass.

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDrem

Hail From EU.

It was great to take the boat to the new continent and see that even the ones that don't have the patience to read thru the quest they just got, they have patience to wait for an answer in /general :)

I had to /lol to a lot of ppl that how in the world have they got toon that are lvl 70 never the less found the place to go after that :D

In Chat I usually keep to myself but if I see a truly troubled mind seeking wisdom I happen to have I can't help myself to /w him the knowledge I have in hope of helping the poor guy.

Whats trade channel? oh yeah its the spam, sell gold and talk pewpew I'm better and you suck chat I deleted from my chat setting a while ago :)

Off the note keep up the good work Project Lore!
and don't mind the miss-spells :)

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNav

Yeah.. Trade on Moon Guard has completely degraded to Anal [Insert Ability Here] and ITS OVER 9000!!!!! Which I dont get at all. I find trade increasingly stupider every time I do actually pay attention, and now I have left the channel altogether. General Chat is a little lighter but at least on my server its still filled with the same old rantings and stupid chuck norris jokes..

By the way, do not go into Eversong Woods on my server. Never.

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSamus37

I believe a good deed never goes undone and I always participate in /2 Anal [spam].

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterQuelheure

I turned off my trade chat on November 4th. Not planning on turning it back anytime in the near future.

General chat I enjoy taking part in the chat every once and a while, though right now the start zones of WotLK are extremely annoying.

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDan

Always the helper

November 14, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPerry

you know, im wondering if blizz should hire a set gm that does nothing but payattention to trade chat. that sounds kinda extreme, but its really killing the game for me bc its hard to be on a server with out getting so many times where people fight over the stupid things. now yes i understand the freedom of speech, but when it comes to those times where things are spammed, there should be something more serious about it than a warning. if blizz thinks they are going to lose players that way they are wrong, those kids are pushing the boundries on purpose, which is y you see degrading things and the n-word all the time in trade chat.

November 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfriskydingo

i don't rli use the channels only to find a PUG for a instance other than tht i'ce acctualy used the channels like 5 times in my whole wow life

November 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterteeters

I play the voice of reason.

I get killed off in scene 2

November 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLuuk

I turn trade chat off..it's ALWAYS something annoying. General chat had a lot of Obama/McCain crap going on before the election...and I turned that off too. Now it's back on, and I try to be helpful. When someone asks where something is, instead of yelling: ASK A GUARD, you can nicely type 'N. end of Trade District'. Taks about the same amount of time. I was a noobie once too, and I still need to ask questions from time to time. I don't play 24/7 and no one learns if they don't ask questions. My guild already calls me 'Grandma' so I figure I can do my best to help out where I can. :)

November 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

Well on the servers I play trade chat is a mix between 2 things, the forsaken "barrens chat", and LFG. I hate the barrens chat part of it but with the current LFG system generaly trade works better anyways because most people who are bored looking to do an instance hang out in AH towns while they d**k around doing nothing.

I know its sad the Trade shat makes a better LFG chat then LFG chat does but it does.

November 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEgma

on my server the chat's are being used this way

general chat or /1
1. people asking how do i do this q or is it bugged (no read the q log its all there)

2.saying a random word like... BOOBS.... penis and so on

3. used for "flaming" people like: i f'ed your mom or is gay

trade chat or /2

1. all the the above

2. trades (yearh real trades but not without spamming it 100times)

3. as a LFG/LFM/LFR

4. for people who think they are funny by posting a trade like WTB wotlk or WTB your mom (im one of them who then writes WTB longer ignore list)

5. misc

lfg chat or /4

1. rarely used for LFG or LFM but mostly not used

November 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergrillbar

olly plz join my server i want all those jokes

November 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergrillbar

but i often read the general chat while doing q's just to help those who have problems with a q even though i kinda hate the people who just got a q diddent read it and then ask
where do i deliver this q

answer: look to your right he is standing right beside you

or where do i do this q

answer: its a dungeon q in nexus guess... proberly at in the nexus instance/dungeon
and its says that you need the head of so and so kill it and loot it where did you buy you account again??

November 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergrillbar

i know i allready have writting alot but last thing
i would like to see something in the chat if someone spammed an x number of times within a sertan timelimit they would get a icon kinda like a debuff that last 10 or 30 min where you could not use the chat the debuff could easy be called silenced or muted or even better blessing of greater STFU decriction could be you spammed the chat. gm removed your voice.
or more brutal gm slit your thought

November 16, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergrillbar

itzkoopa, you say "Worse still, other newbies bugging you." as if you're actually good at the game and aren't a 'newbie' yourself?

arrogant idiot

November 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVoya

Trade chat (or any channel for that matter) can be amusing if you like to "punk" some folks.

For example...hypothetically of course, you could enlist a few guild members to play along with your prank...somethng along the lines of...

OP: Skinner, LFW. Bring all your dead animals to the bridge in front of the IF AH and I'll skin them for free.

Guild member: I have 5 dead Fel Boars that require level 345 skinning...can you help?

OP: Have knife, will skin! Bring 'em.

...and then let the fun begin.


November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPhoenix599

/2 You say something seemingly knowledgeable on a level 42 toon and your being asked by a noob 58 how high you have to be to get into the outlands, then you answer him and he asks you where the dark portal is and how to get there.

/3 I am the only thing keeping the allies on my server from over fishing the org pool for Ol' Crafty from the ONE SPOT where our guards are too lazy to kill them in called under the waterfall.


Why can't you people do this in guild chat? plz?

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteriwin

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