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Wrath of the Lich King Defeated In Under Three Days

TwentyFifthNovember Clears WrathWe all knew that there would be plenty of people out their racing to hit level 80 as soon as possible. Not you racing against your friend or guildmate. I mean someone who would take vacation, go without sleep, eat dry packets of Ramen (hey, the saliva will hydrate it) and pee in empty bottles of energy drinks, until they finally dinged level 80. As Juggynaut mentioned, this happened less than two days after Wrath went live on the European realms.

Since then, I am sure many of us have witnessed server wide messages proclaiming the first of this class or race to hit 80. Even the North American realms, which are a bit behind due to timezones, have plenty of 80s roaming Northrend. It was only a matter of time before people began taking on the 10-man and 25-man raid content.

For TwentyFifthNovember, that time was under two days after Nymh hit level 80. TFN is the General Electric of World of Warcraft. A guild conglomerate put together by SK-Gaming (Curse) and Nihilum to achieve world first kills and to create “one of the best World of Warcraft community sites.” Their fancy new site is set to launch on November 25th, well after they started putting up new content. If you head over there now, you will be informed that they have beaten all of the raid content that Wrath of the Lich King has to offer.

Getting a group of players together that fast is an achievement of itself. The guild took it one step further by beating the re-tuned Naxxramas and swiftly moving onto Malygos, the hardest boss currently in Wrath. 68 hours and 30 minutes later, and TFN is standing on top, waiting for Patch 3.1 and Ulduar.

These guys are obviously good at WoW, but damn that was fast. TFN's announcement post wasn't entirely self-congratulatory though. The team questioned Blizzard's tuning of the raids, even suggesting that Blizzard may have made them easier to put the “large casual player base...on equal footing with end-game raiders?

What do you guys think? Are they just too good, or is Blizzard trying to appease the larger audience? Hitting 80 inside two days is one thing, beating Wrath inside a month, let alone three days is another. Comparatively, it took almost five months for Nihilum to beat The Burning Crusade's PvE content.  Of course, if I mention TBC had more raid content, it isn't really defending Blizzard...Seems like Ulduar cannot come soon enough.

Reader Comments (45)

This was going to happen. Bliz dropped attunements for raids and keys. I am just supprized they didn't need to gear up first. Blizzard did say that Nax was suppose to be tuned easier than Kara but I think they did make it way to easy.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCrazytree

This was bound to happen.

I mean, what do you expect? They were decked out in SWP epics that didn't need replacement until Naxx at least, had insanely dedicated players who took a few days off the rest of life to power their way through content that was up for testing for months, with raids that had minimal attunements or keying, with raids that were stated to be beginning raid content. It's a perfect storm of perfect preparation and foreknowledge of content phases. You can find guides and videos for everything WotLK has, literally. 90% of raiding is probably attention (hit all the buttons), preparation (know the friggin fights, and bring your consumables), and attendance. The other 10% is gear and skill, you don't really need all that much if you can get everyone to work on the first 3 skills of raiding.

And honestly, only one or two tanks and/or healers had to be upgraded and supported to tank the bosses. DPS only has to not die, and pay attention.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSolarious

In once since its a good thing that they tried to make everyone at an equal base which is what blizzard had stated. I didn't even assume they would do such with the new raiding content. I can only hope that this is a "boost" so that they have the drive and motivation for the next raid to be installed with the coming of patch 3.1 and 3.2 and 3.3 with us battling the Lich King him self.

This also makes me wonder about Emerald Dream which curse said would most likely be the next xpack because of the quests we learn about the ED this pack as well as the lore behind it it would logically make since it would be next. Anywho. Whats in store for that? I am curious what the next heroic class would be I wonder if its a heroic healer? Even then would the raids be harder?

Random Brain Thoughts.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMandie

i only hit 70 a few weeks before TBC, and i enjoyed TBC so much i had to make a DK just to do it again, and its worth it, i just hope that northrend will give me the same pleasure. and btw love the site!

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterthesebman

ooops, i meant a few weeks before WotLK xD

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterthesebman

I think the big Difference is that when TBC came out Tier 3 was getting replaced within the first few levels. With wrath people with tier had an advantage much longer and into the final content. I thin Blizzard was trying to make the old gear not as worthless which I think is a pointless maneuver. At thee same point I know a lot of people who quit pve progression because of how hard it was and lack f good guilds. What stinks about hard end game content is that if you do not have really good friends you can't enjoy it regardless of your skill level. I am 76 death knoght right now and can not wait to see end game raids.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHaishalud

I think its a mix of several things... the gear didnt scale so drastically .... t7 is about = to the begining gear in nax ... they were all or almost all in the beta so knew all the fights... blizzard did make the raid content more accessable to everyone so it wont be as " hard " ... but they effectivly made a pro bowl or possibly even a " hall of fame" equivilent to football team of players so yes they are going to crush the compitition ... you cant really gage the top 0.0001 % of the pop for tuning the content.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZythen

Sunwell gear is just that good. Not to mention these 3 instances were FARMED on the beta. And one of these instances was cleared in 2006...

This means strategies are widely available, and the vast majority of wow players have the gear needed to defeat them. (see huge raiding nerf pre expansion)

Anyways, if you look at the bigger picture, all that's really happened is the bosses have been defeated. There is still ALOT to do to keep these players busy until January - Feb when the next patch comes out.

Achievements? Professions? Gearing up? PvP?

Nothing to worry about at all.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKarmen

I have to agree with most of the people hear, WTF are you going to do now that you have beaten the game? Sit in Dalaran on your epic proto-dragon and bullshit with your guildies? OOOHHH what fun!?

I want my monies worth so I plan to take my time leveling through WoLK. Most of my guildies are two lvls ahead of me but I don't care. I enjoy playing about an hour each day, lvling my professions at the same time.

I like the idea that Blizzard should come up with an ultra-hard instance for these "professional players". One that is damn near impossible to beat unless the moon is perfectly lined up with the stars, requiring multiply attunements just to get in and if one small mistake is made...the entire raid wipes.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOggrillain

Way too easy. I'm taking my time for a number of reasons, but in my realm alone there's over 3 dozen or 4 dozen level 80s already. Not even a week has passed.

The casual gamers are mid to high 70s.

Waiting all this time for the expansion to get into wait mode again a week later for patches and content updates is way wrong.

I think 1 month on casual play would have been better. Not 1 week.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHirah

LOL I didn't know all the dungeons weren't even implemented yet. I don't think they expected anyone to complete all this so fast so they didn't worry about it.

Either way good for them. I'm having fun leveling and looking around at everything. I'm not to worried about getting to 80 so fast that I miss the experience of Northrend.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDan

well im 73 and i have been busting but with questing and for there to lvl 80s already!!! come on people leave your bedrooms/houses get outside not enough sun can be unhealthy for you!! take your time enjoy the game do ALL the quest so you can open new areas of the story line for the game, hell i did the wrath gate quest chain and was like OMG OMG OMG the whole time

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterryan

I agree with the peeps that are taking their time to fully explore WOTLK and not busting their asses to reach 80 and finishing the game.For the people that finished the game, I have one thing to say "GET A LIFE".I'm taking my time and really enjoying what Blizzard has to offer for the game.True once you get to 80 there are numerous thing to do such as :Raiding,achievements,professions etc etc.So my hats off to those that take the time and ENJOY the fruits of the game and those who speed through it,well all I can say is go play Evercrack or some other MMO.

By the way great site and looking forward to more episodes.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrindingMadness

I havnt even started yet! ;o
And if im even going to start, i think im gonna wait a couple of months, so everything isnt so overcrowded.
And to Nihilum or whatever, i say respect. But i also say get a life. ;)

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKorzar

idc abt the high-end raiding guilds. Casual players should get the chance to finish the wotlk content too. 25th got done with it cause its a race/competition for them, not a game to enjoy.

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterelham

I say this content is WAAAAAAY to easy. I had hit 71 in the first 2 hours of being in Northrend. Btw on my server we had a lvl 80 priest in the first 24 hours. Blizz made it too easy.

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterjhez

I guess I don't really mind that they beat it already. There's a bunch of raid content still to be released and I'm sure the difficulty will jump. The fact that they all knew the fight from beta helped quite a bit.

As for me and my 71 priest (yes, I'm only 71 at this point), I'll continue to level at my own pace. I'm not in a race. Got too much going on in RL to be able to dedicate so much time to WoW. Also, I won't burn out as quickly if I take my time.

Kudos to 25th. Unfortunately, I get the strange feeling most of them will quit prior to the next expansion. Too bad but that's just the way life goes sometimes.

November 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRob

Well - im in a semi hardcore raiding guild (casual), and some of us has been powerleveling to 80,some of us hasnt,our first Naxx raid is set to 29th december ...casual. Its impressive that theyve (Nihilum) cleared everything currently available,grats i suppose,its their way to do this.

Wont affect my gamingexperience tho,as im taking my time to 80,trying to clear every area/quest achievement in WoTLK,just finished Howling Fjord,currently in BT.

Oh and on topic again - I dont think its THAT much easier,the way theyre treating WoW is just insane + theyve probably got stuff to do elsewhere (Promotion&presslol)

To sum it up - I dont really care (well i cared enough to answer this) about Nihilum & SK Gaming(Curse) ...theyve got ppl doing that already.



November 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDora

i heard one guy hit 80 in under 22 hours after it came out.

November 24, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermark

That's the thing though, this expansion just came out (2 months-ish) so most of the "starting" raid will be easy-ish, we still have loads of patch to go through, maybe another "Fury of the Sunwell" patch that allows us to defeat and epic boss like Kil'Jaeden? Sure Malygos is one of the Aspects, but hey, its not like we're fighting Deathwing or Alextraza(?) and still waiting for the battle at the top of IceCrown citadel...

January 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAldei

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