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Wrath of the Lich King Defeated In Under Three Days

TwentyFifthNovember Clears WrathWe all knew that there would be plenty of people out their racing to hit level 80 as soon as possible. Not you racing against your friend or guildmate. I mean someone who would take vacation, go without sleep, eat dry packets of Ramen (hey, the saliva will hydrate it) and pee in empty bottles of energy drinks, until they finally dinged level 80. As Juggynaut mentioned, this happened less than two days after Wrath went live on the European realms.

Since then, I am sure many of us have witnessed server wide messages proclaiming the first of this class or race to hit 80. Even the North American realms, which are a bit behind due to timezones, have plenty of 80s roaming Northrend. It was only a matter of time before people began taking on the 10-man and 25-man raid content.

For TwentyFifthNovember, that time was under two days after Nymh hit level 80. TFN is the General Electric of World of Warcraft. A guild conglomerate put together by SK-Gaming (Curse) and Nihilum to achieve world first kills and to create “one of the best World of Warcraft community sites.” Their fancy new site is set to launch on November 25th, well after they started putting up new content. If you head over there now, you will be informed that they have beaten all of the raid content that Wrath of the Lich King has to offer.

Getting a group of players together that fast is an achievement of itself. The guild took it one step further by beating the re-tuned Naxxramas and swiftly moving onto Malygos, the hardest boss currently in Wrath. 68 hours and 30 minutes later, and TFN is standing on top, waiting for Patch 3.1 and Ulduar.

These guys are obviously good at WoW, but damn that was fast. TFN's announcement post wasn't entirely self-congratulatory though. The team questioned Blizzard's tuning of the raids, even suggesting that Blizzard may have made them easier to put the “large casual player base...on equal footing with end-game raiders?

What do you guys think? Are they just too good, or is Blizzard trying to appease the larger audience? Hitting 80 inside two days is one thing, beating Wrath inside a month, let alone three days is another. Comparatively, it took almost five months for Nihilum to beat The Burning Crusade's PvE content.  Of course, if I mention TBC had more raid content, it isn't really defending Blizzard...Seems like Ulduar cannot come soon enough.

Reader Comments (45)


November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenteriTZKooPA

Am I the only one concerned by this? It all seems so easy. I am wondering if either Blizzard missed their mark, or if they have a greater plan for it all.

Then again, I think people wondered the same thing when TBC came out. I'm sure there's plenty of content they want to add that they haven't yet.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDarkDoctor

I'm not too worried. We're talking about a guild that probably spent significant time in beta and had a pretty good idea of how the fights and zones work.

Notice a lot of the first level 80's that have been interviewed all were in beta - they found spots they thought they could level efficiently in.

There is always going to be a group like this that plows through content. If it were 5 million people instead of 25, I'd be worried. For us normal players, it will probably take us a while!

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCloudbearer

I can't fault blizzard for making it easier it seem they are now focusing pushing people to creating alts. I think the boa gear is an example of getting players off their mains and into running through the levels again as a different race or class and experiencing all the rest of the game. I'm guilty of having one main and a few extra bank chars none over level 15. With some good boa gear I might not be nearly as put off at the idea of grinding up a healer as an alt seeing as how there always seems to be a shortage of healers.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPauldy

I dont understand why people would blow through as much content as they can in a matter of days. These are probably the same people who were bitching that they were bored and had nothing to do at 70. Well, grats now you all have nothing to do again while the rest of us take our time and enjoy what this new expansion has to offer.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAllenok

Raid Content is always a tricky balancing act.

The high end guilds whose primary role is raiding will always be better at clearing content than either mid or low level guilds . So if you make it as hard as it can be the high end then the mid and low will find it virtually impossible to ever accomplish such goals.

A classic example would be pick five strangers and five people who group together routinely, dress them all in the same gear then send both sets to do some instance.

Which group will have an easier time doing the instance ? The people already use to working together of course. Does that mean the instance is too easy because one group did it better than another group ? Of course not.

Lets hope Blizzard doesn't over react and re tune such content until some other guilds try the things

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTreborSL

Oh man I was right after all. Many people said "It's not possible" or "You can't do all end-game raids in less than a week". I believe Blizzard should do some very hard Bosses. It would be a very smart move by them to make Arthas very hard to kill (harder than Malygos and Naxx). It should be fun to see all the guild having a hard time killing Arthas (it's the end-game boss after all)

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterIronhoof

agree with above post. Why blow through all the content? i mean grats on your shiny new achievement, but enjoy staring at that for the next 2 months or so while everyone else catches up. I agree with Blizzard in making the raids more user friendly, not all of us can afford (or want to) take time off to play wow 24/7.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterQQ

Impressive, I suppose, but what's the point? Now they have nothing to do for the next two years whilst awaiting the next expansion. I plan to take my time and enjoy the journey to 80.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBob Cronin

sorry, but i want to get my full $69.99 worth (yes, got the collector's edition), so i'll get to 80 ASAP but not too concerned w/end game content seeing as the game JUST came out! I want to ENJOY myself!!!!

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHenry

SK just believes they have to live up to their name. Doing EVERYTHING first and being the best at what they do. How do they even stay interested in this game when they blow through content the day it comes out? It's honestly pointless. They probably had a guild requirement that EVERYONE be 80 within the first two days so they could blow through everything the next day. Lame. And no, I do not wish to be able to do that and am in no way jealous of them. I would much rather have fun with WoW than make it a job.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEric Drake

The thing is is that with TBC a lot of the content was keyed (SSC/TK) and Mag/Gruul were insane pre-nerfs. Also the game was nearly unbeatable at 2.0 (Kael'thas looking at you buddy).

There are no barriers to raiding here, no gear checks, no keys/attunements.

It does worry me though as a raider that this stuff is going to be blown through in a few weeks for a good portion of the hardcore raiding community.

There should have been a gear check or something, but whatever, I just hope Blizzard really knows what they're doing.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterdjtyrant

WTF!!! R u serious?!?! I understand elitest, but that is just sickening. I am by no means going to call them "cheaters", but that seems just too much too fast. I understand that peeps have reached 80, but to have taken on a re-tuned Nax & all of the stuff for WotLK boggles the mind.
A little explanation on how they achieved it would help.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNylow

I think something like this comes down to how Blizz wants to balnce the interests of the different kinds of players. If 25th wants to be world first to clear content and that it their goal, then WHY ARE THEY COMPLAINING THAT THEY DID IT?! Its like my kid after Haloween asks me if he can eat as much candy as fast as he can and I tell him "Sure, but you might not find it very satisfying." Then he does and then he gets sick. He achieved his goal but he's unhappy.

25th is a group of, from what I understand, Professiaonal Level Players. If their goal is to clear content, then they had plenty of time to plan just how it would go down once content went live while they were in beta. IF, HOWEVER, their goal was to engage in content that required EXACT group composition and PRECISE execution of strategy to down a boss after a 10-15 minute fight, then why didn't they say to Blizz during beta "You know, this raid content is pretty watered down. Use this for 10 man and crank up the difficulty on 25 man." The answer is obvious: that's not what they wanted.

Blizz should be able to do both and it appears, from the 10 man versions of 25 man content, that they want to allow everyone the opportunity to see endgame stuff and that is GREAT. If you take 100% of my money every month, I HAD DAM WELL BETTER BE ABLE TO AT LEAST HAVE A CHANCE TO SEE 100% OF THE GAME, and not be frozen out (no pun intended) of some content because I don't have the time or "qualifications" to join a top level raiding guild.

Knowing nothing about the amount of programming it would take, I can't imagine that Blizz can't either refine the difficulty of the 25 man content (especially on heroic), or add a separate difficulty level for those who truly enjoy the long, grueling, precision demanding fights. As long as all the "pros" want is a challenge, Blizz should give it to them. But if the "pros" want content that only they can see because of the time they can devote to the game because they are sponsored and the game is their job, then screw that! Unless, of course, Blizz wants to charge me a less than full amount because I will have a chance to only play less than all of their game.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30


In my parenthetical, I meant to say (especially if they made it heroic) as opposed to (especially on heroic).


November 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlawman30

Are you saying that maybe its for the best that it is watered down? or that merely 25th just wanted to achieve their goal and then complain about how easy it is? i may have missed your point but on either side of the discussion shouldnt it always remain true that blizzard should have the wisdom and foresight to see how things would play out? surely 25th breezed past wrath mostly because of their talented players but if the game itself has been nerfed then that just means blizzard has made it the norm for raids to be like that, and based on WoW's past two phases it seems like its following a pattern of nerf sticks.

I can only say this from how ive seen the turn-out of WoW, from anal molten core runs to the idea of an easy 10-man raid instance and now i've bear witness to an entire expansion blown away in less then a week by the best players WoW has to offer.

Maybe blizzard is simply giving the proffessional players the shaft and this is what will become of WoW, i dont like saying that but this is one hell of an outcome and i dont know what to think after ive seen servers nearly destroyed by vanilla WoW raids and now this.

But who knows eh? maybe 25th is just a bunch of lifeless ghouls and i might've been making a big deal out of this, but honestly folks, lets pray that this whole expansion wont be like the final patch boss nerf and that in the end we can sit in our chairs and curse 25th for a thousand years, or otherwise this wont be too fun of an expansion.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSefeth

Why not go the whole 10-yds & add difficulty levels to the game...? (j/k...)

If the content is 'so easily completed' for these players, why (not that I know if it makes any difference) are they playing on 'Normal' servers...?

Blizzard could do worse that set up 'Heroic' servers that are exclusively accessible (via a qualifying passcode, for example) to players who have 'aced' the game on 'Normal'... add to that; once accessed, qualifying characters can ONLY access said 'Heroic' servers...


November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

Hitting 80 is an achievement in itself but I heard that this morning on my server (lothar) we got our first Death Knight 80.....55-80 in just under 4 days thats insane

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoenips

i can see why they were able to do this feat because they already did it in the beta version so it can be seen as they already know what to do so they did it.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChris

As a casual player,(I want WoW to be a part of my life, not my life), I like to think I may one day be able to finish the game, not be locked out because hard core gamers find it too easy. Its bad business to cater yourselves to the exception, and not the rule. In every game, there are going to be the overly competitive, the ones who have to win, but I want to play, and achieve...do I care they did it in less than 3 days, no, good for them, I do this for the joy, not the power. I left a PvP server, cause I was tired of being squashed by high level characters that got nothing out of it than some sadistic glee. Anyways, have fun playing, and Blizzard, please don't punish me because I am not the exception...

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJon

I can't say that I think that the next content patch should come any sooner or later because TwentyFifthNovember slammed through it.

While I think that this is an amazing accomplishment, I don't think that the game should change just to appease such a small percentage of its population.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThunder

This is what you get when u merge 2 guilds with extremely dedicated members, willing to race to lvl 80 24/7 with no sleep, and some wicked carpal tunnel and then proceed into clearing an instance which they had already experienced (Naxx-40) and Malygos. There is a reason why it is the only guild that has accomplished this.

No other guild has cleared all of the WotLK content yet... so its not Blizzard's fault, it's TwentyFifthofNovember's fault for rushing the shit out of wotlk just to get first kills and be the "best" in a game.

I'll just sit back, relax, and level at a decent rate (currently 76) and start naxx/malygos next week with my guild.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPintaphilly

World of warcraft has the casual and the hardcore.

Blizzard is trying to force the two together and I don't think it will bode well. I am level 80 along with most of my guild and I am not worried YET. We have just finished Naxx and tomorrow we start Malygos, so I wont be worried until thats done.

Anyway, I still have proffessions to level =) and alts too.

November 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterIllithian

for me its not the fact that they did it so quick that worries me, they spend months in naxx before tbc and then spend months in the beta. It's the fact that they cleared wotlk raid content (so far) with only 5 people in the raid being 80...
Not that alot of other people can do that because they arent decked out in swp gear, but still...

To all other people, slow down and have fun. thats what its about.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJasper

i just want to lvl at a normal speed. im one of those people who wants to do end game things, but i only have the weekend to do it bc i work evenings. but also too, im not up for making things so easy, u can throw a pug together and bam its done....oooo shiny gear! now what? to me that can destroy a game. i had been apart of vanilla wow, but could never get into it enough to ever do anything. TBC comes out, then i finally take the time, lvl up a character and eventually hit 70, but i never really did much as i only had time for heroics, occasional kara and pvp.

but now that i have about 3 70s, and i was apart of beta and am lvling now, i feel that seeing what this guild did, makes me kinda nervous that i might finally be able to do endgame content. i get it all done...okay, now i just use an alt and do the same thing? not fun. everytime a game gets like that, it dies....not saying this might be the end of blizz, because they are good at fixing things.

and seeing these guilds, as good as they are, just being able to do evertyhing now?! well maybe there isnt much to do to start out, but when i get that lvl, even tho i dont always have the time, i want that challenge. Blizz has made me addicted in a good way, and i was getting fed up with TBC, and i only had a 70 for a year.....so how long will i get fed up with WOTLK? hope it takes forever, bc this is so promising. now if these 2 guilds might have done this in a month, or maybe a month and a half, those guys are really good at what they do, and i would understand. but take away the skill lvl from a game, and u dont have a game, u have what is happening with the wii, grandma can complete the game...go grandma! but im hoping blizz is pulling one on us and is going to have this stuff be easy, but seeing the first big raid to be release for WOTLK, be like BT when it first came out. that is what im hoping for. challenge. i mean the game just came out, we dont need the casual gamer having to beat it in a year and being like...k im done lets move on the these awesome new games that are coming out in 2009 that can actually compete with wow! maybe im ranting so i apologize if u read this and figured it was a waste of your time.

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterfriskydingo

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