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WoW Life Lesson #26 - Finish What You Start

Vashj Down!

A long, long time ago,
I can still remember
when I got that quest to get those vials,
And I knew if I had my chance,
I'd get to watch a warrior stance dance
and maybe I'd do some DPS for awhile.

But guild drama made me shiver,
with every chat that was delivered.
Bad news at the bank steps -
no more group trips to Burning Steppes.

I can't remember if I tried,
when I was told which guildie lied,
but something told me just get on my mount and ride,
the day my guild died.

So bye, bye free homemade cherry pie.
No more guildies to group with to raid The Eye,
and other guilds were killing mobs with the help of an old Draenei,
sayin no need to kill that Keal’thas guy,
or that Vashj, she's just to hard to try.

Did you know I had a lot to think of,
a quest to complete and then get rid of?
I just had to fight Vashj below.
It’s a fight that I believe I know.
I have the best hot-keyed macro
and know how to kite the strider real slow.

Well I know that guilds hate Illidan,
even more than that crazy Zul’jin.
Zul drops really good clothie shoes,
but fighting him gives me the blues.

I was lonely, guildless, out-of-luck,
with quest to complete in the deep muck.
I knew that I had gotten stuck
the day my guild died.

I remember thinking...
Bye, bye free homemade cherry pie,
No more guildies to group with to raid The Eye,
and other guilds were killing mobs with the help of an old Draenei,
sayin no need to kill that Keal’thas guy,
or that Vashj, she's just to hard to try.

Now for ten months or so I’ve been my own,
picking grave moss off of old grave stones,
but that’s not how it used to be.
I used to stand before the dragon queen,
turning in quests few had ever seen
and then a voice inside reminded me.

Oh, and then the chips were looking down
I surfed the net with a solemn frown.
Then the new patch notes were learned,
and my desire quickly burned.
And while others turned in their AV marks,
I logged in near Stormwind park.
Those patch notes were the spark.
They said the hardcore raids died

I was happy...
Bye, bye super hard raid boss guy.
The patch nerf raids including SSC and The Eye.
Maybe I’ll get a pug raid, who needs an old Draenei?
Those bosses are going to fry...
compliments of this fire mage guy.

Helter skelter in the LFG melter.
Raid bosses will need a fallout shelter.
Eight bosses in Kara now fall so fast.
Many pugs formed and tried to kick ass,
but only a rare few had the right class,
most barely sending Prince home in a cast.

Now Shatt was filled with happy toons,
while raid leaders barked at the maroons.
Some pulled Moroes with /dance,
Oh those raids didn’t have a chance!
‘Cause real raiders are buffed and get healed,
bad raiders use others as their shield.
Do you recall what was revealed
that day more raid bosses died?

And raid leaders were screaming...
“Bye, bye Looking For Group guy,
Your skills are weak, No you can’t come to The Eye!
You should roll a priest or a shammi Draenei.
A nerfed raid isn’t for every guy.
Go give Warhammer a try.”

Oh there I was, in that place,
many toons fighting for a pug raid place
with little time before Lich King.
So come on, get buffs and let’s raid quick,
I got a quest to kill a mean snake chick
and fire is this mage’s happy friend.

Oh, and as I watched in fits of rage,
pugs jumped to early onto Kara’s stage.
No pug born in hell
could break Bad Wolf’s spell.
And as my flames lit up Netherspite,
I realized they didn’t do the beams right.
That was a really long night,
the day bad raid pugs died.

And I was cryin...
Bye, bye vial quest - I won’t try.
Without a guild how will I ever get into The Eye?
Maybe at 80 I’ll visit the soul of that old Draenei.
At least I gave it a try.
I’m gonna go home and cry.

Then I met a guy who gave me clues
of a good guild with some happy news.
I smiled and got started right away.
I went down to SSC’s little shore
where I tried to kill Vashj before,
but this time, she was the one who had to pay.

And in The Eye, Ventrilo screamed.
The tank danced and the boomkins beamed.
Then not a word was spoken.
The stained glass all was broken.
And the two villains I hated the most,
now were dead, Vashj was toast,
and Keal’thas moved to the coast.
The day the quest objectives died.

And I was singing...
Bye, bye, it’s time to fly,
Going to Caverns of Time after clearing The Eye.
Turn in that old quest, get a ring with crit really high.
Suprise! Hand of A'dal - oh my!
Hand of A'dal - oh my!!!

And I was singing...
Bye, bye quest, It’s time to fly,
Got my gold and ring after pugging The Eye
Maybe next I’ll go fight with that old Draenei
I think I’ll give it a try.


Sometimes when you finish what you started, you get an extra bonus, in WoW and RL.

Thanks and have fun


Reader Comments (24)


November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCrackerJack

dude you totally copied "Weird Al" Yankovic - The Saga Begins (a American pie song parody)!!!
here is a link try imagining the music on the lyrics from here:

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPromitheus


you should be banned for life!!!
(sorry for double posting)

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPromitheus

but y?????
because i was first?
or u just dont like me

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCrackerJack

because you didn't write a post you just wrote "first=)"

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPromitheus

haha tht is quite cool good job (y)

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterteeters

I was fortunate enough to be in a guild that was able to down Vashj and Kael back when you still needed the Attunements. Too bad so many people never got to kill them or just skipped over them. Two of my favorite raid encounters.

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRepentagram

I really want to hear this sung to the music. Finding a karaoke version of American Pie is easy, but unfortunately my singing voice is worse than a murloc's.

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPatrickD

No, Promithus, its not a Weird Al Parody of " an american pie song" Its a parody of the song "American Pie" by Don Mclean. Weird al did a parody of that.

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterProject Lore troll

Great Job! I didnt expect the parody to go on but you did a nice job, now we need a listener and reader to make a song of that! Record and everything!

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterwill

Wow its sad i knew by the first line it was a parody of American Pie

Amazing stuff and yes i read and sang all of that

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

Nice one dude, I sang it in my head along to the tune :P

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaun

Good tune

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnista

Woa man that was deep :)

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDaemonbane

Hot damn!

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFeedse

You are my hero... that was awesome.

November 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEbek

as the Lich King says in WotLK trailer "Your definition of epic....will be shattered" as reading this lol

November 8, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTheovertaker

Ha ha I could really hear the music while I read this. I really like how you wrote this. Good story/song. I think you must have know why story too LOL. I have had similar trouble of late.

November 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRedaurora

nice song
Saint G in the house

November 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZoova


November 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrian


November 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShizzman

lol that was awesome

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDre'

Promitheus that was an awesome link. I friggin love Star Wars & Wierd Al so that was a hoot to watch!

As far as being guildless goes it sucks to solo. I'm probably a heartbeat away from getting kicked from my guild because I keep making executive decisions without consulting the other officers or guild master. O.o

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDanethil

lmao nice song pretty sweet

Vashj and Kael were probably my favorite fights in this game pre nerf next to mabye 4 horsemen from old naxx

November 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCrusadeling

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