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Final Preparations For WotLK

Stormwind HarborSo this is it, there is less than a week left until the new WoW expansion changes our whole world. Some of us may be fully prepared to head into Wrath of the Lich King, but I’m sure there are many, like myself, that still have lots of preparation to do.

Personally, I have been utterly neglecting the preparations I need to make to be ready for WotLK. With our guild up and raiding again, my thoughts have been directed toward BT progression and not into cleaning out my bank… but we are reaching the point where I need to get things in line to make the boat ride to Northrend as comfortable as possible.

First thing is first. I just started going through my overstuffed bank and started getting rid of all the mats and consumables that will be rendered completely obsolete next week. Being and enchanter and engineer I’ve got more dust and gizmos than I know what to do with. I’ll kill two birds with one stone by clearing up some space and getting some much needed funds to help smooth over the leveling process.

That takes me to the next point. I’ll need gold. I know I will make some along the way, but leveling professions, learning to fly in the cold, and buy BoE epics is going to be expensive. The more funds I have the better, and right now my funds are dangerously low.

Then I’m going to have to take a hard look at my quest log. It’s high time to finish up those last quests that have been rotting in my log for months… either that or drop them. All I know is that when I hit the Fjord, I will want as few quests sitting in there as possible.

At last I will soon have to tweak my spec for leveling, make sure I know what gear will be best for the process and park my toon in front of the boat the night drops. It should be a fun process, and I need to make sure by toons are ready to start the next chapter in there digital lives!

Reader Comments (48)

I am about as prepared for WotLK as I can reasionably be with out stepping to far over the insanity mark for this. for My soon to be created DK

I have 300 of each cloth type for the city cloth donation quests
I have 200 + of every type of ore for making mining / Bsing a little quicker and easyer ( looking to do another gathering today to get another 100ish of the types I know ill need more then 200 of )
I have 30 of each of the EPL turn in's
I have 100 Super Healing Potions
I have 100 of various Elixers
I have a stockpile of Str / Sta / Crit / AP Gems
I have 10 of the knothide armor kits
I have 50 of the heavy knothide armor kits
I have 1 Blade of Misfortune
I have just over 6k gold
I have 9 18 slot bags 2 28 slot mining bags
I have a bunch of DK glyphs

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZythen

i'm level 44.... :'(

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDylanKwon

You should see the people in my guild that are lower levels they are kicking it into high gear to level up its crazy!

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrant

Well GL with all that. But to contradict what a great Night Elf once said.

I Am Prepared!

Got my epic Flyer (will get a netherwing in a few days) And abour 1500G backed up with my Bankc/Bags as clear as possible. Checked all my alts mail and will lwet them sit back as I level my War to 80, Fast and Har the Tanking Insta Way.

See ya'll in Northrend.

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNextgener

Got 3000 gold and have 200 glyphs in bank, got my bank toon free of slots ready and my flying mount is purchased, have respecced from resto to elemental for quicker questing (im a tauren shaman), bring on WOTLK :-)

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterManse

Yes! only 2 more days XD, Ive preordered it at game however they are not doing the midnight launch so im going to a PC shop a bit further away and line up and hope i can get a copy :) If not, no loss coz i can just get my preordered copy at 9am

I am a level 62 Hunter, i have no plans for continuing him for a while, he was fun but now its time for the Deathknights to take controll.

ill probs go back to leveling him after ive got my DK to 80 but for now its Frost Deathknight all the way baby :D

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaltorius

Also i decided to not prepare for Wotlk.

I think i will enjoy it more if i just make my DK and level up with no extra boost. I will feel a more sence of acoplishment when ive done grinding :)

I know there is nothing wrong with it and i know its not cheating but i think having lots of stuff prepared for your DK is cheating, id rather struggle (i know its not cheating, its actually the clever thing to do but im not clever :P lol)

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaltorius

I started my preperations a couple months ago. The game got boring, and I slowly quit playing. But knowing that I would start up again with WotLK, I got rid of my bank items and got ready for the xpac to come. Now that it is in the last week I have been getting on more and more to further prepare my character by getting the right funds and now that you mentioned it, I have quests galore sitting in my quest log. =P

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTogarox

Ok, what? Why are my enchanting mats gonna be obsolete??


November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTiberion

ugh im so F***ed fro wotlk im looking foward to it but im so unprepaired i need 2 get in a guild that will have room 4 me in the 10 man raids but also with the skill to pull them off im also torn between making my DK and lvling my hunter >< i vote for a launch push back lol

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrilox

will we be able to get northrend quests at 68 just like the Bc quests at 58?

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterlecrofear

the only preparing ive done is took thursday and friday off to give my self a 5 day weekend and stock piled my fridge with tons of beer and hot pockets the goal is to be 80 in 5 days

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterryan

@ lecrofear - yeap.

I'm aiming to get to 80 in about a week, but it will prolly take longer, especially if I decide I can't wait any longer to test the DK :P

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLasher

Need to be 70 first xP is still only 56 :(

November 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterL

well im not going to school till january so imma go run and buy the game in the morning thurstay aswell as a 6 pack of redbull and some hotpockets ;). planning on beeing 70 with my DK for friday.since i have lvled 6 lvl70 i kinda know the outlands zones(dont worry 4 of them were lvled with the refer a friend linking thing) so since i will hit outlands with pretty sick gear im palnning on doin hellfire in like 3-4 hours then a part of zangy for maybe 1-2hours and then terrokar for a good 3hours....then since ill b deep 60 after my DK quests( thx again blizz for the lvl giving thing of refer a friend) with a few area52 quests i should b 70 and b able to play with my 70 friends on friday.....yeah im a crackhead

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTheovertaker

lol i was always ready for lich king lol i have 15000 gold no joke and 25 quests done you all have fun

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

Steven, I remember my first time through where I couldn't afford my epic ground mount till level 66 and I had to barrow money for a week to get my regular flyer at 70. Since then I learned how to make money and what sells and what doesn't, because I wanted a 55+ on a 3rd server I desided to level up one real quick to 70 before the expansion being a gatherer for my "main" on this server, I had enough for my epic ground by 45 and enough for my regular flyer by 62, now I just hit 70 2 days ago learned my flying mount but have not done any dailies yet and am sitting on 2.5K on this server just from selling ores and skins.

There are 2 main reasons I was broke the first time through, A) I was leveling professions rather then selling raw mats and B)I had 8 alts, the way to make and save money is to gather to make money and to not roll an alt untill your level caped to save money, you'd be surprised how much money you really spend on alts.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEgma

Ahhhh I see people have raised some interesting thoughts as to "Things to Pack for WOTLK". Im starting to feel a tad silly looking at my recently packed Beer n Nacho chips survivial kit.. Oh thats why I forgot the dip.

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWoodynz


looks like i have something to do today finish 25 quests and get them ready for lich, i hope the store i got has it, silly Philippines can never get there stuff straight. but i got no money hopefully i aquire it through lvling ahhh im gonna be bleeding my fingers till i hit 80 cant wait >.<

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterXvRavenous

I'm getting WotLK DELIVERED (already bought, paid-for & in transit) on release day... good enough for me...

I have 5 Epic mounts (land & air), plenty of Gold & will probably be rolling a Death Knight a soon as it's installed... dunno, yet... then maybe finish Netherwing Rep. to Exalted & get a Netherdrake...

Existing Q-Log... it's all Group, Raid & Dungeon Q's - well; was, before I ditched a load - so nothing was overly inspiring to finish...

In all; just a case of get it, install it & see what takes my fancy, first...

Enjoy, all...

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeff

I think it's obvious vieing for level 80 as well as attaining the first ever Hero class will make up the first month or two of WoW post expansion gameplay.....I admit that I too, have been caught up in the mix of al the excitment....my expansion is on preorder with amazon.com (with absolute free shipping)....and I too have started pre-expansion preparations in order to journey to the frozen continent....as such my warlock alt has dropped mining in exchange for herbalism and inscription (which I'm powerleveling like a mad man)....and I've started a bank alt....lv 12 hunter...who has nothing lower than 18 slotters with a few 20 slot profession only bags.....in addition it has reign over it's own private one-person guild...with 3 tabs current and 6 to come as my main hits 80 (beauty with having a bank alt in it's own guild you get a full private storage bank and 6 full tabs free for new items in addition to the character's carry bags) .....I've gotten rid of any and all items lower than lv 50 (even though my hunter is lv12 it's strictly used as a bank alt, so I doubt I'll level it at all past 30- only for the starter mount)......and approx. 14,000 gold in the private guild vault......gems, glyphs, and enchanting mats galore....cause so long as there are gem sockets in gear, glyph sockets in spellbooks, and weapons that need to glow in leetness....these things will always bee in demand and their value is assured.......anyway, enough of my rambling heh heh heh....I wish you all good hunting in Northrend, and hope to see you all there

November 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterArgento of the Shattered Sun

Obviously my experience leveling in WOTLK was different than most with the heavy amount of questing I did. Gold however at the end, was the least of my concerns and I would presume it is similar for the average gamer asuming they don't do what I did. I went a little gold-happy with a spending spree consisting of: Buying the crusader enchant recipe for 150g, the bear mount in dalaran for 750g, the two mage books: Dalaran Intellect and Brilliance (new graphics for arcane intellect and brilliance, probably worth it) for about 700g I believe, and of coarse the 1100g I spent on northrend herbs for my inscription training (definitely worth it)

I still have 42g left and the crazy amount of dailies that are available should make rep farming as well as gold farming a breeze. Designing a plan on where you will go, what items you will aim for, and what quests you will take would be more useful in the long term of WOTLK leveling.

~Loremaster Alexencandar

November 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlexencandar

How you think when the economic crisis will end? I wish to make statistics of independent opinions!

December 3, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterooopinionsss

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