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Happy Holidays From Project Lore

Greatfather Winter Says Happy Holidays2008 has been the best year ever for Project Lore, mostly because it was the year that Project Lore made its debut to the world. All of us here would like to take a moment today to wish everyone happy and safe holidays. Without you the fans, Project Lore would not be able to exist, and we hope that you continue to join us in the coming year. So keep on sending emails and leaving comments, because we love reading them (most of the time ;). We have a lot of exciting endeavors that we are working hard on for 2009, so keep watching into the new year.

We also wanted to let you know what was coming up on the site over the busy next couple of weeks. Our normally scheduled programming will continue through Saturday, and after that we'll be showing you guys the Best of Project Lore. We hand picked our favorite episodes of Project Lore - the ones we had the most fun taping, the ones we with the best fan reactions, the ones we hope you show to your friends to get them hooked on Project Lore too. So tune in, and thank you for being a part of Project Lore. Happy Holidays!

-The Project Lore Crew

Reader Comments (27)

@Blacktiger We know it only takes an hour or two to run a dungeon. Nobody's that stupid.

But back when Project Lore started, they had one instance per week. The videos ran through the basics of the dungeon stating what you needed to do on screen and then gave detailed information on the boss battles. That was a good format. If anything, this "three weeks to finish Utgarde" has been dreadful. It's been keeping me away, really. It was a short dungeon with little appeal. It didn't need 9 10-20 minute episodes.

I don't need to see an entire dungeon run at normal speed over the course of a few weeks. It's boring. The original videos were fun because they were fast paced and gave you all of the information you needed to know quickly so I could run out and do the dungeons ASAP without spoiling the fun of running the dungeon. In this case, I had run Utgarde and Nexus tons of time before the final videos for Utgarde were posted.

I understand why there were extended videos when they were running in Beta. People were clamoring for that Lich King content. But since Lich King has been out for well over a month, the extended content is no longer needed.

Go back to the original format, PL. One dungeon a week. 3-5 episodes. 10-15 minutes (at most), + wrap-up.

Don't get me wrong. I love this show. It just needs some touching up right now.

Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.

December 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZeo

I was away from WoW for a whole week, and got my fix from project lore. Thanks!

January 1, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDulica

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