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I Am So Tired Of AV

I wish to gawd that people would learn how to play battlegrounds. It's hard enough to spend a weekend getting 12K honor points to get a nice new belt or something but to have freakin' morons f'kup AV by not know what the hell to do or what the real objective is really, really pisses me off!

The game on a PvP server is frustrating enough so I don't have time for people who continually fail.

So listen up all you people who don't know what the hell you're doing in AV and, for those that do, point your lame NooB friends and guildies to this post so we can clear this BS up once and for all.

First let's focus on the goal of Alterac Valley. The goal is simple: to reduce the opposing team's resources to zero. Period.

If you kill the enemy general, that team's resources go to zero instantly and you win. Got it?

Enemy captains can be killed reducing resources by 100.

Capturing a tower reduces their resources by 75.

Capturing a mine gives your team 1 resource per 45 sec.

Turning in various supplies quests increase you teams resources.

Killing an enemy player reduces their resources by 1.

Wait. What was that? Killing an enemy player reduces that teams resources by 1? Only 1?

YES! Only freakin' 1 damn point.

Damn it people listen up here. Caping a tower gets you 75 point reduction in their resources AND more honor points while wasting time ganking people or chasing after runners to try and kill them only, ONLY gets you 1 point reduction in their resources!!

Sure you get 1 point reduction in the other team's resources and slight satisfaction for pwnin some Noob tart with the skills of a baby Murlock but that is a far weaker return for effort than say... KILLING THE ENEMY GENERAL!


So listen up all you noobs: here's how to win AV for the last freakin time.

1. Cap the towers.
2. Keep three people at each til they cap.
3. Take every graveyard you can all the way to to the opposing side's base.
4. Wait til all towers cap.
5. Kill the general.

NOW stop pissing me off NooBs and go and freakin' win AV!

Reader Comments (4)

Only one thing to add, if you race up to the Relief Hut, and I know you will, them actually guard it after you take it. Way to often it gets capped and people head to towers and then the enemy just comes it and takes back the hut and all your workis wasted.

July 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFingolfin

I actually have another thing to add; if you take every graveyard on the way down you will force a turtle. By the time you get to their RH they will have all been forced to respawn there and you will not only not get the RH but you won't be able to get your general. Leaving the Iceblood or Stonehearth Grave Yard usually works the best, only leaving Iceblood if you have Capped Stonehearth. While you want to keep them farther from you, at the same time you don't want them closer to your RH. They will probably the Stormpike Graveyard anyway so it really doesn't matter. But regardless, pushing and taking every graveyard will always produce a turtle and simply waste everyone's time and patience.

July 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDarth Mole

omg finally someone, with what i would say is high status, can tell people how to do things right. i post the same thing on the pvp forums and all i hear is "QQ" or "stop trolling"


July 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterElias

Please don't listen! Horde needs more AV wins on our battlegroup! :)

July 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOzzel's Cousin Fred

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