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The Real Reason I Like Being A Prot-Tank...


... is that I constantly feel like I'm saving the day. It's like being the big brother saying, "don't worry I'll take care of these bullies", and then just standing there taking the beating, laughing in their faces at their futile punches.

Lylelovett doesn't care about DPS; he don't care about casting spells... it's all about being a meat shield.

Meat shield FTW!

(thank god for healers! - lol)


Reader Comments (24)

Something about getting beat on by the biggest baddies in the game, that would one-shot anyone else in the raid, is just incredibly satisfying.

Maybe us tanks we have a masochistic side?

July 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBastosa

Anyone can dps.... a 6yr old can dps with the best of them...i've seen it. But it takes a real man to be able to tank. Like come on all we do is sit there and take the abuse, while everyone else stays back nice and safely. I commend all those who chose the role of a tank.

What is your view on paladin tanks?

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGil

I still remember the moment when I dinged 70 and specced protection on my warrior.
I felt so powerfull!
I've tanked my way all to Sunwell now and I still think thats one of my best moments as a tank, my very first steps.

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNickolaas

pally tanks not good see plate + heals = best. in a lot of groups if been in with a pally tank i over pull agro in a few secends of casting. but for what i seen in warrior tanks+ pally heals = invincible. with warrior tanks it's all but impossible to over pull agro i did i did it once and got 1 shoted

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermichaelmdw

You are so right... except a tank is nothing without a healer. Now a healer/tank combo, that's saving the day!

July 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHenk

but a healer/tank is'nt as good as a warrior por tank with holy pally healer at his back a mage a lock and a hunter all but out of sit un seen but not unnoticed

July 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermichaelmdw

Pally's are the best tanks for 5 and 10 mans. AOE pally tanking = group survives pulling 12 elites with no CC in heroic shattered halls (which was amazingly fun by the way).

Despite popular belief we do fine in 25-mans as well. I've been MT for all of T4 and several T5 bosses. Haven't progressed into T6 so I can really speak for what that is like, but I absolutely love Pally tanking, and I'm pretty sure my guild does too ;).

July 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBastosa

Well im a Tankadin and a healadin. im both because well seeing LF heals, or LF tank in trade is usually whats wanted so why not be able to fill both rolls lol. but i would have to say i prefer healing on Athol a nice 1868 + heals unbuffed which may not get me into TK and BT, but gets me fine through Gruuls and Mag. Haven't tryed to get a group for ZA going since i when holy but hey this is a tanks blog so i maybe have the same armour as a tank but hell if i have the def rating stuff to go with it. People like Lyle keep me alive but hey i keep him alive too so its 50/50 just hate how ret pallys cant really do much DPS in PvE that what i have my shammy alt for ... but im lazy so hes only 20 lol

August 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAthol

Well I played a mage from 2006 (started playing) and then got to TBC and it was all: 'You gotta be the best of the best to get into raids...etc etc' on the server I was playing...there was a 'gap in the market' for tanks. I never really played one above 30 so I decided....what the hell....ill level as protection, it will give me a chance to learn how to tank on my way up to 70. This wasnt that hard really seeming as I met a good holy priest friend at level 25. We got to Outland together and now raid side by side :D.

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDanimus

As someone who's been playing wow since the beginning and taken many ventures into endgame content as a number of diff classes. (Was Priest MC/BWL, Prot warrior/Resto Druid AQ40/Naxx, Rogue/Warrior Naxx/Gruul/Mag/Kara and now back to my prot warrior for TK/SSC/Hyjal/BT/Sunwell) I have to say tanking is what I've found to be the most fun. Being that line of defense to save the 37 non-tanks in the raid really takes max focus and a very high level of focus. As for you guys hating on Prot-Pallies they are a godsend for dps, healers and other tanks alike. Our guild's sunwell/bt geared protadin pretty much handles everything from his main job as AoE tank (god I hate doing hyjal without him) to main tanking when needed. There's nothing better than having someone who can tank the entire packs of trash in SSC on his own.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMilus

I am a fan of Wowhead.com, and thus Project Lore.. love to see how you guys get a kick of fun doing the instance (I, myself am more of a PvE as well). Been a prot warr after i went to Outlands. At some point, you guys strated to talk about the mechanics of the classes and it's roles in the group. As obvious i was interested when Lyle exposed his experience. I recon a lot of my tanking there, spam TC for multiple mobs, and also rotate on them as i put 1 or 2 sunders on each. Now.. for the threat generation, Lyle uses (according to his words) Devastate, Shield Slam, TC.. but one you didnt mentioned is Heroic Strike. I spam HS along with Devastate, as HS is a high threat generation hability. I have seen sometimes Lyle loosing aggro, like in Botanica with Thorngrin (yes, he is hard to hold aggro), but 1 or 2 HS, once in a a while , and youre threat level will certainly inscreace.
Think about it, give it a try, give me a reply on what you think.

Pro warrs ftw..

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOromez

My Main is a 70 Prot Warrior. That is all I have done is Tank. there are times I tank all day nothing but heroics to help guildy's Get Badges and so on. There was a Time I DPS that was for like 5 min lol.

As for Pally Tanks can hold 5 or more They can much more easier yes.

I myself have Tanked H SH under the timed event with only a mage for CC which I didn't use all good warrior Tanks should refuse to use CC IMO. because we all tanks know some DPSer will break it.

BigH 70 Orc Warrior madoran server.

September 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBigH

Pally tanks are different: give them multiple mobs to tank and they'll be fine because they'll be getting healed more which ill keep their mana up and thus keep the TPS up.
Their spells are suited to aoe tanking.

Warriors, on the other hand, don't (until wolk) have many aoe tanking ablilies and therefore excel more at single tanking.
Word of note about HS: its used as a rage dump: if you're over geared for an instance you wont be using it much since you'll be using more rage-efficient abilities. But if you're getting smacked in the face and still have extra rage you *should* be spamming heroic strike since it will massively increase your tps. But should only be used if you can contiue to keep shield block up etc.

I play a lvl 70 Prot warrior, Minitoken - Executus, and I have to say i do enjoy tanking the most - even after trying out healing and dpsing on my multiple alts. It certainly does take alot of focus and understanding of what you're doing.

September 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMinitoken

Tanking is probably the most satisfying class in the game, but its also the highest stress.

Main Tanking is all about trying to control the encounter, and when someone doesnt CC fast enough, properly transition a phase, or doesnt listen to a boss strategy and wipe your raid. It is the _most_ trying of times when playing the game.

Tanking is quite simply brought down into 3 Main Objectives, whereas other classes are broken into 1 (DPS This guy, then move to the next or Stick to your healing assignment).

Here they are in order of importance (IMO)
1. Threat Generation (With how fast DPS is outgearing tanks now, you need to be on top of your game, since we cant PVP or get half-decent badge gear that doesnt Lower our TPS) For this, I recommend a Rage gen/Rage efficency spec, lower the amount your attacks cost, and raise the amount of rage you generate. and Spam the hell out of your rotation

2. Damage Mitigation (a Lot of this is simply gearing/chanting/enhancing properly) Most damage mitigation is done by your armor. Shield block is great, throw it into your rotation, and then let your gear do the rest, your really playing with odds, obviously better gear means better stats, means less crushings. but it can still happen, make sure the healers know that, and stay on top of you so theres no surprises.

3. Controlling the encounter, Ever notice a tank is the marker 99% of the time in 5-10 mans? They control whos going to CC and whos taking which targets (multiple tanks). They essentially control the pull every single time. You mark a Demon to be shackled and an Undead to be banished, your askin for a wipe if your at gear-level for wherever you are.

For all the Deeps who read this and think of rolling a tank, keep this in mind. You cant really farm worth a damn, your dailys take 3x as long as the worst DPS classes, You spend Gobs of Cash on repairs (even when theres NO wipes) and your gear costs the most DKP, AND you generally dont have good odds on getting upgrades vs. other classes (tanks cant downgrade to mail/leather/cloth, or use other classes gear effectively like sp/lock/mage etc can) You get bitched at the most, and everyone gives a crap about DPS more than a damage mitigation chart.

However, you are the most important class. and if your a good one, your part of a very exclusive club. forgive me if im a bit highnmighty but i seen dozens of high-end players make tank alts, only to really suck at them, and Some of those players made all 3 tanks at 70!

-PanzerV on Undermine

October 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPanzerV

I understand whatcha mean.

October 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTogarox

How much Defence Need a warrior tank, after the new patch.

I've seen we've lost the 20defence skill.

Hope you will answer soon!^^

October 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJonatan

Too true. I tanked my way to 70, tanked my way thru Kara, thru heroics, Mags, Gruuls, SSC, TK and then I got seduced (in the wondrous land of 1c respecs aka Northrend beta server) over to being a laser chicken, aka spell crit druidified.

October 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaille

my first toon was a prot pally i loved tanking up until i went to the darkside with 3.2 and seen the new ret pally now im topping the damage charts and watching all the other classes QQ and saying ret pallys shouldnt be out dpsing a mage/lock/SP/huntard and all i do is smile >D

November 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterryan

Greetings Lylelovett,

a word from your lesser armored brothers, hehe. i've been a Shadow Priest ever since, and during my first few times of heading into a dungeon, i found myself almost, (if not stealing it completely) competing for aggro from our tank. hehe, probably Shadow Priests are just that threatening. of course through the months/years i learned to control the threat i generate.

i've always played a DPS class, save for the occasional respecing to heal, and now i just created a Tauren Warrior (sorry, horde player here, as opposed to your Draenei Warrior, hehe) and would like to see and experience how it is to tank, and try to compete with 4 (or 24) people with regards to generating aggro.

December 2, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMauphlov

Tanking is the real deal, and thats the reason i enjoy it the most and thats the reason while almost every char of mine able to tank is specced as a tank.

i mean staying at the front lines taking the hits and laughing at your ugly targets face seeing him die and while you are keeping above 80% health is the most fun in the whole game. and to all those who have ever said that someone CANT TANK while you havent even tanked once with any other char of yours (succesfully i mean), then SHUT THE HELL UP! ^^

keeping your defense/armor/dodge and all the other shit high is important but that will all be useless if you cant keep the target on you.

don't say you don't /agree with me :P

December 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrokku

Warrior tanks ftw !
Since new spec:
* no more marking
* no more cc

Just charge in, thunderclap and shockwave and regular target switching while using devastate.
My dps in the meantime can blizzard, volley, chainlight ... whatever, just nuke the mobs.

Tanking is the most fun, since you get to decide everything:
which mobs to attack, who to invite, what the strategy will be, ...
And I love it that sometimes when I leave the instance my activity is at 30% ... all the others are just laizy :P

December 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMoehmoeh

Ow yeah and in reply to Jonatan's question:
the threshhold for defense rating is now 540 to be crit immune.

Prot warrior for life ! (and yeah, for the Horde !)

December 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMoehmoeh

Hey Lovett.

I agree with you that tanking is a great feeling, saving everyone else in the group from getting slaughtered, by holding aggro on the mob in qstion.

I my self am a feral tanker druid, and MAN I love it!!
I love the fact that as tank spec you are able to take massive amounts of damage and hardly loose any health.
So far however, my druid is only lvl 74, but yesterday I took on Ned "lord of Rhinos" and Harold Lane, in the Borean Tundra alone, and it felt GREAT!!
I know that as lvl 74 it should easy enough, but still, doing a 3 man group qst alone feels pretty good.

I hope in the future I will be able to do more tanking in instances and such, because that is just what I love to do.

February 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBeastlie

WTF! are you going to have some new posts? As a prot warrior myself i would like to hear some of your opinions on the new content.

May 16, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNanpa

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