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Shaman Vs Warlock

As I said earlier, I recently got my warlock his last ding until WotLK comes out. I have had a chance to bring him into a few instances, and I really enjoy it as a change of pace compared to my shaman. I'm definitely on the bottom of the DPS charts, but I can bring a few different things to a group as a warlock instead of a shaman. Don't get me wrong, I love my totems, heroism, and general ass kicking ability, but sometimes it's just fun to throw dots. I've still got a lot to learn in order to become more effective, but that's all part of the game. I'll get there eventually, but for now I'm ok with the fact that I am the weak link whenever I'm on my warlock.

I must have run into a horde version of Xeno the other night while farming some Primal Life for a healing enchant. Of course, we all know that the horde consists of jerks and that warlocks are arrogant, so he decided to attack me. I, being a badass enhancement shaman, tore through his cloth wearing, emaciated blood elf face in a couple seconds. I then /apologized to him as I saw that he hadn't released, and then I engaged another level 62 bog lord nearby. As expected, the warlock used his soulstone and began attacking me again. Having been killed once again, I figured he had learned his lesson. However, just a few minutes later, I was forced to kill him once again. I can't help but wonder what made him keep trying. If it was me, I would have given up and run away with my freshly rezzed tail between my legs, as I have so many times (remember, I'm an enhancement shaman). Of course, with the mishmash of greens and blues on my warlock, I probably would have avoided screwing with a melee class that has beautiful badge weapons both enchanted with mongoose. Don't ever tell me horde are smart.

Reader Comments (14)

Ahh get rid of those greens, finish your Frozen Shadoweave set, get some other key early pieces, switch to destro, and enjoy the top of the dps charts!

July 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAaryn

As he said, get Frozen set, do kara, switch to DS/SNF(raiding spec that does INSANE damage) and bam, ur on the top of the dps charts. Except maybe under a mage since they have so many things that speed up their casting in their talents

"Don’t ever tell me horde are smart."

Pffft Everyone knows alliance are all immature 12 year olds.

Don't ever tell me Alliance aren't immature 12 year olds.

July 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrandon L

Hey hey hey nao!

We all know that our opinions are based on the pride that comes from our factions!

I, a horde shaman, do hate the alliance with a burning passion in game, but I do not hate the players (Unless they grief).

Admittedly it would seem, on my server at least, that the alliance don't have much else to do but to gank you all the time. But these are just opinionated observations.

Oh, and for the record...


So, chew on that Jug! =3

July 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGeddeh

the way i look at it ally is all human

human=normal guys
Nelf=blue humans
drainei= blue humans with tail 0.o
dwarf= short fat human
and gnome = short smart human

to be honest though i really could care less whether your horde or ally as long as you arent a jerk to the otherside

July 15, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteruriell

Agreed about the FSW set.

However, you'll want as close as you can get to 202 hit on your gear before going destro. Until then, you're going to have to stay affliction unless you enjoy seeing RESIST RESIST RESIST all over your screen. In fact, spell hit gives you MORE dps than +dmg until the hit cap. You won't be pwning those meters until you're close.

Even then, you won't be performing optimally as destro before ~25% crit (untalented, gear-only)

And don't let the Suppression talent fool you, SB is not an affliction spell so the +hit you get from it doesn't count there.

July 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEntendu, Destromath US

Haha! Thanks for all of the tips guys, I need a few more shadowcloth before i can finish the frozen shadoweave robe. I'll be respeccing affliction when I get a chance, then hopefully I can do a little better and throw more dots.

July 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJuggynaut

BS! i'm undead rogue and i'm smarter than most of the Allies i see! I'm decked with epics and armed to the teeth at lv 70, yet some rogue 8 lvls lower than me decided to attack me when i was in Zangarmarsh. He couldn't land enough hits to knock off 1,000 damage, when i returned the favor he begged me to let him live. I did just that and what did the idiot do? he repeats the the incident not 5 sec later... (his damage was somehoweven more embarrassing)

The above instance wasn't as bad as the time i got a human shadow priest to accidentally aggro mobs and kill himself in Terrokar...

and by the way the DUMBEST druid i met was an ALLY not horde... killed him 3 times for the easiest honor (at that time i wasn't lvl 70, pvp and dueling noob, and had all greens)

Also as for pvp when i was lv 64 i killed a lvl 68 mage (no he was not ganked, there were no mobs nearby).

As far as i know each side has both good players and royal pains... the horde is a faction like the alliance that's all. Don't believe me? the coolest rogue on my server that i know of is a gnome named trickster. the first time i saw her she had all t6 gear, both Warglaives, and cursed vision of Sageras. It scared the crap outta me as she tore through half the horde in AB but inspired me at the same time.

Some of the best warriors are the allies who own me repeatedly in BG but don't chase me into the best Horde camp.

Also, don't cry when you're ganked. It proves to people who are sensitive and diagnostic of others that you're a baby AND a noob. You play halo and you don't cuss 'em out when they pick you off cause your shields are low... so don't play on a pvp server b-tch when a warrior or rogue does his job and powns your half dead derrière finishing the job that
(insert level here) mob failed to do.

The thing is when i screw up, when you kill me, when I'm ganked I learn from you and that's why i now own most everything i see in WSG and world pvp not because i squander time with continued noobism. I think all good players and people show the qualities and traits of problem solving and maturity, PERIOD!

P.S. , I've actually complemented people on ganking if it's wicked enough to be considered cold-bloody epic!

July 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPolonius

Now, now that just hurts. Alliance and Horde each have their fair share of asses, it switches off, it's the eternal WoW balance. Being on the other faction's side we're bound to have obvious bias, but just because people are stupid doesn't mean we have to hate on the entire faction and pre-judge them.

I make a point, personally, not to gank a lower level or even engage anyone unless they attack first. KARMA. Hell, my code even goes so far as to not attack someone if they're already fighting. If I see an Alliance circling around to kill me, and they are substantially higher than me, I have the common courtesy to hit my macro which makes me auto-dismount and kneel. I accept my death with quiet dignity. As a Horde, I tink I has decent amount of branpowuhz.

Being on a PvP server, we automatically write away our rights to angerhate and take every gank death personally, because that's what constant PvP is all about.

July 22, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRoyalle

I wonder why PvP servers are so crowded if people complain so much when they are smacked to death by higher level jerks.

Personally, I think alliance and horde are fluff options you have. Like choosing between Green big dude and cute elven lad. (Talk about female orcs now...)

Back on PvP, there are always normal servers for people who complain about ganks. If you're playing PvP, get used to it! Sometimes you will like it, because you're on the winning side, it's just fair competition.

July 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLegatum

horde=not smart
but off your horde kicking ass story, you need to go DS/SnF. not affli, affli is good but doesnt put out as much dps as going sac spec. if you want i can link my spec for it or you can search my character on armory =P
also alliance arent immature 12 year olds! on my realm everyone is over 20 years old, i have yet to meet someone around my age of 16! also i see you are felguard spec in UB, i LOVED my felguard while i was leveling but trust me respec

Jugs your going to Affliction?, you've got it all wrong. Destruction is Obviously the way to go. Although it may be weak, it is because you need Armor and Weapon upgrade, since i move to Affliction i just couldn't handle and the things that ran at me cause i had 4-6 dots on them. Destruction is way better because i don't hide behind a pet or deal massive amounts of damage when i don't want to.
I PvE combat, eg. Doing Dallies. I only use my Trusty old Shadow Bolt. And occasionally use Incinerate.
But if you like Casting Massive amounts of Dot, go ahead. But you should try out Destruction first. Ive got 00/14/46, i think. All in all, Its great Being a Warlock.

Shamans, I think one of the Best type of Healers in the Game, Why? because they have totems and they can Heal. Nicely. And Mail healers. Just right. Leather and plate healers and just too weak or have way too much armor.

Well thats What i think.

Warlocks Ftw!
Healing Shamans Ftw!

August 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDaedlock

hi Project Lore, I have a question for you: I have a Warlock and I don't know how to spec him. Some say demonology, others Affliction. I really don't know what to choose. This is the second character I made. My first was a ret pally and wanted to try something new. I think i will use my warlock for raids as a dps. What should I do?

February 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRoku

uhh why shouldnt we hate the other faction?..ever play warcraft3?..its kind of the point of the entire game assklownz. now to hate them on a personal lvl, you cant really do that as a whole, just hate the random dickfaces you see running around making life interesting in the WoW universe. also.......FOR THE HORDE come get da voodoo and hate me for it

August 28, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterthebumper

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