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Dorkins Says...Heal My Pet


Me: There are five men in this group right?

You: Right

Me: No, wrong

You: Wrong?

Me: Yeah wrong. You see that huge white tiger standing next to me?

You: Yeah

Me: That's f***ing Jimmy and he's my pet and he's part of this group, so that makes six of us.

You: Oooookay. So what?

Me: So what?!?! So he is just as important as everyone else. And because I'm a Beast Master he provides almost 35% of my f***ing dps. Not only that, but with Ferocious Inspiration everytime he crits a mob in the face, we as a group gain 3% to all damage! And trust me he crits a lot.

You: Fine he the sixth man, your a Beast Master he helps your dps, and give us some Ferocious stuff. Now, why are you telling me this?

Me: Because you're the healer a**hole!! Just like anyone else in the group, if you see him dying, throw a heal his way. Got it?

You: Yeah, whatever.

Me: A**hole.

Reader Comments (58)

Tell Dorkins to get over himself; keeping Jimmy's health up is his responsibility, nobody else's.

If he keeps whining, tell him that you simply decided healing Jimmy was a higher priority than, say, healing Dorkins... :P


July 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTrackhoof

LESS QQ MORE PEW PEW WTB Crab Pet once you do higher raids. O___O NAME HIM MISTER PINCHY OMG

July 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBizarostormy

Cannot find anything and not 100% sure were to direct this.

Noticed no section on addons.

After watching your videos I wanted to know what addons each of you were using.


July 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrad

As a healer, I just can't stand those whiney BM hunters. "Heal my pet!!"

Now that my Hunter Alt's level 66 I can understand why they QQ so much -- if your pet's dead, you lose loads of damage. And we all know, that's what counts, right? ;)

July 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNachoes

It's not just a loss of dps, a BM hunter also needs his pet for big-and-red time and his stun. These 2 things alone can help tip the scale of an over-pull in the party's favor, so heal the damn pet.

July 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWhichdoktor

Umm l2Mend Pet and if hes getting hit call him back control your pet and he wont need heals dont expect a healer to do it noob thats why they gave us mend pet and Call pet back function!

July 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNigel

Uh, how about you just ask in the first place... Most lower healers are used to Hunters healing their own pets. I do keep an eye on them, 'cause I get the whole bonus dps whatever. I'll heal your kitty if you ask me to, but you can bet your ass I'll let you BOTH die if you get in my face about it.

July 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRynna

your pet is 35% of ur dps? that leaves 65% for you right?

sure, if ur not healing anything then the pet should get a heal, but it is ALWAYS your lowest priority.

July 15, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSaemundr

I agree with this, pets should be healed by healers more often, granted in kara, especially on the prince fight my pet soaks enough damage from aoes and infernals that graze princes hind quarters that i will end up healing his health about 8 times over, blizz gave us avoidance to help with this, but when my highest rank mend pet heals for 475 or so a tick base and each of those are hitting for 2k base then the 50% reduction doesnt help with my pets unfortuanate death, healers give a hunter a break, throw a renew/rejuv

July 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLastshot

/cringe . Way to perpetuate the huntard stereotype. Your pet, you responsibility. Spec the kitty with avoidance and stamina. Use mend pet, and pull the darn thing out of combat if it is taking too much damage. Mend pet is a HOT, you may have to pull the cat back occasionally until the spell heals it enough that you can send it back. As a BM you should have improved mend pet, use it.

It’s hard enough to get in a good group as a hunter. Whining for someone else to take care of your job makes us all look bad, or worse yet, just validates the idea that all hunters are huntards.

Healer is responsible for the tank. Don’t make their job more difficult by adding your pet to the mix. Your job is easy as a BM. Do insane damage, keep pet alive, chain trap when needed, and keep the roaming mobs off of the healer.

July 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJar

Heal the damned pets, healer arses. Or fear the wrath of our ninja loot.

July 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLorelie

or you can just switch to mm at 70. after all the main tank should hold aggro and then you dont lose 35% of your dps if your pet is aoe'd to death

July 17, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteruriell

I agree!

The pet is similar to your weapon. You give your pet food and your bow arrows.Furthermore, Engineers who can craft repair bots are not responsible for the durability damage on your (insert crap here...) just as the healers are NOT responsible for the well-being of YOUR pet.

I have a lv 50 hunter (one of 5 alts)... if a priest/druid heals your furry friend thank 'em, posthumously... a healers job is to 1. keep players (namely the tank) alive and 2. resurrect players who are dead if able to.

and please, if your pet dies just feign death and revive whatever your organic cudgel happens to be, that or pull it back away from the friggin' AoE attack like every other pve running from Leotheras the Blind's whirlwind or whatever.

And Lorelie, hunters will ninja whatever weapon they can equip even though they'll never use it unless they make a stupid mistake. What mistake am i talking about? How about the mistake hunters make by letting ME, a rogue, slip in close.

They don't get to swing a weapon before i cheap shot them and keep them stun locked for the rest of the skirmish. Their pet is blinded, I kidney shot 'em, and restealth rinse repeat. Additionally, hunters fighting in melee cause my parry proc rate to SOAR. And if that Riposte icon lights up he's gonna look worse than that molested/assaulted 8 year old on A&E cold case files. The thing is i usually don't get to the "restealth phase" before there's a bloody corpse with a gun or bow. People say rogues kill cloth, but on my server 80% of my honor has come from killing hunters no matter what spec I'm using.

Furthermore, if you think that's bad you should see a hunter get raped by a warrior it's like watching hurricane Katrina in WoW form. Also don't talk about freezing trap here's the solution --> trinket + sprint or stun or whatever (yes there are two pvp trinkets that can use to "trinket" out of stuns but I'm too lazy to get the 2nd one and equip it).

Please hunters are a ranged class, so please don't do something stupid like stealing Blade of Savagery from a rogue with green dagger in ANY hand.

Also Huntards are not only stupid (def. - refusing to assimilate and use knowledge already given to them) but a hindrance. One such Huntard ninja'd my the token for my t6 shoulder, so he could vendor it, to make things worse he already had 5 pieces of Gronnstalker armor including the shoulder.

And to top all this off, In my opinion there's nothing sweeter than killing a huntard with a final Blackflight arrow from My [Black Bow of the Betrayer] as he flees like the rogue he obviously is not.

Didn't ninja the bow. Got it while farming Illidan for warglaives, every hunter there had both it and Bristleblitz Striker while i somehow still had an even crappier weapon. Lol, If I remember correctly i actually rolled greed and won.

In conclusion, if you hunters want to assassinate like Jet Li in the movie "War" then roll a rogue; if not then be the sniper you were meant to be.

and Yes, Huntards are a touchy subject for me. However, Leveling a hunter is easy, and so is world pvp (haven't done BG with my alt yet). Get the melee weapon that adds the most agility and focus on your bow and arrows.

July 17, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPolonius

Any heals pet receive should be considered a bonus. Keeping a pet alive is a hunter's responsibility. With mend pet, the aoe reduction skill, and improved revive pet, it's usually not too bad to keep a pet alive or get him back in the fight quickly. It seems like BM has as much focus with pet management as trying to just shoot stuff.

The changes a bit later on once you get the T5 set bonus. I got it recently and it really, really helps.

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterCloudbearer

mend pet, unclicky growl...


get better gear and go survival

July 18, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDan

I have a hunter and I agree 100%!

July 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHenk

L70 Dwarf Hunter (Survival)
Healers not healing our pets? That's why I'm Surv :P Though really I could care less if my pet (Joey, warp stalker) dies. Whenever I crit something in the face I get +10% more crit and everyone else gets bonus AP :)

Sometimes though I will admit...reviving can get annoying >.> So healers, throw our pet like a rejuv or swiftmend to help out our +475-a-tick mend pet

July 24, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDerentius

I'm a demo lock and i agree with this 110%. MY felguard not only is about 35% of my dps it adds about 200 +spell damage to my damage. Although he doesnt die that often anymore because people in high end raiding know this, it pissed me off to no end when my pet dies because the healer couldn't be bothered to heal the pet with one simple heal.
At the start on an instant i usually send the healer a whisper just letting them know to heal my pet, works fine :)

July 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterUltimo

I am a healer. I see what your trying to get at, but the pets are always the last priority, as they can either be resummoned or rezzed. Quit your whining and get a tank pet.

When I heal, which is rare, since I'm typically tanking, it's simple.

I'm not healing your pet over the tank, or the cc, or YOU.

You die, pet dies anyway. Pet dies, you still live. The pet is expendable.

August 18, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteradmiraljustin

Your post makes sence but you contradict yourself. You say that your kitty is another party member, but yet you are counting on HIS damage to count towards YOUR dps!
So technically yes there are 6 members in the party, but if the pet is contributing to your own dps that you count on, then he's not really the 6th member, he's part of your dps.

I have a hunter as my main, but I dont rely on a healer to heal my pet for me. If the fight is easy and a healer happens to throw a heal his way then its great! Saves me some mana and I thank the healer because he doesnt have to heal my pet.

Healers are there to keep the TANK alive everyone else is on a lower priority, and pets are lowest priority because if the TANK dies its a wipe anyways.

YOU as the hunter are responsible for keeping YOUR pet alive! Since your beastmaster spec you should have 2 talent points on improved revive pet which allows you to get your pet back with only a 4 sec cast anyways so if he dies its not the end of the world.

Moral of the story is LEARN HOW TO PLAY UR HUNTER!

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFernando

ok, seriously you healers out there, think about it. the more a hunter has to mend pet, the less mana he has. the less mana a hunter has, the less dps he does. and anyway most hunters arent geared for mana regen, and most healers are, so you healers will get you mana back faster than the hunter. so just think about that the next time you refuse to heal a hunters pet.

August 21, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterunos

To the person who posted above me.

As a level 70 BM hunter, all I have to say is, play smart.

If the boss does massive amounts of AoE damage, the healer is going to be too busy healing the "players" to have to cater to your every whim and need.

Recall your pet so he doesnt die, mend it, and send it back in. If you run out of mana atleast you can still auto shoot. A healer running out of mana because they were too focused on healing a "6th" party member cant wand you back up to full health.

August 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNotoria

I don't think the problem is 'refusing' to heal a hunter's pet, it's just priority. the priority for heals goes: Tank, Healer, All DPS, pets.

Even in 5 mans, you have 3 DPS but only one tank and healer. If you lose a DPS? Eh! Got 2 backups.

So look at the bright side. At least you're considered 'less expendable' than your pet.

When I take my hunter into instances and raids, I put the soloing pet away and get the instance pet, who doesn't have growl, but has avoidance and magic resistance. I use an attack macro that links the tank's target, and I have a recall macro that pulls that pet back pronto if he starts to get hurt.

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZentius

I'm Marksman so my pet isn't very important during raids. In PvE I only see him as my keep-the-enemy-away-bear :P. Cause i'm doing the most of the damage and have Trueshot Aura :P

August 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVitolas

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