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Dorkins Says...Heal My Pet


Me: There are five men in this group right?

You: Right

Me: No, wrong

You: Wrong?

Me: Yeah wrong. You see that huge white tiger standing next to me?

You: Yeah

Me: That's f***ing Jimmy and he's my pet and he's part of this group, so that makes six of us.

You: Oooookay. So what?

Me: So what?!?! So he is just as important as everyone else. And because I'm a Beast Master he provides almost 35% of my f***ing dps. Not only that, but with Ferocious Inspiration everytime he crits a mob in the face, we as a group gain 3% to all damage! And trust me he crits a lot.

You: Fine he the sixth man, your a Beast Master he helps your dps, and give us some Ferocious stuff. Now, why are you telling me this?

Me: Because you're the healer a**hole!! Just like anyone else in the group, if you see him dying, throw a heal his way. Got it?

You: Yeah, whatever.

Me: A**hole.

Reader Comments (58)

As a Holydin... No, healz for petz :(
If the kitty on steroids HP goes low press the little pasive button...Oh the horror of those belf hunters "MY PET R TANK HEAL PET FFS!!!222 L2P NOOB HEAL HEAL PET!"

September 12, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFizzeled

Ok... so everyone keeps telling me.. BM ROCKS, some say for pvp some say for raiding. Okay fine your opinion. But, when some BM hunter starts talkin shit about mm and I do beast lore on his pet and find out my pet hits harder and has more armor than his, I laugh. Seriously, either some hunters don't upgrade, or BM does really suck. I personally can't go BM, marksmen is where its at. Silencing shot was something I never used before, until I found out what it did. So, lets say you gotta trap a caster. cause like theyre all casters or your tank is stubborn. you aggro and if no way to LOS pull you pop siliencing shot making them run at you. I find it nice. As for healing my pet, yea I appreciate it.. who wouldn't? but if i am to busy to heal him, then thats my fault. Either way, marksmen rules in my books.

September 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKushiel

1) good 4 u dude bm rokz, any 1 who disagrees is provably wrong!

2) tho the pets health is the hunterers responibility unless u want us walking arround in heals gear ur gonna have to top the pet!

rule of thumb:
If the pet dies and....
...mend pet wus up healers fault.
...mend pet was not up hunters fault.

September 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDprower

having a hunter and priest main, both in higher end gear, I just say it depends. NO pets are not priority. But it takes 1 GCD to throw a goddamn renew on him, which will easily be enough to keep him up. If, as the healer you do not have time to take your cursor off the tank for 1 second, either you or the tank is undergeared. Pally healers admittedly have a harder time without hots but its still not that hard to throw the pet a small heal here and there.

September 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEtsuyia

im a healer and i heal pets :P ofc if its a choice between a player and a pet, player is always the one to choose.

October 8, 2008 | Unregistered Commentersebman

Hey, it's time to put down the pipe and pick up the pwn!

October 9, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGoofball Jones

Ok I have a hunter and I know what it is like to have a pet, but since my first and favorite toon is a Holy paladin I can say this wholeheartedly: If I have plenty of mana, if I am not currently not healing a party member that I the healer would have to resurrect if he dies, and lastly if pallies had a HoT of any kind I would be happy to heal your pet, but as things stand unless you are ripping mobs off of me because we have a cruddy pally tank or even a decent druid or warrior tank (have both of them, and over 2-3 mobs is a bit to tank without cc) I won't be healing your pet too much. Have your pet use cower to lower aggro if needed, disable an offensive move if needed, watch your and your pet's aggro, BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY: take off your taunt unless you are specifically asked to have your pet off-tank some trash. I know this may tick hunters off, I am sorry. I love my pet Bengal tiger Molly as much as anyone, but healing can be hard enough sometimes without someone trying to off-tank when the tank would LOVE the aggro. It is SO much easier to heal through the tank taking LUDICROUS amounts of damage than having a pet, rogue, or enhance shammy trying to play off-tank. I love healing and tanking in groups but even experienced tanks and healers can have a horrible time keeping you and your little woodland friends alive by keeping attention off of you and by the occasional heal you get. I would love to heal you or your pet if you are playing cc and get a few too many hits, but try to make it reasonable. Not every tank or healer is experienced or geared to handle the hell dps sometimes puts them through and even if they are experienced a couple dps that aren't on the ball at the right time can make things VERY hard for everyone. Remember, tanks have to pay nasty repair bills because they are taking the hits so you don't have to and healers are getting squished because they are healing everyone and pulling too much aggro because of it.

October 16, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDonovitch

As a hunter myself I can give a very good reason to any a**hole cloth wearing healer out there why he or she should keep my pet up during instance or whatever runs:

My pet can easily take the agro off you should you pull some.

We all know that a decent healer can easily pull agro off a tank with a well placed heal crit.

Solution if the tank cannot gain agro back? Turn Growl back on and send pet onto mob attacking healer. Result: Healer is saved and agro is now on pet. All the more reason for the healer to now drop a few heals on the pet since, if the pet dies, the mob with revert to pummelling the healer.

My guild healers and other cloth wearers understand this of its hunters. I am my fellow guild hunters have saved the butt of more than one mage or priest on more than one occasion. I have even pulled agro off a healing shammy and pally when needed.

Simply put, the pet is the extra man advantage to the group and should at least receive one or 2 heals during a fight to free up mana for the hunter to DPS to his or her fullest.

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

Dorkins don't listen to any of those guys! Jimmy rocks! he deserves to be healed! CATS ARE PEOPLE TO!

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBetadash

Yeah, coming from a BM Hunter, my pet needs the heals. Mend Pet doesn't help when people hitting harder than 22(mend pet) ...

Jimmy is cool. Kitty kat. Mines a cougar.

October 28, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDecepter

Well i must say i totally agree with you Dorkins, with my alt paladin i always made sure pets are topped for one reason only, above me on threat list, more likely to be gibbed before me so i have time to escape via shield/hs ;)

November 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGordan, Croatia

Wow, you are ALL bad.

To the rogue QQing about hunters taking your loot, here's a heads up, hunters don't share token with rogues. A well played hunter can beat a rogue any day. Congratulations, now would you like some cheese with that whine?

Pets are the hunter's responsibility. Not the healer's. If you're BM and you see your pet health go down, toss up a quick Mend Pet. If you're specced into it (and if you're a raiding BM hunter you should be) it shouldn't cost that much mana. With the patch, regaining the mana back with Viper should be no problem at all.

I fear for all the ignorant WoW players watching this show for it perpetuates bad stereotypes.

November 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterToshi

As a Huter and a Healer it is so easy to throw a small heal on a pet to help out even an imp or Succy needs a heal once in a while really if u can heal 6 peeps in a 5 man then hang up your healing mace and go ret cause u aint gonna be able to keep 9 or 24 others up in the end game

for those healers saying that "Pets are the hunter’s responsibility. Not the healer’s." Please tell me your guild name so i can show them what a real healer can do

Oh and Great job guys keep up the good work and Alexis dont mind all the pervs out there u do what ur doing gurl we all love it

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThogg

my eyes are bleeding of all the 1337 writing here, and loss of dots and commas.

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterexio

stop QQ i WILL not heal your pet sorry end of story wont happen you dont like it thats why they make a leave group button

November 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterryan

I hate it when people say "MEND PET?" Those people obviously do not know how mend pet works...

Mend pet is a HOT, that means it heals so much over a certain period of time. It's is also mainly used for solo non-elite mobs, maily since at any one time, mend pet only heals hardly a third of the pets health...and at higer lvls, hardly a sixth. So when your in an instance and my pet is playing off tank or XOMG high big red dps and tends to get that certain bosses attention...you know the one, the one who has a refreshing aggro table and hits for about 3k, yeah, that one, or maybe the one that does aoe's constantly like a mother f**ker and it hurts my pet even though he has coward on autocast....yeah...when it matters most, Mend Pet is S***! so you know...when you have everyone topped off and you think your doing a good job as healer...then you notice the rate of that bosses health isnt going down as fast, then everyone is blaming you for the wipe...well that's because you tend to ignore that little health bar below the "huntards" picture and let the pet die!!!

Remember...when it matters most, Mend Pet is Crap...so when it matters most...HEAL THE F&%#ING PET!!!!

November 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVoldenmist

Just heal the cursed pets... THEY ARE HELPING WITH DPS.... I think im gona go make myself a hunter...

November 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOskar "Miggo" Anjou

Well lets be real. If your a healer, heal. Tank/dps/yourself whatever. Just heal. The better healers out there don't make comments about "heal your own pet" or "thats not my job, i just need to keep up the tank". They know their role and they do it well. I mend pet often, and viper to get mana back i do about 2300dps with current gear. I just think of the more dps i could do if i wouldn't have to cut my dps buy 40%, and in turn down the mob faster and by doing so help do healer job because tank isn't getting hit.
I mean I could on a lot more about this, but it just comes down to group makeup. If we all do our part and do it well then the group moves forward and no biggie.

Think about this:
Oh if my pet dies and i have to be in a pug with a healer that refuses to help with an "off heal" (and thats all i am asking for, if just by chance if u see the pet is low and u have the +/- 2seconds to cast a small heal) then res pet in middle of battle and then dps the mob down. Does it make sense that i do that? Dicuss----

ps. 80 huntard -Champloo
70+ Warrior tank
70+shammy tank
noobtastic Death Knight

off subject. haste set and agi set both are great! Haste though is insane to pop rapid fire and viper to get mana back then BW/Berserk (trolls)/Trinkets I WIN

December 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChamploo

70+shammy healer not tank :P

December 5, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterChamploo

i agree with champloo, a healer could at least throw a off heal for pets every once in a while,im not saying u have to think of them as the main tank in the group and divide the attention and possibly wipe but just throw a off heal if u notice them.

December 20, 2008 | Unregistered Commentergavin

As a healer, pets are low priority... sorry... Tanks->Healer(s)->DPS---->Pet.

I completely understand the dps argument, I have a demo lock and bm hunter for alts. I also understand the argument about the pet saving my clothie a** if the tank can't reacquire aggro. However, I feel that this ability to snag aggro off of the healer with your pet is one that a lot of hunters lack.

If I notice the pet is low, and I can spare the GCD and mana to toss a small heal/renew, I will. However, I feel that the hunter should not solely rely on the healer to keep his pet alive; the hunter should be using mend pet and recalling the pet if it's taking too much damage.

As one of the other poster's mentioned, if you ask me kindly to toss a heal to your pet, I usually will (depending on the scenario and fight facing the group/raid). If you act like Dorkins and demand I heal your pet... screw you, you and your pet will die "by accident" *OOPS* ;)

December 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSixFifty

yay,that's right Dorkins!

January 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKrižo

A hunter shouldn't have to ask for a pet heal, you should just do your job and heal it. It's all about the team work people! If our pets die, the whole group loses the dps we could be shelling out while reviving the damn pet. Sure, we can spam med pet constantly, but a quick heal would be nice.

80 BM hunter

January 20, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMagradon

Mend pet is a DoT. It really doesn't do much healing to the pet if it's getting stomped hard. I agree pets should get a heal.

But! I think they are lowest priority if you have players on the verge of death. Make sure the players are healed up first, then the pet. A BM spec'd hunter will have improved Revive Pet which doesn't take very long to get the pet back into the game. However the pet's health will still be low after this. The best thing here is probably for the hunter to Mend Pet, then send the pet in again when its health fills.

Pets need heals too, just after the players get theirs. Simple priorities.

January 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterXplaced

I have a lvl 80 holy priest , an i for one have NEVER had a problem healing pets. As mentioned before a BM hunters pet contributes a great deal to their dps. My personal formula works as follows. Greater Dps = less time mob lives, Less time mob lives= less dmg taken by tank or other players, Less dmg taken by tank or other players = less mana used healing. I do want to say that Hunters need to be aware of the fight, if the group as a whole is effected by aoe hitting mobs for example, try and keep your pet running in and out, help Mitigate the dmg he is recieving, though i want to heal him he is below you on the healing list. And i ask all of my grp to assit on Dmg mitigation, melee has to run out somtimes, or use talents(evasion etc) to help mitigate the dmg, tanks do the same(shield block, trinkets etc etc), so i ask that hunters contribute in this way as well(call pet, Mend pet). Sucess comes from a team effort, from strategy, dmg mitigation, and mana conservation, while dpsing the target as fast as possible with out exceeding ur tanks threat threshold.

February 17, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterSymonsays

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