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Dorkins Says...Heal My Pet


Me: There are five men in this group right?

You: Right

Me: No, wrong

You: Wrong?

Me: Yeah wrong. You see that huge white tiger standing next to me?

You: Yeah

Me: That's f***ing Jimmy and he's my pet and he's part of this group, so that makes six of us.

You: Oooookay. So what?

Me: So what?!?! So he is just as important as everyone else. And because I'm a Beast Master he provides almost 35% of my f***ing dps. Not only that, but with Ferocious Inspiration everytime he crits a mob in the face, we as a group gain 3% to all damage! And trust me he crits a lot.

You: Fine he the sixth man, your a Beast Master he helps your dps, and give us some Ferocious stuff. Now, why are you telling me this?

Me: Because you're the healer a**hole!! Just like anyone else in the group, if you see him dying, throw a heal his way. Got it?

You: Yeah, whatever.

Me: A**hole.

Reader Comments (58)

lol funny the same thing happons to me but most of the time my pet never needs heals he dosent get huet thats odd i know he evades everything : )

February 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterjames

Healers are just getting lazy that's all. Maybe healing hunter's pets would benefit you when you go into a raid and have to deal with 25 people.

Most healer's can't handle 5 mans. Yea I said it.

February 24, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKenny

Hunter and pets come together; they are not separate entities. You would laugh at a Hunter who showed up to a raid without one, right? to say that you would "never" heal a pet is like saying you would only heal the left side of the tank.

That being said, of course there are priorities. A pet going down is not as bad as a tank or a healer going down, nor is it even as bad as the Hunter going down. So we completely understand (or should understand) when either the pet or the Hunter has to be sacrificed.

Lastly: yes, we have the ability to mend and/or rez the pet. And most of us do, and the rest should be kicked from whatever raid you are in. But the Hunter's job is DPS, because that is what he is built for; and a Healer is much better at it than the Hunter ever could be. If you get attacked by a mob, we aren't going to tell you to DPS it yourself or tank it yourself because that is our job. So heal the pets when you can, because raiding is about teamwork and smart division of labor.

March 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterErik

answer: dont do beast mastery

May 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterNethya

lol hilarious dorkins and btw people keeping a bm's pet up is incredibly important it dies the hunter is almost useless (not saying hunters suck i am a hunter lol) so unless you want dps to suck or at least be worst keep peoples pets healed. oh love project lore keep up the good work guys

May 10, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterummsomone

i was a healer before 3.1 but i quit because idiot hunters were whining in me to heal theyre damned pet so i just sat down and watched the whole group of hunters die since almost evry roup i had had 3 or 4 hunters all with a acursed gorilla or a cat but there was always at least 2 hunters with a gorilla

June 23, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterlucret


Blizzard did give you the ability to heal your own pets, it's unbelievable I know but if you open your spell books I assure you in there you will find a spell called Mend Pet & guess what... it mends your pet!

As someone who plays a holy priest, a warlock & a bm hunter I can tell you that other than in some kind of savage AOE I have never lost a pet in group combat nor have I yelled at a healer for not saving it when it does die, from a healing point of view, if I have a particularly imba tank that's not taking masses of damage I may check on pets from time to time, but generally I don't even have the pet health bars switched on in my raid frames, it takes you 1.5 sec to stop mashing your "I can't handle more than 1 button spam" dps macro & throw your pet a heal, instead of wasting your healers mana & taking their concentration away from the tank(s) they are meant to be looking after

July 9, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTuwie

aaaaahh Dorkins, us dwarves are all the same...

August 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGilanor

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