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What Happened? Where's Your Guild?

Well here's an interesting follow-up to my last post here at ProjectLore.com.

In a strange turn of events, I was on WoW the other night. I haven't had much time to play 'cuz I got all these episodes to make for you, but I had a moment or two to do a fishing daily.

While I was running around Shatt, I saw a friend pop on that I hadn't seen in some time. I clicked on his name to see where he was and saw that he was no longer in a guild.

What happened? This guy was a great pali tank and he wasn't in a guild? Kara, SSC, TK, BT, Hyjal, some Sunwell and no guild? I watched this guy go from pali healer to pali tank over the course of a few months to be one of the best tanks I've ever seen. So what gives?

As you can see from the screen capture, something stupid happened (btw - the names have been blurred to protect the innocent (I think they're innocent - who knows)). His guild /gbooted him right out of the guild for being afk for too long. WTF? Their main tank booted 'cause he had to go afk to help his kids out? His RL children needed help and the guild booted him. What a-holes.

Now who knows if the his side of the story is the complete picture, but I do know of more stories where someone was kicked out of a guild for some of the stupidest reasons I have ever heard. I've seen people get booted for not showing up to raids or bad mouthing the guild or ninjaing gear in pugs thus soiling the guild's name - all of which are mostly legit reasons to /gkick someone, but I've also seen some absolutely stupid reasons people have been booted.

What's the raziest /gboot you've seen or heard of? Did someone not wear their tabard to a raid? Did they not rez someone when it was easier for them to run back? Did they not bring enough mana biscuits?

So what was it? Let me know.

Reader Comments (42)

A friend and I both where booted out of a guild 30 seconds apart. I was the guild's main tank and the GL decided that he wanted to do a ZG run out of the blue because something he wanted dropped off a boss or something along those lines (been years so I don't remember).

Instead of sending me a PM and asking me to tank it, he tells me in open guild chat that I have 5 minutes to meet him and the other guild members. Now, I am not a kid and I do not respond well to being told what to do.

I told him it was my BG day (which everyone knew that I ran BG's when we did not have scheduled guild events) and I could not tank it because I was with my BG team. At which point he told me to either get to the instance or I was no longer the guild MT. That really scared me...

I told him that was fine, give it to one of the other warriors. Since him threatening me didn't work, he booted me from the guild. My friend spoke up in guild chat after I was booted and said that was not right and he was booted too. I got a PM from the guild leader telling me he was sorry he had to kick me out of the guild but he could not have the members undermining his authority and not following his instructions. If I wanted back in, I would have to change my attitude.

I told him my attitude was fine the way it was and he could take his authority and shove it sideways... /ignore

Got a message from the co-GL asking why I put the GL on ignore. "Congratulation's, your on my ignore list too just for being stupid and asking me why... /ignore

Within 3 days the guild went from 80 toons (all mains) and about 60 alts to 20 total members and out of them I think 15 had not been on in weeks so they had no idea what was going on. A few weeks later myself and my friend where in a new guild and I was their MT and getting along great with everyone when I logged on one day and looked to see who was on. There was a new member, the asshat that had kicked me out of his guild was now in this guild as a member. I messaged the our GL and told him this was the guy who booted me out of his guild (GL already knew the whole story)... I was made a temporary officer so I could get the satisfaction of doing /gkick.

August 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHunterHaxe

On my orc hunter, I joined a guild that my friends had joined and their big thing was Kara on Saturdays. So I posted on the website my spec and offspec and pets used, one of which was my tallstrider Copernicus. The guild leader was fine with it at the time, but when I showed up to the raid on time, one of the officers blurted out in vent, "What the f*ck is that thing?!" I said it was my pet, I use him for CC and off-tank undesirable mobs and the officer screamed in vent, "Get yourself a goddamn cat or something. You're not taking that f*cking thing here."
Quite miffed with this, I calmly explained that the guild leader didn't care, and by proxy, you shouldn't either. The officer kicked me on the spot.
I messaged the officer and told him to chill and he gave me a wall of allcaps purple text about being a good hunter, about knowing your place, and lastly, he called me a "n00bish f*cktard with no idea how to play my class, and that I should quit the game and move out of my parents' basement".
This actually made me laugh more than anything.
I went on with my gaming as usual for a couple days after the incident... I did my dailies, although I had no one to talk to whilst wranglin' Aetherrays, until I got a tell from the GL. The GL said:
"Your little spat with **** at Kara on Saturday pissed off all the other officers. They all left on the spot. They were vying to get you back into the guild for about an hour, arguing with this prick. I kicked him, from the guild and from vent. If you want back in, the p-word to the server is ****, and you're more than welcome to bring Copernicus."
I gleefully accepted.

August 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZestoeren

I was in this guild with a work friend of mine. He was the guild leader of a guild we both started together. I was fine with that, as I've got no aspirations of power. Anyways. He quits our job (a quite underpayed job) and, the next time I get on, I'm out of the guild. He then ends up trying to sue our job for tripping on a walnut

August 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDeathadder

putting a port by the summonig stone and sending half the raid to if,calling out for a hand to make a table and making a port to sw.Did't get g/booted just told off,will have to w8 a few weeks till they all forget and do it agine 8-).

August 23, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterslowburn

Pre-BC you were on grounds of getting gkicked for being non-existant on your class' dmg/healing/etc meters. And then with performance in critical positioning scenarios like the complex Naxx bosses and trash. And you'd also get into it if you didn't have proper resistance for certain things. Molten Core you had to have some mad fire resist for some things, AQ40 you needed bumpin' nature resist for huhu, and if you didn't do things right on bug trio--well, I'm going to stop right there. The thing that would get you gkicked pre-BC was primarily what you did with all those points you accumulated on your guild's site whenever some pretty purple things dropped off of bosses.

August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEcco

Something like that happened to our guild. We were doing hyjal and were just not having the greatest of nights (wiping on Rage trash in a guild that clears the place >.<). Our pally tank went offline. 30 minutes later he still hasn't come back. Luckily another pally tank logged on and we were able to finish the night. By the time he comes back, after we killed Azgalor, he gets questioned by the officers. He bad mouthed the officers saying that he did not need to be here if we wipe on Rage trash. Then he got kicked.

August 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSpence

I'm an officer in the guild The Honor on Terenas US server (member of the Alliance Small Guild Alliance - ASGA).

We had a few incidents where I and several other officers had to step in. We have very clear rules for our guild, posted in guild info and on our website. Biggest rules are act with honor when grouping and no foul language in any chat channel visible to the guild or the ASGA. One strike rule.

The latest happened 3 months ago. The night I was on, one guild member was either drunk out of his mind or had conveniently forgotten about the fact that there is always at least one officer on at all times. He was swearing up a storm in general chat, bad mouthing other guildies and SGA members about some slight that happened in Kara. I was about to warn him when an SGA Council Member warned him. So he went into guild chat and continued his rant. I gave him a warning just as the GL's RL wife logged on. In officer chat I filled her in on what was happening. The idiot kept right on ranting. I booted him from the guild and was thanked by the GL's wife. The booted PMs me and starts his rant anew. I /ignore him.

The next morning there's a post from him on our guild website about the whole incident, playing the hapless victim. A few hours later, the GL posts a reply to this, explaining what had happened, and banning the booted player from the site. To this day, the booted player is still trying to get back into our guild or a member guild of the SGA.

So far, no takers on this loser.

August 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOmbrenoire

I was in a guild called Hand of God (not religious, just sounded cool i guess) anyway, i had become good friends with one of the officers (a very high ranking officer) who had designed the site and done a lot of work for the guild. at some point he basically asked to be guild leader because of all the work and what not that he had done for the whole of the guild, not too surprisingly the GL wasnt pleased and they had an argument of some sort (i dont know all of the details as i was offline when this transpired) logged on the next day to see that my friend and little over 22 people had left the guild, and joined his (my friends) i later switched over to his guild after i had heard a bit from both sides.

not the worst story about guild sillyness, but one worth noteing, may that never happen to anyone else.


August 30, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSquat251

Not that uncommon to kick someone for always AFK:ing during raids. There are 24-39 people waiting for you and spending 4 hours of their time to play together, some with strict schedules concerning playing, life etc.
It's silly to some, it's real for other.
Still, it's only a game. If he's got skills, he'll get another guild. :)

September 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEzzy

My old guild once kicked out 60 people because it had a spy from a rival guild that was picking up drop outs from ours. My new guild is better anyway :)

September 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJack

I got kicked out of my own guild that I created because I had 5 people dye in 5 weeks and so I handed the GM over to the CO GM who created the guild with me and some AHole mage that he recruited despied me for for unknow reason... I don't know maybe because he didn't like the color or my rogue hair...Either way he manipluated my Officers into booting me from the guild by spreeding lies, such as reporting the CO GM (who still had GM power at the time) for buying gold and then saying I did it, and making up other lies like how I would talk about people behind their back and what not. So basicly I got booted out of my own guild for having RL emergencies and trusting a person whom I thought to be my friend to do what was right and know the truth but nope he bought into the mages lies and booted me from my own guild... due to already having emotional issues from what had happened I ended up deleting my character (when it was within 20 kills from 70) and starting from scratch on a different server because I knew I could not emmotional handle playing it again for long enough to where I might as well roll a new main.

September 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEgma

I got kicked out of a guild because my fiance left. They were afraid I would start 'drama.'

September 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnani

OK, well this isn't the worst thing ever, but, I used to be in a guild that would /gkick anyone that rolled a "0" when rolling for raid loot. However, after 1 minute you were invited back, it just started being a funny joke. Nobody really took it seriously.

September 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJalmiel

I got kicked from my guild after telling this guy who ninja'd the T4 hands that he was a douche. GM said I was making people think bad bout the guild or some shit and I'm like "WTF dude?" Note I had signed the charter on this guild and been a member for 8 months...

September 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVĂȘn

I've seen people getting kicked because they did better dps than the guild leader.

September 29, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterFallor

I was booted once Pre-BC for not going to an UBRS run for an alt while the guild was doing AQ40 then Naxx a few hours later so I had to log and prep for it
I was like wth? Forcing every member online to do an UBRS run for an alt in a guild which we were in Naxx/AQ40???!?!?!

November 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnnabell

I got kicked out of my guild on two occasions.
the first one was when i pugged kara and my guild didnt like it.
the second time i got kicked because i told of the GM for taking loot even if he didn't win it (said he had been in the raid the longest and that he deserved the loot beacuase of that) even though he had full epic.

November 13, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterKethryez

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