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What Happened? Where's Your Guild?

Well here's an interesting follow-up to my last post here at ProjectLore.com.

In a strange turn of events, I was on WoW the other night. I haven't had much time to play 'cuz I got all these episodes to make for you, but I had a moment or two to do a fishing daily.

While I was running around Shatt, I saw a friend pop on that I hadn't seen in some time. I clicked on his name to see where he was and saw that he was no longer in a guild.

What happened? This guy was a great pali tank and he wasn't in a guild? Kara, SSC, TK, BT, Hyjal, some Sunwell and no guild? I watched this guy go from pali healer to pali tank over the course of a few months to be one of the best tanks I've ever seen. So what gives?

As you can see from the screen capture, something stupid happened (btw - the names have been blurred to protect the innocent (I think they're innocent - who knows)). His guild /gbooted him right out of the guild for being afk for too long. WTF? Their main tank booted 'cause he had to go afk to help his kids out? His RL children needed help and the guild booted him. What a-holes.

Now who knows if the his side of the story is the complete picture, but I do know of more stories where someone was kicked out of a guild for some of the stupidest reasons I have ever heard. I've seen people get booted for not showing up to raids or bad mouthing the guild or ninjaing gear in pugs thus soiling the guild's name - all of which are mostly legit reasons to /gkick someone, but I've also seen some absolutely stupid reasons people have been booted.

What's the raziest /gboot you've seen or heard of? Did someone not wear their tabard to a raid? Did they not rez someone when it was easier for them to run back? Did they not bring enough mana biscuits?

So what was it? Let me know.

Reader Comments (42)

I've kicked people for not giving me any biscuits or just because I feel like it. I rule with an iron hoof.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJuggynaut


August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTidbitz

Lol at juggy :)

Im a pally tank and im afk most of the day if im not raiding, if i got kicked for that id be really annoyed. If i randomly went afk in a raid without saying where i was going then that warrents a gkick more.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterHoops

My friend got kicked for raiding with a guild for his weekly Kara rather than a full pug. The guild had stopped raiding Kara, but my friend still needed his T4 helm so he had to pug it every week, and the guild ended up kicking him for finding a group that worked for him.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGilnid

You guys think Juggy is kidding?? He is a GL to be feared.... I'd say more but chances are I'd get kicked.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBastosa

Well I do have the best well worse /gkick story in this game. Mind you this is all a true story I was kicked for this. Well I joined a guild named Catharsis and well i heard rumors their leaders were racist but I just left them as rumors. Well awhile into things the guild master starts talking about that we are boycotting McDonalds because they have a Jewish executive. Well I thought that this was just wrong and I spoke up. Well he then made me get in Vent and he started to tell me all these 'facts' about how Jews and blacks and immigrants are evil. If you could not tell already this man is actually a Neo Nazi. So he did this for an hour or so and I was proving my points too. Well we finally ended this conversation and I went to bed. The very next morning I got on and he said we are boycotting like Walmart or something because they have a Jewish executive and I told him you can go ahead and do that but I am not going to do that. He was then like well you must go then and he /gkick'ed me. The next private message from him was quote on quote" I had to kick you because you were halting the progress of me spreading my propaganda." He then said i can still come in vent any time and talk just I cant be in the guild. So yes I think i trumped all your stories

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

We just got a new cat in the guild that got kicked for getting to drunk in raids.... Enhanced shammy doin helacious damage... awsome player even when sloshed.... needless to say he fit in with us just fine...

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPikpoket

I wonder if there's a guild out there for Guildie misfits. The ones who were in a guild and then got kicked out.

That would suck if one got kicked out of the misfit guild though....

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBrian

I left a guild after a friendly guildmate who I leveled all the way to 70 with was booted because the guild needed a holy preist. The gl elected him to level one to 70 in under one month. Little did he and I know, the gl was planning to boot him as soon as he leveled it to 70. to use his quote- he was "testing the guildie's devotion". After he booted my friend i left too out of anger. Now he, I, and about 50 other people have started our own guild, with his 70 holy preist as gl :). Were on the US Antonidas relam, horde of course.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWill

Some people get power-trippy when they have power over other people. Honestly, getting kicked out of a guild for anything other than being a total dick is retarded. Your definition of "total dick" may differ, but either way, if you kick someone for some asinine reason you are power-tripping. IMO, you can take your power trips, and the drama that comes with them, somewhere else. I'm sure EQ could use the players.

"lawl WoW is just a game i can play it how i want"

Yes, WoW is a game, but it's a game you play with other people. That means you need to have some sense of social responsibility; playing it like you're the only player that matters is going to piss a lot of people off. If you're OK with that, well, more power to ya, but I'd hate to meet you in person. You're probably a real asshole--the kind of guy (or gal) that gets pissed off and quits playing board games when you start losing.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered Commentermasterinsan0

Lol I haven't been kicked out of a guild just yet, but I did see a friend kicked out for not bringing our guild leader chinese food.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTinkerton

This is a second hand story that I heard from several former guild mates. A class lead was voicing his frustration to the GL about the group with 3 mages not being assigned a shadow priest to help boost their dps (via mana regen) on some Hyjal/BT runs. Well, they argued in vent about it for a while and then the GL kicked the CL from the raid. Others in the raid thought it was a jerk move and left the raid also. The GL lost it and guild kicked all of those who left the raid and that caused a chain reaction that led to the break of the guild a couple of days later (most of the people that left were core raiders). Sad really.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJoel

I'm sure there was more to it than a single /afk event. Now, I am not implying that the "more" part was his doing. It's possible that some influential guild "officer" didn't like him. Or maybe someone knew of another pally tank they wanted to bring in for whatever reason (and the whole new recruitment thing is just a guise). Many possibilities.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBeefeater

I've seen my friend kicked out a guild because the GL wanted them to donate a large amount of money to him (like enough for 2-3 epic flyers) so that the guild had a reserve of money, anyway, being the nice guy he is and that he had RIDICULOUS amounts of gold (been on since release) he did, and was immediately kicked. sucks to because someone ninja'd 2/3 of it the next day.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBaelstraz

The story I have is more about a leave rather than a kick but it was still fuckin stupid.

A guild I'm an officer in on the Sentinels RP server is linked with another guild via Guild2Guild addon. Thus, we can see what they're saying in their Guild Chat and vice versa. This other guild I mention is based around Christian themes but will allow anybody to join... because they're nice like that. So one night, some assmunch decides to turn griefer. The GM made an announcement for the new guys coming in that the guild was indeed Christian based. Then this butthead I'm talking about speaks up and says, "I will not be in a guild that believes in bullshit." and he left the guild without explanation.

He then joined my guild about a week or so later unbeknown (apparently) that we were linked with his former one. We clarified when he joined that we are not a Christian based guild but we are allied with one. Then he started talking shit so one of the other officers booted him.

A few days later, I was flying around and decided to advertise my guild in the Wetlands area. The second I did, I see the same douche pop up with "They are also allied with the fascist racist guild *notnamed*." As these false rumors spread, my guild ended up with one of the worst reputations on the server over complete and total bullshit.

What an ass. Needless to say, I hardly play on there anymore. I can barely withstand the drama.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZeo

I was in a group for TK (VR pug, happens a lot on my server. Lot of people good enough for it) and the group wasnt doing so well so well and most, if not all of the people in the pugging guild /gquit because of some stupid idiots in the group. Not really kicking them but almost same thing...almost.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRockeroad

I've seen some pretty idiotic people do stuff to get booted from guilds. Like sharing account information, and letting their friend be a complete jackass to the rest of the guild. Or taking stuff out of the guild bank w/o permission. Or just generally doing goofy things. One dude left our guild twice and came back (under much scrutiny) he left again under a cloud because he decided to talk poorly about the rest of the guild over a misunderstanding v.v

Another guy left my guild over Durnholde keep/Durn the hungerer. At like 1:30 AM One guy asked him to help with "Durn" he thought the elite. The other one was like sure I need a sec to help my wife, left their group because he didnt see them at Durn, then got told off by the other guy for leaving the group. It was the final straw (he had some issues about how we handled mats distribution with the bank) and the guy gquit right after

Ah well

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterOzzel's Cousin Fred

I was /gbooted because I had spoken up during a Kara Raid when the RL decided that raid rules only applied to some ppl and rather than followin the rules which would have given a T4 item to some1 who truly could have used it to replace his Green, gave it to some1 else for the betterment of the guild. Mind you the GL had stated in guild rules that "for the betterment of guild" would not be an excuse, and that any 1 person could only rcve 2 drops per Kara run. I had been with the GL thru several guilds and was booted for speakin up and tryin to take care of those who needed the help.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTwest

If they did that then he's better off looking for another guild. On his side it seems totally incomprehensible, and honestly on their side they've probably got some strange policy that "permits" this. Good luck to 'em.

Your guild has to have the similar values to your own, otherwise it will always be a drama. When in doubt speak up, and if that fails, gracefully leave.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered Commentertyphoonandrew

Well Some of these stories are quite elaberate and quite unique. My story is not as "Glamerous" or Complacated as some of these other stories. But there are 3 guilds on my server that i was in and got kicked for what i thought to be unfair and unreasonable. On my warrior, I was a tank for a guild called "Trinity". Currently a raiding guild but the GuildMaster is a hipocrit and also unwilling to help or assist anyone the her guild. Back about a year or so ago my tank warrior just hit 70 and i was working hard and doing my best to get blues and epics that would make me look and seem awsome, as i always wanted sense i was gazeing at level 70's when i was 50ish. The GM of the guild tells me i am to be the Main Tank for their First ever karazahn atempt, please note i was still in greens and blues and a defense rating of LOW! 455ish at the time. so i am not uncritable undergeared and such and the guild offered no assistance what so ever but they were the only decient one i had at the time. Now it was late the GM logged off and I was online with 2 other level 70's in the guild. A chat started up about the kara atempt comming soon and how we were all a little undergeared. I said a thing about the GM not helping not being helpful and not being of service to the guild. I log off, i log back on and im out of the guild, i go to the mail box check it, and then i have a letter from her saying "we have kicked you because u are off no use to us anymore" As if i was a tool or a meer item they needed.
The second story was about a guild called "Khaos Factor" with a hunter GM that was more helpful and much more fun. I was in that guild for a few weeks befor they kicked me for Swearing. Now I dont swear as much as I use to back then but stil, if it was such an issue they should of brought it to me, not talk descreatly in Officer chat. I had to continusly kiss up and toss fun and appologize for something that had either no involvment or no imput from my part. Finialy they kick me Because I moved my ALT out of the guild(at the time 53mage). I told a hunter that will remain nameless because i cant spell his name and he imo is a foul spirted person. They kick my Main*the now barely decient tank at the time* from the guild. i specific thing i ask the hunter to tell the GM is "I am not wanting my main to leave the guild just my alt.". He tells the GM that I hate them and never want to see their faces ever again. Now this is the funny part they readd me and then tell me im on probation for 2weeks and that i have to follow the rules they set out....
1. Be Nice
2. If u act mean or seem hurtful in anyway your out
3. be respectful
So for the next few hours that i am online 3 people openly insult me and Verbaly assult me for about 2 hours. Then I am talking to 2 different people both in Guild chat at the same time. then 1 person says something to me and me and this person are good friends so i say "Ahhh Shad up silly lol" to this person. and then they say that i am out and then kick me fo what i said to my friend. i try to explane it to them, but my complaint fell on deaf ears.

Thats My story, Not all my guilds but those are the most unfair ones imo.

-Osku dwarf warrior(tank) Shu'halo

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTeddy

never been booted from a guild and hope I never do. I've left one on good terms because RL got in the way of WoW and said I didn't know when I would start playing, so they should start looking for another nehunter. Guess I've been lucky, no drama here.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlicia

I have seen freinds get their toons kicked from guilds for having other toons in other guilds. The reasoning for this is weak at best and I think it's a really assanine practice that Blizz ought to crack down on. If you have toon you like to do PvP with, then you have that toon ask a PvP guild if it can be a member of it. If you have another toon that you like doing raids with, then you have that toon ask a raiding guild if it can be a member of it. What's the big deal? If a guild insists on a person having all of his toons be members of the guild, then the guild is crossing the line of being intrusive to that person's RL. Blizz designed the playing of WoW so that a toon is a member of a guild, not a person. All you over-zealous guild-masters and guild officers get a clue!

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZulatia

When i was lvling my lock, i didnt join a guild till lvl 30ish. mostly cause i heard of how much drama they can cause. well i decided 2 try one. Well when i was lvl 40ish i was able 2 run dm by myself, so i used it 2 get mats 4 enchnting so i could lvl it up. well i didnt have anything 2 enchant so i went into teh guild bank and took a couple of low lvl greens and put some decent enchants on tehm. then i put the items back. i come back teh next day and i was gkicked. i had a msg in my mailbox saying i ninjaed stuff form bank(a couple of the greens were mail which i couldnt use). I told tehm that i put them back in with enchants taht made them slightly better, and next thiing i know im on the ignore list. Later on while sitting in shatt i c some1 lf an enchanter 2 get some enchated mithril or something. I tell him ill do and meet up with him. He asks me if i know a good guild. I had recently joind a nice lvling guild which was very helpfull and friendly. i tell him about the guild and he tells me he was kicked out of teh same guild i was 4 taking things out of teh guild bank that the gl told him 2 take out. he told them this and let him back in but later tehy removed his rank of officer cause they didnt want 2 many, and made some1 else who hadnt been in the guild near as long an officer. Not only that but teh guild bank had 4slots that could only b accesed by officers or higher. so it was basiclly an extra bank 4 teh top 4people in the guild. So the person i was helping quite. A couple months later i was sitting around trying 2 find a group 4 a tempest keep dungeon 2 get some rep. i get into a group and one of the people was from the that infamous guild. i decied 2 look the other way and just go with them. We hit the 1st boss and it drops a blue no1 wants i hit greed 2 de and they the guy freaks on me 4 doing so. i tell him i can de and he calms a bit, this is when i get a msg asking me 2 come do kara(at teh time i hadnt been able 2 do much and kara and jumped at teh chacne 2 go) i tell tehm i have 2 leave and tell tehm 2 roll on shard. i wi the roll so i say bye and leave group. i get a msg from the guild tard saying that is y i was kicked from the guild i was a ninja looter, i tell him about how i enchated teh things i took out and how other people had same problem as me and he puts me on ignore. i try 2 send him teh shard if it menat taht much 2 him but he just sent it back.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAzianJoeNad

I was in this guild for a couple of weeks, and they needed me for the guild, was tk/ssc geared, and it was a kara guildm but an rl friend was in the guild. So im running kara, letting the other pally healer roll on all the items even if i coulda used 1 or 2 of them, right b4 aran i get a call, my dads cancer went terminal overnight, so first thing i do, i tell them the situation, log off, and go to the hospital, so later when the visiting hours were over, i went bak home, logged on wow, and was gkicked for leaving halfway thru a kara run...

imo thats the most BS of them all...

August 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZolderan

Got kicked for not getting along with the GL's friend.

August 21, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterVoydhunter

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