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Why I Will Never Be Fully Immersed In Azeroth

I almost got picked off by a Warrior biking into work today.The picture really says it all. Garbage, waste, refuse, rubbish, whatever you want to call it - Azeroth does not have it. I am from the city of the most murders in 2007 brotherly love and here we have tons of it. Come garbage day it gets worse, as cans are knocked, dumped or blown over causing the streets to become even more cluttered. But head to Azeroth and you see nothing of the sort.

Azeroth and Outlands are spic and span, yet you never see an Ironforge Sanitation Engineer. Why is that? True, there is no gum to spit on the ground inside World of Warcraft, but there certainly is a lot of vendor trash. All those vendors can't possibly keep everything to themselves!

At this point in my life I am so used to trash being everywhere that it has become a staple of living in the city. But why isn't it around for my digital self? Here is what I think the Horde and Alliance does with their waste. Instead of ruining the glaciers of Northrend by burning the rubbish, we Azerothians recycle the trash into our most commonly used abilities. Here's what the tooltips should really say:

Warrior's Charge/Intercept Stun: Warrior sprints at the target, throwing a pile of glass and nails at their feet causing them to ignore everything else as they attempt to maneuver the danger.

Druid's Entangle: Druid throws down a pile of brush, tripping up the target. Can spec for added damage by including discarded needles in the organic matter.

Rogue's Kidney Punch: Rogue swings a discarded tire at the target, rendering them unconscious. Duration dependent upon object's size. Added damage if the tire is filled with mosquito larvae.

Hunter's Distracting Shot: Hunter throws a pile of trash right in front of the target, causing them to become distracted by disbelief.

Priest's Psychic Scream: Priest pulls a gun from a storm drain and screams "Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot". Yes Stallone, I went there.

I am sure our community can add some creative ones to the list.

Reader Comments (27)

Hmm I think this is a 'trying too hard to make an article' article.

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZaffe

I just thought they burned all the waste. You always see smoke pouring out of chimneys, yet all the trees in Azeroth remain in place...so it much be the garbage.

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTommyC

I think all the trash talking makes up for it.

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered Commenteramberella

Bah the alt text isn't working. I actually took that picture on the way in today, that's what spurred the article.

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenteriTZKooPA

hmm waisted article in my opinion : /

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNick

This gave me something to read. Mission accomplished. Don't understand why people have to leave a comment if they don't have anything nice to say though...

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaun

Wasted article? Hardly. The Rogue's Kidney Punch was hilarious.

I agree with TommyC on the burning. I think the Goblins buy trash from the Ally and sell it to the Orcs for fuel.

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGreg

"Don’t understand why people have to leave a comment if they don’t have anything nice to say though..."

It's called criticism, people like me leave comments like this because we don't want to see the front page of one of our visited sites with pointless news articles like "there should be rubbish in World of Warcraft". He's a new writer so I'm assuming he's trying to be funny, trying to impress people, and trying to be original. It's not working. It's pointless. My case closed.

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZaffe

PS: If the point of the 'comments' system was to 'only post nice things' then I could write an article saying "America Sucks" (example..) and ONLY nice comments were allowed. Wrong.

The point of the comments system is for people to COMMENT on an article. If they don't like the article, then they can state it.

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZaffe

Well, for the record, I found the article amusing. I particularly liked the line: "Duration dependent upon object’s size." It was a good chuckle.

To answer the author's question about why there is little waste (beyond the fact that the developers saw no need to put it in) my thought is this: World of Warcraft takes place in a fantasy world that is very much styled like the medieval times of Earth (sans the whole Outlands thing which got way to Sci-Fi for me) Swords, armor, castles and the like. In those times there was very little trash. Nothing went to waste, everything was used till it turned to dirt. Our characters may flaunt around with tons of possessions but I think it's safe to assume that the average Azerothian is not a hero like us and that their presence is implied even though you mostly see heroes around the auction houses and banks.

Anyways, it makes Azeroth a fantasy world in more than one way. Not only is it fictional, but in some ways it is ideal. If only we were as efficient with our possessions as the people of Azeroth (or our medieval ancestors) are. There would be a lot fewer problems in this world.

Or maybe all the tinkering gnomes and goblins ship the waste by tram and blimp to Ironforge where it's tossed into the giant lava hole.

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeremy

One problem with that idea Jeremy, if you don't recall that the Midevil ages had a ton of... shit... literally on the ground. There was HEAPS of stuff on the ground, making the City of Brotherly Love look like a walk in the park. Its thought that the Mysterious Sweat Sickness, that they still don't know what its called, of King Henry the Eighth's time was founded purely in the filth of that time. I don't think that's the answer, but good shot. ^^

I dunno, I think that WoW designers just didn't put it in there. That or I agree that the Ogre's burn it. That would make sense. I feel bad for you iTZKooPA, I'm lucky to live in Austin, TX, where its really very clean.

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAlicia

Why don't you wonder why there are no toilets in wow?everyone must have serious stomach cramps from keeping that all up for 2.5years or have max size diapers

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterReyson

There are toilets, outhouses actually. Not many, but they're around. Some are even involved in quests :). And Mr. Zaffe kid, you're not a critic. Unless you're paying for it, don't complain about it.

August 19, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShaun

Actually, the people of Azeroth are very messy and leave trash lying around wherever they please. How do you think those large buzzards and mangy wolves get a hold of a good chunk of it?

*Mangy Wolf sniffs at Eroded Mail Bracers*
*Mangy Wolf eats Eroded Mail Bracers*
*RandomToon defeats Mangy Wolf*
*RandomToon receives Eroded Mail Bracers*

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterClaxo

its the Gold Farmers

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterShadowxx

One explanation is:
They dumb all their waste in The Maelstrom, why else would the naga be so cranky about us?

And the land of Azeroth is not that clean, you go to Westfall, there's smog or dust or whatever it is all over the place. Reminds me of China, where the sun hardly shines and there's exhaust smoke everywhere, and it's hot. This may due to the fact that some of the trash is thrown to the volcanoes (which also makes Ragnaros mad), where all the broken magic wands and poisonus mushrooms fuses and rise to the air as a smoke of "radioactiveLY waste".

You can see these waste's effects from like, looking at The Barrens, and Westfall. Have SEEN a boar walking without it's liver? OR a headless Raptor? A running Zehvra WITHOUT Hooves? This is the result of the mutation of what we do.

And also, about Zaffe's "critisism":
There are many kinds of critisism, but yours is called Destructive critisism, which can be defined as this:

Destructive criticism is intended to harm someone, derogate and destroy someone’s creation, prestige, reputation and self-esteem on whatever level it might be.

This may be done intentionally or out of sheer IGNORANCE and FOOLISHNESS.

Often destructive criticism comes from persons who are ENVIOUS, CRUEL and those who judges in fields which are not their own.

And yes, Koopa's post IS original and also amusing if you interpret it right. Now how can you "waste" a post when there's no limit on how many you can make? If you say things like "waste of my precious time" then I can shut up.

And I assume that you're just pissed off about the next episode is to be release on friday, so you come here just to find that Project Lore people have not done anything else than to post 2 blogs, and you have to take your anger on someone.

End of story.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

sorry, didn't really follow this...

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered Commentervenom709

If you wanted to get that real about something that is fantasy...then you could argue the point of say a quest that has you kill someone and take their head to end their rule of tyranny. You do it and yet see no reward no change....why? Everyone else is doing the same thing...confusing?? No, I think something like this is taking the game idea to far and "wondering" about nonsense.

Just my opinion..not a criticism.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterValaar

I found this blog amusing, but don't you think its a trifle over exaggerated there are worser places i mean try London lol sucks and the "Rogue’s Kidney Punch" made me roll over with laughter thanks for a good read.

P.S Critics are just arrogant jackasses that really have no idea what they are talking about so forget what they say lol (sticks tongue out to Zaffe)

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnanun

"P.S Critics are just arrogant jackasses that really have no idea what they are talking about"

You are never going to get anywhere in life with that attitude. That attitude says basically that "you're always right", because all of your critics "have no idea what they're talking about". What a silly statement that was.

Some real idiots on here that are raging because their post got a bit of criticism for being stupid and pointless, I am allowed to criticize that I don't want pointless articles like this on the project lore front page. That is my point, that is all. Why don't we make Zaffe a writer for Project Lore so he can talk all about how there is no cars in World of Warcraft. Yes, that article sounds awesome doesn't it...............

Agree with Valaar.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterZaffe

I think it would be cool when you die or kill someone the body should stay around for a few days, so the land would be littered with dead bodies.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterGrido

What a load of rubbish...

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNiimrod

I loved this post rofl
Here is a paladin one

Conescration: Throws a bag of year trash on the ground exploding in the process. Causes damage to lungs over period of 10 seconds. Damage depends on how old the Trash is.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterArmadyl

bag of trash, not bag of year trash lol**

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterArmadyl

@Alicia (scroll way up), I don't recall the middle ages because I never lived there. I'll go a bit off topic to defend a subject I've studied much of my life. The idea that the middle ages were a filthy time is a drastic exaggeration created by Hollywood. A majority of the European population lived in rural areas and shat in the woods. Medieval people had a similar aversion to poo that we have today. They may not have been aware of tiny molecules spreading disease, but they knew what substances in nature were dangerous to be around. They stink for a reason.

August 20, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJeremy

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