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Arthas Menethil - The Betrayer

Blizzard debuted the Wrath of the Lich King cinematic trailer during last week's Leipzig Games Convention to much discussion. Many, yours truly included, felt that it was lacking something. At the same time, others enjoyed how Blizzard "hid" the lore by not explaining it during the video but eluding to the backstory. Either way, just about everyone loved the animation and art.

Surely, not everyone is a lore nut and therefore may not know what Arthas is doing in Northrend, or simply forgot. Today we will add a little lore to ProjectLore with a quick re-cap of Arthas and his ascension as the new Lich king.

Prince Arthas was first introduced to the Warcraft univserse with the release of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. Blizzard's third RTS in the series revolved around the return of the Burning Legion to the land and the four races' attempts to stop them. Arthas begins his career as a Knight of the Silver Hand by defending Strahnbrad before moving onto Stratholme. His actions in Stratholme mark the beginning of his turn, as he purges the town of its people in an attempt to stave off the plague.

With Kel'Thuzad, the plague bringer, dead, Arthas pursues Mal'Ganis into Northrend where he and Muradin Bronzebeard find Frostmourne. In his final conversation with Muradin, Arthas explains that "I would gladly bear any curse to save my homeland!" shortly before a powerful explosion shatters the ice surrounding the sword, wounding Muradin. With Frostmourne in hand Arthas seeks revenge upon Mal'Ganis. Striking the dreadlord down before he returns to Lordaeron. To kill his father.

Now corrupted, following the bidding of Tichondrius, hearing the Lich King's sweet nothings and lacking a soul, Arthas began performing unthinkable acts. For months he carried out Tichondrius' bidding, including exhuming the corpse of Kel'Thuzad, and obtaining a magical urn for his body. An urn protected by his former mentor Uther the Lightbringer and one that possessed his father's ashes. Without remorse, the former Prince dispatched of his mentor and discarded the last remains of King Terenas Menethil II.

The Death Knight proceeded to resurrect Kel'Thuzad as a powerful lich after destroying Silvermoon and plundering the Sunwell for its power. With his resurrection complete, Kel'Thuzad tells Arthas of the Lich King's full plan. The pair sought the Book of Medivh and succeeded in summoning Archimonde to their lands. The demon - not knowing their plan - disregarded the pair, allowing them to meet with Archimonde's enemies. Arthas located the recently freed Illidan Stormrage and divulged the secret to Archimonde's demise, the Skull of Gul'dan.

Arthas made his return shortly after the combined forces of the Night Elves, Humans, and Orcs defeated Archimonde. Archimonde's remaining three dreadlords realized that the Lich King's power was waning and moved to seek their revenge. Thanks to Kel'Thuzad, Arthas narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by his former aide, Sylvanas Windrunner. The ordeal left Arthas shaken and the Lich King called him to protect The Frozen Throne in Northrend.

After being saved by Anub'arak, the former king of Azjol-Nerub, the pair ventured towards the Icecrown Glacier via the remains of Azjol-Nerub. During their descent into the caves they first claimed the treasures of Sapphiron and after his defeat, Arthas managed to raise him once again as a powerful frost wyrm. Then, they were confronted by the remaining forces of Muradin, led by Baelgun. After dispatching of the dwarves, the team ran into the legendary race known as the Faceless Ones before managing to reach the Upper Kingdom. Arthas' forces clashed with Illidan's as he attempted to open the path to The Frozen Throne. Upon starting his ascent he was greeted by Illidan.

Arthas quickly dispatched the demon-infused elf and so he climbed the icy stairs to receive the Lich King's armor. With a powerful cry Arthas shattered the throne and claimed the helm of the Lich King. The act merged the soul of Arthas with that of the Lich King. Ner'Zhul and Arthas became one and await you in Icecrown Glacier.

For more information on Arthas check out his WoWWiki page or the plot's to Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne.

Reader Comments (14)

Great recap on what happened with Arthas guys.
Too bad you had to name the article: Arthas Menethil - The Betrayer, because The Betrayer is the name Illidan bears.
For all the people who liked the story of Arthas watch your local bookstore for the next two years because there will be a complete novel about the life of Arthas
http://www.wowwiki.com/Arthas_%28novel%29" rel="nofollow">Arthas

August 25, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterpalanub

i loved the cima

August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterClorfex

you know what I never understood, why dear dads urn HAD to be used for kel'thuzad. I'm sure it's prolly rubbing his face in it I guess but seriously, there are no other urns the wacraft universe?

August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBaelstraz

Yea the reception of the cinematic trailer can go many different ways but we can all agree it had the breathtaking visuals we've come to expect from Blizzard.

August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterEcco

Absolutely breathtaking!

August 25, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterSteve B

For people that already played WC3, they know the whole story right now, and those who played the frozen throne expansion pack, they know how ARTHAS BECAME THE LICH KING! (evil laugh)

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterPooned

"By Baelstraz on Monday, August 25th, 2008 at 5:24 pm

you know what I never understood, why dear dads urn HAD to be used for kel’thuzad. I’m sure it’s prolly rubbing his face in it I guess but seriously, there are no other urns the wacraft universe?"

It was because Kel'Thuzad's remains were in a bad condition, due to the fact that it was stored badly. They needed an urn good enough that would store the remains perfectly, and of course the best urn is the one used by the king himself.

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

If we go far back into the Warcraft history, then we'll notice that everything is linked together somehow, and I am always amazed on how much effort people have put into this story.

For example, let's have a simple "This lead to this happening" craft:

The Titans, mighty "Gods" who went from universe to universe, shaping planets, sent Sargeras to kill the demons in the universes.
As Sargeras kills the unending waves of demons,but when faced the dreadlords, he became badly corrupted, finally driven mad, releasing the demons he had captured, and froming the Burning Legion.
Sargeras gives immense powers to two of his liutenants:
Archimonde and Kil'Jaeden.
Kil'Jaeden corrupts the orcs, and creates the Lich King from Ner'Zul.

And let's not forget that Lady Vashj, Kael'Thas Sunstrider, and Illidan Stromrage also worked under Kil'Jaeden.

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRugi

ProjectLore - I love your site. The vids are great and the posts are awesome, but you need to have better editors. Who is "Illian Stormrage"? typo's ftl.

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterWhytebread

Whytebread, you should see the ones that don't make it through :)

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterProject Lore Editor

I still don't understand how Arthas beat Illidan. The first time they fought they we're an even fight and that was before Illidan consumed the Skull of Gul'dan.

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterNick E

Nick E as a answer to your post i can only say:
if u play the game (frozen throne expansion to WC3) just shortly before they fight the lich king gave much of his remaining power to Arthas in a desperate attempt to save himself.

August 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDD

In regard to Nick E's post:

Say that person A and person B are equals at fighting. But are they infallible? Nope. Anyone can make a mistake, such as leaving an opening for your foe to take advantage of. Such was the case with Arthas and Illidan at the end of W3: TFT.

If you're still in doubt, I suggest you go look up the cinematic on YouTube and watch it. Might settle the issue for you.

August 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

your site is great!

November 2, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterworld of warcarft

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