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To Live And Die In Azeroth

As I've said earlier, I've been bringing my alts, a druid and a priest, up to (hopefully) level 60. Currently, you can find them in STV leveling. It is very annoying, but it's hard to ignore the number of quests there. The pages quest ended up giving me about 32,000 xp at level 37. That's a lot considering all I had to do was get some pages out of the guild bank. I'll probably leave the area when I finish this stupid crystal quest to find a new hang out. Stupid goblins.

Other than the massive amount of XP I'm getting, not much has changed in STV. It is still gank central, which is one of the reasons I'm going to leave for a few levels. I'm not the best dual-boxer in the world, far from it. So whenever anything happens to my priest, I either use Power Word: Shield then heal or just fear. That's the extent of what I can do. I don't have any hotkeys set up for offensive spells. So if anyone targets my priest, he goes down quickly unless I can manage to get whatever it is to attack my druid. It's fun with mobs when there are fewer than 4 of them, but not so much with other players. I am just terrible at defending myself against pretty much anyone, which is too bad. My abilities basically extend to logging on Juggy to take out the stupid, stupid horde. I guess I could use a few tips from anyone out there with druid, priest, or dual box experience. I feel so helpless!

Reader Comments (13)

good luck with the crystal quest man also FIRST (I think)

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBaelstraz

yes first :D

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBaelstraz

Rofl u were 1st at the same time! xD
on my server alliances are total tards and they gank everything that moves.. when i was lvling my druid alt in STV, there was even a 5 man party with pvpgear ganking lower lvls.. cmon how weak can u get? Instead of doing some world pvp in Outland (which they prolly suck at and therefore go gank) they spend their time killing innocent lower levels over and over again.. ty alliance (it's not only in STV too tho :( )

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterJosh

which is why I love PvE horde

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBaelstraz

I'm leveling up a druid on your server right now...So I wouldn't be surprised if I ran into you soon.

As for tatics for playing as a druid, I would say against mobs just get in bear form and growl/challenging roar them off the priest. Against players I would Root and run if they are too high of a level and if they aren't then just make sure your priest is healing you and you should be good to go...Seeing as how Druids own!

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterClawtrocity

I deal with the same BS in Quel Danas while I'm just trying to dailies, get my money and finish as quickly as possible because dailies are boring to me. Rogues keep ganking me as 2/48/17 and I couldn't do much to defend my self since once I use all my cds and I was at 50% health cause I killed like 10 mobs the rogues would spring and kill me soon. After a week I was really really tired of this, so I made some netherweave nets and switched to 40/21/0 or 33/27/0 I forget and I also got my friends mage to do the same, so then we both did dailies together, OMG we would pwn everyone we'd see that pwned us before. True we wouldn't be hypocrits and gank everyone we see, we're honorable so we wait till they heal up then 1shot them. Also a hunter surprisingly attacked me with my cd up....not too clever

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAquavendor

for a priest you can just mind control him and do some crazy stuff, for a druid just hurricane heal up then attack

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAquavendor


He's level 37 so when someone level ?? attacks it doesn't help "hurricane" (hope u mean cyclone) and heal up..

My suggestion is that you make a panic button, that entangles with ur druid and fears with your priest. If the player is a lot higher level one is bound to fail. Then run, repeat if he catches up. Or simply go into stealth with the druid sneak away and sacrafice the priest when the ganker is gone use CR (20 min cd :S), it's not flawless but should result in less downtime.

August 26, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBullkathos

Cyclone is only available for druids at lvl 70 and hurricane at lvl 40, but i don't see how hurricane can keep you alive when you get ganked.

August 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterDroes

I meant entangling roots sorry

August 27, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterAquavendor

my main is a priest and i just didnt bother with stv its way to anoying. i just did SM till i was 40 the went to tanaris it was so much easyer.

August 28, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterthegoatrider

Are you trying too hard to make lots of articles or its just me?

September 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterThuzar

Good luck on that stupid crystal quest. I finally finished it last night (netted me lvl 40) but man....it took 2 straight days of killing goblins to complete. Not to mention it took almost 2 hours for one of them to finally drop the 10th one. I was cross-eyed when all was said and done.

September 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMolokai

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