Project Lore WotLK Beta Week 1 Wrap Up

Project Lore WotLK Beta 1.1
Project Lore WotLK Beta 1.2
Project Lore WotLK Beta 1.3
Project Lore WotLK Beta 1.4
Project Lore WotLK Beta 1.5
Project Lore WotLK Beta 1.6 (Wrap-Up)
Some big news has also been coming out of the official site, with PvE to PvP transfers available, a new patch available for downloading, and new Bind to Account items.
In addition, we introduced Random Heroes, a new WoW web comic that we'll be bringing to you every week. Also, don't forget to keep trying to find Juggynaut. Send in your images of Juggy wherever you find him. SaintGermain also has more Life Lessons that WoW can teach us all.
Lastly, head to the Lore Store to get one of the awesome T-Shirts we have available!
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Reader Comments (14)
you guys did a good job, grats on the gloves dorkins, FIRST!!!!!!!!
Another great episode, I am loving all the new content. Can't wait to see what is revealed next week.
Didn't see the Rick Roll coming :P what is she gonna do next time? xD
You guys were a little too carefull on all the trash but that's okay on new content.
Just remember Prince = Male, Princess = Female.
Stop calling the boss a she :P.
Dude i really appreciate how indepth you guys are going. This is the best site for wow videos ive seen that you dont have to download. Plus you guys are pretty funny which helps! Please keep up the great work myself and the rest of the non beta 'ers love seeing this stuff!!
seeing the new wrath stuff is awesome! you guys getting excited about all the new stuff makes me even more excited to run 5 mans with my buddy's and play around with all the new talents.
i hope you have some more 15min long episodes i was loving every second of it.
looking forward to next week :D!!!
Awesome episode, nice to see the guys working out problems themselves instead of having something already out there to go by.
Although the rickroll was a little funny, it's a bit old. ;P
That was awesome. The rick toll at the end was EPIC. Well done. hit me up
Prestonsmith-Cairne Alliance
Great episode guys, loved it, cant wait to try WoTLK, Juggy's elemental talent makes me drool everytime he uses it =D, Keep on the good work
P.s.- Rick Astley FTW
Ugh, Alexis back to her cringe worthy self again
Alexis did much better this time. Stop whining
Good job up to the first boss guys. Keep it up.
Vampvamp you random fuck, it's a valid point. She just doesn't look right in these wrap ups. She looks far too much like she's TRYING to be funny, which is never funny.
How many can complain about...
there always showing those pple
y zoom out when there picture is on the screen
i cant see the spells on the tank and on the mob
and one last thing MOVE IT ALONG
hey guys. ive loved your show from the begining. this just made it even more epic. but what would really be awesome is if you showed us some death knight game play.
I just got into the Beta this week. I can't wait to start hitting these dungeons too!